Thank you tea party patriots!


Well-Known Member
so health care costs are steady, but premiums continue to go up and insurers think blaming the PPACA is credible?

only about 47% of the population will buy that doozy.
It doesn't matter that Obama promised everybody's health care costs to go down on average of $2500? It's perfectly ok if Obama is a liar? No problem at all? At this point we should all be used to watching our piece of shit president lie through his teeth?


Well-Known Member
[h=1]Obamacare's Website Is Crashing Because It Doesn't Want You To Know How Costly Its Plans Are[/h]


Well-Known Member
The left sees the world as they want it to be. When reality smacks them in the face, it's fun to watch.


Well-Known Member
CBS now claims that Obama is headed for a "credibility death spiral"



Well-Known Member
Nah, Obama supporters don't pay attention to anything they don't want to see. Everyone else already knew he was a liar. (hint: Tony Rezko)


Well-Known Member
Obamacare necessity demonstration staged during Obama speech



Well-Known Member
Right. The older generation seems to have it all figured out. They outsourced all our jobs, ran up massive debts, started unnecessary wars, fought against equal rights for gey people, destroyed the environment, etc. Yeah, pardon me if I don't turn to that generation for wisdom.
don't forget their birth control methods..aspirin between your knees..for rape? problem..your body just secretes a little something else "because it knows":lol::wall:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
don't forget their birth control methods..aspirin between your knees..for rape? problem..your body just secretes a little something else "because it knows":lol::wall:
Since you appear to be against rape, which is a good thing. Why are you okay with other kinds of force applied to peaceful people against their will?


Well-Known Member
Since you appear to be against rape, which is a good thing. Why are you okay with other kinds of force applied to peaceful people against their will?
we live in a society where there are rules and regulations that "we the people vote on" as a whole hence, democracy..if you are unhappy with the current administration, you can do just what the president suggested..VOTE your people in..until then STFU..have a nice day:smile:


Well-Known Member
theres already not enough taxpayers.

and the write offs for business are expenses (including payroll, facilities, fuel, etc, which we mere mortals cannot deduct) and losses due to bad investments (which we mere mortals cannot deduct either) and of course the deliberate tax shelters and depreciation of assets (even if the asset has not depreciated in any way except on paper)
all pubster derived..they don't pay anywhere near their proportionate share:

1. separation of church and state - tax churches
2. uncap social security contributions
3. regulation on offshore
4. re-vamp tax code (every CPA in america wants's broken)

there would be plenty of revenue


New Member
we live in a society where there are rules and regulations that "we the people vote on" as a whole hence, democracy..if you are unhappy with the current administration, you can do just what the president suggested..VOTE your people in..until then STFU..have a nice day:smile:
that post makes no sense... Please name the last regulation the "people" have voted for... :dunce:


New Member
all pubster derived..they don't pay anywhere near their proportionate share:

1. separation of church and state - tax churches
2. uncap social security contributions
3. regulation on offshore
4. re-vamp tax code (every CPA in america wants's broken)

there would be plenty of revenue
Taxing religions isn't separation of church and state and points 2-4 won't happen while lobbyists have their say, they effectively drown out any voice of reason with large sums of cash... Please note: This is not limited to any one "party"...


Undercover Mod
It's a coincidence that the lady is standing right behind Obama? In the video it looks like she got knocked out by one of his farts, because Obama's bulls#!t stinks real bad.
You live in a world where everything is factitious. You might have a mental disability.