Raidermans Grow


Well-Known Member
I looked at the plug close up and its brown in color with white paint on it partially where someone started painting it then didn't finish,lol,looks like its burnt tho but its not.
I had to replace one that turned cherry red. It was in the hallway outside of a grow....whoa! Scary ish back ATB!


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah basements are the shit. Mine stays about 75 during the summer but that bitch gets humid as fuck! Thats what weve been lookin for and i think weve just about found it. Gotta buy some 2x4s and some more b&w poly.


Well-Known Member
I love my basement, and its one of the things that has made moving really hard. My wife doesn't want me to use a spare bedroom, unless maybe we were in a legal state. So everytime we look for a house it HAS to have a basement cus I'm not gonna stop growing anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
I love my basement, and its one of the things that has made moving really hard. My wife doesn't want me to use a spare bedroom, unless maybe we were in a legal state. So everytime we look for a house it HAS to have a basement cus I'm not gonna stop growing anytime soon.
I hear ya bro...I don't have to have mylar or poly wrap actually jus good plug ins and space.


Well-Known Member
I dig that GDP, gettin some nice color. I'm gonna have to get a pic of it, one of my platinum delights is getting some nice purple to it!


Well-Known Member
post it here if yu want would like to see it ,may look into some ,,yeah man that gdp smells like grape turpentine,fumey as can get,my friends will smell me before I get there,lol.


Well-Known Member
lol yure rite,i'm low on smoke presently..some purps and dark blues coming out in some bb.its impossible to get a good closeup with the cam but will try wen theres more dank coming out.


Well-Known Member
looking great man! lots of color coming out in that! I am disappointed my purple dreams aren't turning...I know they can to as I have seen them go wicked colors.


Well-Known Member
thx man,,I saw a purple dream in seed form the other day,may give those a run...all the bb doin well and will run them again soon ,gdp needed more veg time or would have done better.


Well-Known Member
Yea I am honestly not very pleased anymore with the PD. Last year it came out so fucking good, rock hard, massive yeilds (over 1 lb a plant), crazy colors. This year I won't/haven't even seen 3/4 lb per plant. And the nugs came out fluffy and 0 colors. All the guys that saw it last year and this year don't even believe its the same plant, except the taste and smell is the same. I have one little clone that's in sorry shape left of the purple dream in veg, and to be honest, If it dies I am not tripping. Even my indoor ones have really started to show lack of luster. I stopped taking pics of it to lol. That's how disappointing it is...don't even wanna show it off.