
sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
My question is how well does ONA work? My current grow room is very big, about 15x30x10 which would come out to 4500 cubic feet. i havent used any type of odor control before but it is becoming more of a necessity now that i am going to be growing on a constant basis (before i was only growing sporadically as i set up my new grow area)

im thinking that i would need a pretty big inline fan and carbon filter for a large room like this, but i dont have the money to invest right now, so im thinking about just going with an ONA block for a while. i am only going to be growing about 2-3 plants at a time, but wonder really how effective ONA would be.

outside of ONA are there any other cheap meathods you guys can recommend? i want to stay under $50 right now:peace: thanks


Well-Known Member
i have ONA and it is a good supplement then a complete fix, i grow 2 plants

the smell hasn't gotten terrible but im ready to carbon fliter it soon

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
i have ONA and it is a good supplement then a complete fix, i grow 2 plants

the smell hasn't gotten terrible but im ready to carbon fliter it soon
yeah thats sort of what i thought, im sort of worried too that the smell of the ONA will draw as much attention as the smell of pot (if im not mistaken doesnt ONA have its own smell in addition to neutralizing the pot smell)

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Build yourself an cheap ona scrubber------DIY style---------

Purchase the big bucket of ona/ find a cheap fan that has the removable two-piece shroud----mount the fan(air going into bucket) with duct tape. then drill 1/2 inch holes all around top of bucket----plug-it-in----------------turn-it-on-------------ona scrubber!!!:mrgreen:

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
Clean linen smell---very nice and it does work well...
actually that would work very well:mrgreen: my room is right next to my laundry room!

Build yourself an cheap ona scrubber------DIY style---------

Purchase the big bucket of ona/ find a cheap fan that has the removable two-piece shroud----mount the fan(air going into bucket) with duct tape. then drill 1/2 inch holes all around top of bucket----plug-it-in----------------turn-it-on-------------ona scrubber!!!:mrgreen:
thats a very interesting idea i have to give you rep on that one +1


Well-Known Member
yeah i have a mini ona scrubber, look in my grow journal under the last few days, its made with a tuperware container and a computer fan

however even with the ona scrubber, id still say you need some sort of carbon

when i got it i liked the smell, but my other roommates found it really industrial, it wasn't bad, just wasn't like a 'clean' smell

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
yeah i have a mini ona scrubber, look in my grow journal under the last few days, its made with a tuperware container and a computer fan

however even with the ona scrubber, id still say you need some sort of carbon

when i got it i liked the smell, but my other roommates found it really industrial, it wasn't bad, just wasn't like a 'clean' smell
did you get the clean linen ona or just the standard?


Well-Known Member
for that space, you need a professional carbon filter, ona won't do much for that space, you'll end up using a few hundred dollars of ona gel/ liquid in a few months. It pays to buy a carbon filter.Remember no smell, no sell, no tell!


Well-Known Member
My question is how well does ONA work? My current grow room is very big, about 15x30x10 which would come out to 4500 cubic feet. i havent used any type of odor control before but it is becoming more of a necessity now that i am going to be growing on a constant basis (before i was only growing sporadically as i set up my new grow area)

im thinking that i would need a pretty big inline fan and carbon filter for a large room like this, but i dont have the money to invest right now, so im thinking about just going with an ONA block for a while. i am only going to be growing about 2-3 plants at a time, but wonder really how effective ONA would be.

outside of ONA are there any other cheap meathods you guys can recommend? i want to stay under $50 right now:peace: thanks
I believe you want all the air in the room exchanged in 5 min or less. Thats usually the general rule of thumb. Anyways with those measurements, you would require a 900 cfm fan to exchange all the air in 5 min. 4500cub feet/5 min = 900. Why such a large area for only 2-3 plants? Suggest mayb close off corner of room, closet, something, to keep smell to minimum, that way its easier controlled.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
any ideas on what cfm it would take for that size of a room to be effective?
Get the 1 gallon pail of ona gel-----------------get a cheap fan that you can duck tape to the top-----------drill the holes and turn it on------you can do this project under the budget you have----50.00---I think you will be surprised.