So contest something I've specifically said that you think is not a fact and I'll provide evidence. That's who it works. Unless you can do that all you're really saying is "boohoo, I'm a but hurt republican".
Sorry, I don't play republican rebranding games. You can call yourself what ever you like, but I will not indulge these word games. "Conservatives" who claim not to be republicans still end up voting republican 100% of the time. You've never voted for a democrat in your life. You know what that makes you? A fucking republican. You may be in the conservative faction of the republican party, but your still a republican. Stop voting republican 100% of the time and people will stop calling you a republican. Until that happens I'm still going to call you a republican and refuse to participate in your rebranding efforts.
Actually that's completely false. You're a psudo-conservative. That's just a more extreme version of what republicans already believe.
Well I'm glad some people in the republican party actually care about the American people instead of having the single interest of promoting anarchy and decline.
You mean complete fucking tools. Got it.
Last time I checked those people are republicans.
Republicans are a political party, being conservative is adhering to an idealism.
Hello, ever heard of a conservative democrat or a liberal republican???
Some republicans are fiscal conservatives while socially they lean moderate to liberal and the opposite for some democrats.
Dan Kone looks to pass a lot of his opinions off as facts. I don't see any credibility in his postings, ever since the very first one. Comparing republicans to conservatives is a big give away. If anything, republicans are far more like democrats than conservatives. Republicans didn't want the government shut down. The shut down happened because of a filibuster by a handful of conservatives in the senate. People who understand Obamacare is such a disaster, that it must be repealed. People who I respect and admire. Marco Rubio, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz.
Well put!
Freedom works hit the nail on the head, it's a dead give away you have no clue.