Thank you tea party patriots!


Undercover Mod
Most people who say homophobic things like that are sexually repressed and have homosexual fantasies. They try to deflect their homosexual thoughts outwardly onto others verbally.


Well-Known Member
[h=1]Are slower-growing health care costs temporary or permanent?[/h]By Laurie McGinley, Published: June 18 at 9:00 am




It’s one of the hottest debates in health care: Is the historically slow growth in health spending in recent years due to the lingering effects of the recession, or is it a fundamental change that augurs well for the future? The implications are huge – if policymakers think the slowdown is only temporary, they might try to take steps to cut Medicare spending further, for example; if they think the improvement is permanent, they might cross their fingers and hope for the best.

The latest salvos in the battle come from the Federation of American Hospitals, which represents for-profit hospitals, and PwC’s Health Research Institute. Both argue in new studies out today that a big chunk of the slowdown is structural -- and won’t disappear as the economy improves.
Dobson DaVanzo & Associates, in a report for the hospital group, concludes that if present trends continue Medicare savings will be $1 trillion more in the next 10 years than the savings projected by the Congressional Budget Office in May. The changes, Al Dobson said in an interview, are the result of marketplace pressures and the Affordable Care Act, which set new penalties for hospital readmissions, and included bundled payments and other incentives for hospitals and doctors to find ways to cut costs without hurting patients.


Well-Known Member
[h=2]Total costs for health care services, including everything from doctor visits and prescription drugs to surgeries,are expected to rise 6.5% in 2014, when the Affordable Care Act fully kicks in, according to a report released Tuesday.[/h]While costs are rising faster than inflation, the projected increase pales in comparison to the double-digit spikes seen in the early 2000s. It's also slightly less than the 7.5% increase PwC estimated for 2013.


Well-Known Member
Health-care costs for commercial insurers and employers are expected to rise about 4.5 percent next year after accounting for changes in benefits, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP said in a report today. The increase is a percentage point less than what the consulting company projected for 2013.
The report cited the positive effect of provisions in the health-care law that reduced hospital readmissions by 70,000 in 2012 and lowered premiums for people in employer-sponsored smoking cessation or chronic-disease management programs. The report supports President Barack Obama’s contentions that the 2010 law has contributed to historically slow cost growth.


Well-Known Member
Where is your citations for this graph?

This is basic college level stuff.
You need to read the article at Forbes

The Author is on full on defensive trying to defend his Fuzzy math and assertions and not doing a very good job at it.

His whole article is an opinion piece full of hypotheticals

Oh and to top it off
He works for the American Enterprise Institute
Ever heard of them? Try Google


Undercover Mod
You need to read the article at Forbes

The Author is on full on defensive trying to defend his Fuzzy math and assertions and not doing a very good job at it.

His whole article is an opinion piece full of hypotheticals

Oh and to top it off
He works for the American Enterprise Institute
Ever heard of them? Try Google
I read that HuffPost threw out his article because of its inaccuracies


Well-Known Member
I read that HuffPost threw out his article because of its inaccuracies
Chris Conover is a rent a professor over at AEI

His article at Forbes has at least 5 updates. For the right amount of money AEI will advocate the for safety of Cement Life Jackets on Cruise ships

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
What's wrong with fuzzy math. If I say it's hot outside, but I don't have a thermometer. Does it mean I'm lying if someone newt to me says the weather is comfortable? Fuzzy math makes Ballzac's robotics thread possible.


Well-Known Member
Health-care costs for United States consumers dropped in May for the first time in almost four decades, providing evidence to industry watchers that government policies and an expansion in generic drugs are keeping prices lower.
so health care costs are steady, but premiums continue to go up and insurers think blaming the PPACA is credible?

only about 47% of the population will buy that doozy.



Well-Known Member
so health care costs are steady, but premiums continue to go up and insurers think blaming the PPACA is credible?

only about 47% of the population will buy that doozy.

Health insurance rates have also risen at a slower rate this year than it has in the last decade

I blame Obama for that also