
sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
I believe you want all the air in the room exchanged in 5 min or less. Thats usually the general rule of thumb. Anyways with those measurements, you would require a 900 cfm fan to exchange all the air in 5 min. 4500cub feet/5 min = 900. Why such a large area for only 2-3 plants? Suggest mayb close off corner of room, closet, something, to keep smell to minimum, that way its easier controlled.
hmm... didnt know that rule of thumb but i had assumed that you would probably want the air turned over in a pretty short amount of time, so i was a little surprised with the 170 cfm. that is the only room that i have available right now and boxing out a section of it wont be possible at the moment, i am actually setting up a cab about 2x4x5 but it wont be ready till my next grow. i may just have to breakdown and go ahead and just buy a fan/filter combo and maybe supplement it as best as possible with ONA.