i think im driving myself insane

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i think im driving myself insane with questions about why we are here , its becoming a serious burden on my life .:-|
i just cannot stop questioning in my mind what the fuck we are doing here? ,where the fuck are we?,why does this life as we know it even exist? why does it exist ?where is space ? and why is it there ? why am i here ? what the fuck am i doing here what am i ? all that i know is at about 5 years old i started to realise i existed , but thats all we really know ,we dont choose to be born we just come into existance , we dont know anything , we dont know why life exists or where we are or even what we are , we say we are humans etc but we dont know why humans exist , why does anything have to exist why cant there just be nothing ?was there allways nothing before life here existed ? how can there just be nothing ? oh man the questions are driving me insane and i just cant shake them off .most people put these questions to the back of there mind and forget about them or answer them using ancient religions but for me i just cant find answers that sit easy with me .

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The way i see it, if we don't know why we are here, and there is not even an inkling of an indication as to what the point is, then that gives us the freedom to do whatever we want :)

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
The way i see it, if we don't know why we are here, and there is not even an inkling of an indication as to what the point is, then that gives us the freedom to do whatever we want :)
thats how i think but doesnt that scare you , to realize nothing matters ? and this is like one big game ?


Staff member
youre here because earth grows life, like animals , trees, microorganism ...ect


Well-Known Member
Maybe your purpose is to question these types of things you just mentioned? Me personally I just live my life and take what it throws at me in stride, I feel me waking up everyday is fulfilling my purpose.

Really im just happy to be alive so I don't question too much, more like just float with the current. Life can get very complicated searching for answers.

Not it that I've never wondered myself what were doing here, but that's as far as it went. We are here and I'm gonna make the best of the short time I have.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Maybe your purpose is to question these types of things you just mentioned? Me personally I just live my life and take what it throws at me in stride, I feel me waking up everyday is fulfilling my purpose.

Really im just happy to be alive so I don't question too much, more like just float with the current. Life can get very complicated searching for answers.

Not it that I've never wondered myself what were doing here, but that's as far as it went. We are here and I'm gonna make the best of the short time I have.
see you are able to just put it at the back of your mind and forget about it , ive had some kind of mental distortion where i cant let it lie .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
youre here because earth grows life, like animals , trees, microorganism ...ect
well yes that much we know , but why ? and where is earth ? you can say where we know it to be but we dont really know WHERE we are , all we know is we are on a cooled down piece of rock spinning around a source of heat and energy , we dont know why or where we really are .we only have a small amount of knowledge no where near enough to undestand these things .


Staff member
well yes that much we know , but why ? and where is earth ? you can say where we know it to be but we dont really know WHERE we are , all we know is we are on a cooled down piece of rock spinning around a source of heat and energy , we dont know why or where we really are .we only have a small amount of knowledge no where near enough to undestand these things .
instead of pondering your philosophical questions read some science and youll get a better understand of WHY the earth works the way it does.


Well-Known Member
i think im driving myself insane with questions about why we are here , its becoming a serious burden on my life .:-|
i just cannot stop questioning in my mind what the fuck we are doing here? ,where the fuck are we?,why does this life as we know it even exist? why does it exist ?where is space ? and why is it there ? why am i here ? what the fuck am i doing here what am i ? all that i know is at about 5 years old i started to realise i existed , but thats all we really know ,we dont choose to be born we just come into existance , we dont know anything , we dont know why life exists or where we are or even what we are , we say we are humans etc but we dont know why humans exist , why does anything have to exist why cant there just be nothing ?was there allways nothing before life here existed ? how can there just be nothing ? oh man the questions are driving me insane and i just cant shake them off .most people put these questions to the back of there mind and forget about them or answer them using ancient religions but for me i just cant find answers that sit easy with me .
Who care's why were here, were here. If wondering why we exist is driving you insane then maybe you should go see a shrink. JUST SAYING.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
instead of pondering your philosophical questions read some science and youll get a better understand of WHY the earth works the way it does.
you seem to be unable to think as i am wich is worrying me even more , i am fully aware of human understanding of the universe etc , but my question is why does all this exist ?


Well-Known Member
i think im driving myself insane with questions about why we are here , its becoming a serious burden on my life .:-|
i just cannot stop questioning in my mind what the fuck we are doing here? ,where the fuck are we?,why does this life as we know it even exist? why does it exist ?where is space ? and why is it there ? why am i here ? what the fuck am i doing here what am i ? all that i know is at about 5 years old i started to realise i existed , but thats all we really know ,we dont choose to be born we just come into existance , we dont know anything , we dont know why life exists or where we are or even what we are , we say we are humans etc but we dont know why humans exist , why does anything have to exist why cant there just be nothing ?was there allways nothing before life here existed ? how can there just be nothing ? oh man the questions are driving me insane and i just cant shake them off .most people put these questions to the back of there mind and forget about them or answer them using ancient religions but for me i just cant find answers that sit easy with me .
Damn, I had stages in my life where some shit would bug me, like not extremely where it drove me crazy, but I was constantly thinking about things like why we are here, what is the agenda, stuff like materials WHAT IS IT? what is a piece of fabric I mean what is it really? Just crazy shit like that, but I actually enjoy this 'lifestyle' it has gotten me to read and learn a lot about life, but honestly I dont think we will ever figure it out, life and our universe is too complicated for us to understand. I just hope that when we die there is some meaning.


Well-Known Member
Ya I use to think I was weird cus I would be thinking about stuff like that while others are thinking about stuff like drinking, partying, sexting ;p, ide rather watch a documentary about micro organisms, our universe, ants, or rocks rather than the latest flick. But I suspect a lot of people think about it more than you think.


Well-Known Member
Interesting, i think like this too, i don't feel that worried about it
i question the nature of everything constantly lol
all it does in the long run is cause more questions, very few answers surface
if i do find an answer ill just question that till it rasies more questions
its a vicious circle it seems

i guess this is why some people develop belief systems stops the need to question things
when you have a nice story explaining everything

i try to accept that no one knows, if you do accept this
i think it puts you way ahead of all those folk that believe they found the answer lol
i find atheists almost as ignorant as god believers, both thinking they know the definitive answer
i am quite sure they are both wrong lol


ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i dont think many people actualy stop and wander what all this is about they have to much going on to even give it a thought .
me , i cant wandering why we are here why did it happen , what will happen after im gone , will i live on somewhere else , i cant stop thinking .


Well-Known Member
'Why' pressed back far enough implies a motive. There isn't always a motive to non-intelligent things.

Sometimes, shit just 'is'.


Active Member
see you are able to just put it at the back of your mind and forget about it , ive had some kind of mental distortion where i cant let it lie .
How do you know you didn't choose to be born? What if you chose to be born to find the answer that is now all consuming?

We are here to remember [some call it 'learning'] :) Learn to quiet your mind & you'll find the straighter path that leads to Truth.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Interesting, i think like this too, i don't feel that worried about it
i question the nature of everything constantly lol
all it does in the long run is cause more questions, very few answers surface
if i do find an answer ill just question that till it rasies more questions
its a vicious circle it seems

i guess this is why some people develop belief systems stops the need to question things
when you have a nice story explaining everything

i try to accept that no one knows, if you do accept this
i think it puts you way ahead of all those folk that believe they found the answer lol
i find atheists almost as ignorant as god believers, both thinking they know the definitive answer
i am quite sure they are both wrong lol

i agree with some of what you say , except the bit about athiests , athiests dont claim to know anything ........................................................


Well-Known Member
Perhaps we have encountered different Atheists
i would not assume all atheists practice their belief exactly the same as each other, different degrees (sects) of atheism lol
Atheists deny the possibility of supernatural beings
this is a belief system in itself, anything that can't be proven either way, but considered by an individual to be true is a belief system

i can't prove there are no supernatural beings, so i am not an atheist
atheists are often more dogmatic than the most hideous Christian fundamentalists
i would waste about as much time on both of them

peace :)