Thank you tea party patriots!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You're substantially oversimplifying if you think the repeal of Glass-Stegall was the cause of the financial crisis. AIG, Fannie Mac, Freddie Mae, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and dozens of other players weren't commercial banks, so the repeal of the law was irrelevant to them--it had no impact whatsoever on their ability to take the actions they did. The banks that were impacted weren't just securitizing mortgages and shoving them off their balance sheets. Washington Mutual and Wachovia were brought down by their subprime losses because they had huge mortgage portfolios; and Citigroup and Bank of America nearly went under for exactly the same reason (Bank of America had purchased Countrywide, responsible for 20% of the mortgage underwriting in the United States at the time).

How would Glass-Stegall have prevented the financial crisis? The investment bankers wouldn't have been impacted; same for AIG; same for the GSEs; and the banks would have been free to amass their huge mortgage portfolios as well.

For the record, I blame everyone. The financial crisis was the result of national greed: greedy bankers, greedy politicians, greedy Americans making bad decisions. Everyone was guilty.

A moderate recognizes that there is no universal political or economic philosophy that humans can agree to follow. The extremes, such as Marxism and libertarianism, reflect the preferences of relatively small groups, and that's why they are objectionable and impractical.

The political groups rewrite history to meet their own narrative needs. They intentionally misspeak in order to mislead people sympathetic with their ideologies. Politicians play party politics to obtain power because pandering to political extremes is a much easier route to office than creating political coalitions.

You're giving FDR the credit when you should be giving it to World War II. Likewise, the prosperity the United States experienced in the postwar period had a lot more to do with the destruction of most of the world's industrial capacity than it did with policy prescriptions: if all the competition has been destroyed there is no choice except to buy your goods.

Your description of libertarianism is somewhat misleading regarding policy. In a "libertarian world" socialism would be permitted, for those that want to be socialists, as long as socialists leave those people that don't want any part of socialism alone.. The allowance for preferences of the INDIVIDUAL to align or not align with ANY group differentiate libertarians.


Well-Known Member
Almost. You didn't opt out. You are still "in", because you are still assuming the present paradigm is the ONLY option there will ever be. You assume there will always be a totalitarian form of governance and by being an "independent voter" you are just a different vegetable in the primordial stew. Jump out of the stew pot, get onto the plate and be a piece of meat.
Just in my lifetime....after a while you won't have ole Doer to kick around anymore...maybe today. I'm not planning on it. :)

You will sophistically assume that I assume. Part of the "charged word, push back" genera, I know so well.

I don't assume. I merely point out that we only have history to tell me mankind can change. Nice, read the part about happliy ever after, now, if that makes the fear any better. And don't say you have no fear.

We all have pushed this fear out of our mind. This is the fear that this could be it. We all fear, that we will blow ourselves up, ruin the planet, never be free, spin out of orbit, held at gun point...

We all fear, this could be as far as man goes until we self destruct. That's right. The most usual and common end, of all. Extinction.

Freedom there, for sure.


Well-Known Member
I don't call the middle crazy, I call them indecisive and for the most part ignorant. In your case I call you insane because you seem to subscribe to conspiracy theories claiming I don't have the "security clearance" to understand the financial crisis.
So, you do have the clearance? Or are you simply re-gurging Press?

And is it, then, "a conspiracy" to keep you from knowing everything? Or do you claim you have it all figured out? I think it is this last, in bold.

You have your slant only, and don't know it all. How can you? Do you know the Congressional Record...all of it?

So, are you really so indoctrinated you don't realize you are being lied to, by all sides?

The press is only selling ads?

The ads are purchased by the various Lobby?

The Congress is greased, by said Lobby to make laws to favor our Buying Habits?

The Press is greased by Lobby to collect our Buying Habits and to modify Opinion?

Both our Buying Habits and our, so called (by Doer,) "Emotion Content Investment" are manipulated by the Congress-Lobby-Press?

This the 1984ish Complex to fear...for Real?

Is this not taking advantage of us all, by careful polarization of Market Segments, Emotion Tampering and Opinion Tyranny?

You only think you know, in an emotional sense. You feel satisfied is all.

If someone doesn't get this, yet, they are just part of ECI. And you say, I'm insane. :)


Well-Known Member
Your description of libertarianism is somewhat misleading regarding policy. In a "libertarian world" socialism would be permitted, for those that want to be socialists, as long as socialists leave those people that don't want any part of socialism alone.. The allowance for preferences of the INDIVIDUAL to align or not align with ANY group differentiate libertarians.
In a world where all capital is privately owned, there is no difference between communal private property and hereditary private property. People who respect the right of the earth and do not consider it to be property to be exploited for profit can not exist in your feudalistic idea of what a stateless (libertarian) society must be. In fact such people are exploited by such propertarian acolytes, if they're lucky.


Well-Known Member
Thinking McCain is a liberal just shows how ridiculous you are. Keep up the good work. Your insanity is the reason liberalism will dominate for a generation.

You need to sight your source on how Democrats will "dominate" humanity for a full generation. But let's ignore that you sound like a tyrant for a second, and talk about John McCain.

John McCain doesn't attack Democrats, he sides with them. McCain ran as a conservative, yet he attacks conservatives at every turn. Everything from Obamacare , to border security, to gun control John McCain is a liberal. His record proves it. Every times he talks he sounds like a Democrat. Harry Reid LOVES McCain. The two often work side by side to block anything that comes out of the House. Conservatives are raising money as we speak to make sure he gets exposed as the Democrat he is.

“It’s very, very serious,” warned Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona. “Republicans have to understand we have lost this battle, as I predicted weeks ago, that we would not be able to win because we were demanding something that was not achievable.”

"Let's have a little straight talk, Martha. They wouldn't have had the opportunity to handle it that way if we had not shut down the government on a fool's errand that we were not going to accomplish."

In other words Dan, the minute people started comparing Republicans to Democrats, is when the approval rating for republicans in congress started to go down. It's because of representatives like John McCain. People don't feel like they can trust the party anymore, when a majority of Republicans in Congress sound just like Democrats. People are tired of your fake "two party system", where only the people get screwed.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. -Ben Franklin


Well-Known Member
Conservatism is going the way of organized religion.

The Republican party died with the middle class.
Are you sure? You sound stupid,
and your avatar makes you look like the retarded version of Malibu's Most Wanted:



Undercover Mod
Are you sure? You sound stupid.
And your avatar makes you look like a retarded version of Malibu's Most Wanted:

Your just jealous for reals. I got a gold chain and you don't got shit but some cold french fries from closing time at work.


Well-Known Member
I make almost 40k a year. It's not a lot.., I know. But it's enough to get me by until Obamacare kicks in full effect. My premium has gone up by almost 70% already. Obama promised an average savings of 2500$ per family with his health care plan, but I've read reports of medical coverage going up by 7500$ for families per year. That equals a 10,000$ a year swing in the WRONG direction.



Undercover Mod
I make almost 40k a year. It's not a lot.., I know. But it's enough to get me by until Obamacare kicks in full effect. My premium has gone up by almost 70% already. Obama promised an average savings of 2500$ per family with his health care plan, but I've read reports of medical coverage going up by 7500$ for families per year. That equals a 10,000$ a year swing in the WRONG direction.

Are you a supervisor at McDonalds?