Well-Known Member
I like your interpretation and find that it wouldnt be a bad argument. Issue being the limits were set even though it is contradictory wording.Michigan criminal law (section 8 ) specifically states an uninterrupted supply and I would argue intentionally does not reference the 12 plant/2.5 oz limits of the MMMP administrative/Michigan civil law (section 4) because it is clearly not reasonable.
Any thoughts on why/how local LEO went to a federal criminal court to obtain these warrants? IMO It's a special kind of corruption that funds this machine and by no means is such a victim-less crime, willful/malicious Entrapment at best.
How the Feds get in on this? I can only speculate I know of two ways. A state law enforcement can request federal help in an investigation for one. The second being if these individuals conducting ANYTHIN that can be construed as interstate commerce, banking, using a credit card or pretty much any finacial transaction. Feds can be involved even if only state charges are brought.
Yes its a racket, especially the seizure laws.