Looking killer bro (RM)..
Now which strain is that in the middle that's changing color alittle
*Side note my Blueberry Yum Yum's I noticed last night just b4 lights out that all but 1 has the blue hues going on!
I hope they all go as blue as the 1 pictured on google when searching for BBY.. Man that would be the shit!! I had started all these for my Mother awhile back bc she LOVED anything blueberry! Well she ended up getting sick about a month ago and passed away.
Found out she was in stage 4 cancer out of the blue. Lasted 2 weeks after we all found out.
Anyways, I figured I would grow them on out. Another good friend and soon to business partner (Stew) has the same strain and crossed it x's his Bluedream. He is planning on naming the cross after my Mother.
I thought that was cool as shit of him.