There was a thread here on RIU started by the creator of Super Coco, he listed all the ingredients to make it, and it was very close to the super soil recipe. But without any peat, and coco used instead. The other main difference was the Coco was made to be used straight out of the bag, where SS needs to be cut by around a 1/3 to almost 1/2. The mods here thought he was a little too commercial, and pulled the thread, even though he was offering free bags for testers. He set up on another forum but I can't remember where. I wish it was more concentrated so I could cut it with 30% perlite and run it in a hempy. I may give it a try over a perlite rez.
Would be interesting to not have to mix up nutrients for the entire life cycle. I just wonder how do you tailor your different salt concentrations for different phases of growth? Do you just adjust pH up or down depending on what nutrients you want to be taken up?
Ive found myself using more and more soil with my hempies...always a perlite/rock wool/hydroton reservoir ...but this run is mostly soil up top. Seems to be a working combination for me. I don't need to even feed for the first few weeks and after that it doesn't seem to matter if I adjust pH as long as I'm in a normal range. Growth isn't as extreme as NFT but it's fast enough that I've no plans to set up active hydro. Hempy has to be the easiest route that is still quite effective.
I know it sound counter intuitive to involve soil in hempy's but I haven't found a drawback yet. Now Shiva if you want to take your current setup straight to ph adjusted water only, give CRF's a try, Here's my current at day 50 went with to my fav mix, Osmocote 14-14-14 with a little OC+ for the micros.
The Room

The Maui Wowie is in the lower left and is still real green, most likely because it's in a 3.5 gal bucket, and should have vegged it at least a wk more. Plus historically it a plant that just won't give up.
The Bay 11's showing fall colors, a lot of purple showing up this run, most likely due to the cooler temps I can maintain now. Warmest temp I've seen in the last couple of weeks. I pulled the glass off my hood and shut off the exhaust fans a few wks back.

You may have noticed the tip burn here and there. It comes from adding a PK boost, to help fatten the buds, it's not from the OC.