Thank you tea party patriots!

So contest something I've specifically said that you think is not a fact and I'll provide evidence. That's who it works. Unless you can do that all you're really saying is "boohoo, I'm a but hurt republican".

Sorry, I don't play republican rebranding games. You can call yourself what ever you like, but I will not indulge these word games. "Conservatives" who claim not to be republicans still end up voting republican 100% of the time. You've never voted for a democrat in your life. You know what that makes you? A fucking republican. You may be in the conservative faction of the republican party, but your still a republican. Stop voting republican 100% of the time and people will stop calling you a republican. Until that happens I'm still going to call you a republican and refuse to participate in your rebranding efforts.

Actually that's completely false. You're a psudo-conservative. That's just a more extreme version of what republicans already believe.

Well I'm glad some people in the republican party actually care about the American people instead of having the single interest of promoting anarchy and decline.

You mean complete fucking tools. Got it.

Last time I checked those people are republicans.

Republicans are a political party, being conservative is adhering to an idealism.

Hello, ever heard of a conservative democrat or a liberal republican???
Some republicans are fiscal conservatives while socially they lean moderate to liberal and the opposite for some democrats.

Dan Kone looks to pass a lot of his opinions off as facts. I don't see any credibility in his postings, ever since the very first one. Comparing republicans to conservatives is a big give away. If anything, republicans are far more like democrats than conservatives. Republicans didn't want the government shut down. The shut down happened because of a filibuster by a handful of conservatives in the senate. People who understand Obamacare is such a disaster, that it must be repealed. People who I respect and admire. Marco Rubio, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz.

Well put!

Freedom works hit the nail on the head, it's a dead give away you have no clue.
Republicans are a political party, being conservative is adhering to an idealism.

Agreed. Another reason why someone who votes republican 100% of the time but says "I'm not a republican, I'm a conservative" is just being completely ridiculous.

Hello, ever heard of a conservative democrat or a liberal republican???

I've heard of conservative democrats. I haven't heard of any post southern strategy liberal republicans. Maybe a few social libertarians, but no liberals.

Some republicans are fiscal conservatives while socially they lean moderate to liberal and the opposite for some democrats.

Not very many republicans like that.

Either way it doesn't matter. If you claim your not a republican but vote republican 100% of the time that doesn't make you a conservative, it makes you full of shit.
The point is that Orwell was right, fascism is a form of capitalism.

fascism uses capitalism's fatal flaw, GREED to subvert capitalism, and usher in socialism.

much like termites nibble away at your house to build their nest, so Fascism Consumes Capitalism from within, to establish a Socialist State, with the alleged ultimate goal of "Evolving" that State into the Worker's Paradise.
but you know this. you are not stupid, though you really love to pretend that you are.

Trotsky, Noted Socialist, and Renowned Marxist Leader, despised Fascism as a betrayal of "The Revolutionary Vanguard" to the "Petty Bourgeois" and a rejection of "Pure Marxism" for a half-measure which relies on slow erosion of capitalism before the Socialist State can even begin to "Re-Educate" the populace into Marxist Thought.

Translation: Why waste all that time voting when we have perfectly good guns and plenty of bullets to force them into compliance?
fascism uses capitalism's fatal flaw, GREED to subvert capitalism, and usher in socialism.

much like termites nibble away at your house to build their nest, so Fascism Consumes Capitalism from within, to establish a Socialist State, with the alleged ultimate goal of "Evolving" that State into the Worker's Paradise.
but you know this. you are not stupid, though you really love to pretend that you are.

Trotsky, Noted Socialist, and Renowned Marxist Leader, despised Fascism as a betrayal of "The Revolutionary Vanguard" to the "Petty Bourgeois" and a rejection of "Pure Marxism" for a half-measure which relies on slow erosion of capitalism before the Socialist State can even begin to "Re-Educate" the populace into Marxist Thought.

Translation: Why waste all that time voting when we have perfectly good guns and plenty of bullets to force them into compliance?

it is easier to kill 1 million people than it is to control them
~zbigniew brzezinski
it is easier to kill 1 million people than it is to control them
~zbigniew brzezinski

yes, quoting the Carter Administration fascist and failure who wanted to ensure that Moslem Fundamentalism reigned supreme in the Orient as a bulwark against Soviet power is all well and good, but how do you assume this comment, as hateful as it is, rebutts my statement to which it is targeted?

"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
~Barrack The Unready.
fascism uses capitalism's fatal flaw, GREED to subvert capitalism, and usher in socialism

Actually, fascism likes to tell everybody it is socialist, when it is actually fascist. Kind of like when a slave owner said something about equality in the Declaration of Independence.

Fascism is a form of capitalism though.
yes, quoting the Carter Administration fascist and failure who wanted to ensure that Moslem Fundamentalism reigned supreme in the Orient as a bulwark against Soviet power is all well and good, but how do you assume this comment, as hateful as it is, rebutts my statement to which it is targeted?

"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
~Barrack The Unready.

not a rebuttal per se..just different schools of thought
Agreed. Another reason why someone who votes republican 100% of the time but says "I'm not a republican, I'm a conservative" is just being completely ridiculous.

I've heard of conservative democrats. I haven't heard of any post southern strategy liberal republicans. Maybe a few social libertarians, but no liberals.

Not very many republicans like that.

Either way it doesn't matter. If you claim your not a republican but vote republican 100% of the time that doesn't make you a conservative, it makes you full of shit.

Seems you have it all figured out, wait till you're older and a bit more mature, then you will understand how little you really knew.
so exactly how many times does a Conservative who believes in the Republic have to vote against his principles to satisfy your Moderate Purity Test?

I didn't propose any purity test. I'm simply saying that if you vote for republicans 100% of the time, then you're a republican. You may be a "conservative" republican, but you're still a republican.

what if the only candidate who doesnt make me want to punch people in the throat in my district is a Republican?

If you find that this happens to you 100% of the time, then you're a republican.
Seems you have it all figured out, wait till you're older and a bit more mature, then you will understand how little you really knew.

Right. The older generation seems to have it all figured out. They outsourced all our jobs, ran up massive debts, started unnecessary wars, fought against equal rights for gey people, destroyed the environment, etc. Yeah, pardon me if I don't turn to that generation for wisdom.
I didn't propose any purity test. I'm simply saying that if you vote for republicans 100% of the time, then you're a republican. You may be a "conservative" republican, but you're still a republican.
If you find that this happens to you 100% of the time, then you're a republican.

Not true at all, if you are a registered independent like me and vote most of the time for republicans, it just means you can stomach republicans more than democrats!
If I'm on PCP than so are the majority of Americans who view the tea party and by extension the republican party like insane children. Hate me if you want, but the polls say I'm write. The only thing the tea party accomplished with this stunt was to make Obamacare more popular and republicans less popular.

A majority of people believing in something that may not be true, cannot make it true.
Right. The older generation seems to have it all figured out. They outsourced all our jobs, ran up massive debts, started unnecessary wars, fought against equal rights for gey people, destroyed the environment, etc. Yeah, pardon me if I don't turn to that generation for wisdom.

The left with their love for taxes and regulating anything they can get their hands on are responsible for jobs leaving the US my friend, take a look at the lovely liberal state of California if you don't believe me!

And for the record, your generation (the entitled) is running up more debt than any other generation in history, btw how are you contributing, are tax dollars helping, that is if you're paying any.

I didn't propose any purity test. I'm simply saying that if you vote for republicans 100% of the time, then you're a republican. You may be a "conservative" republican, but you're still a republican.

If you find that this happens to you 100% of the time, then you're a republican.

by that same token, any mindless mouthbreathing Occupy-Tard who votes for Democrat Socialists, Green Socialists, Socialist Socialists, or Peace and Freedom Socialists is a Marxist, no matter how many times they try to hyphenate their Marxism into something new and indefinable.

you are not nearly as clever as you have led yourself to believe, and your figleaf doesnt conceal your obvious inferiority complex very well at all.
If liberal republicans in the senate want to sabotage conservative efforts, then that's fine. Mitch McConnell will soon lose his seat in Kentucky, and then John McCain will follow.
"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
~Barrack The Unready.

Was that originally in Kenyan? Cause, WTF!