church kicks out boyscouts over policy on gays..

No, it's cool dude. I was just poking fun at you.

I now know something you don't know. But it's irrelevant so have a nice night.
I am
I know nothing that's why people pay me $300 per day to calibrate multi screen, multi resolution watchout systems on LEDs screens with 4-6mm pixel pitches and barco HDX/F or FLM... All the alterations you've made and the outboard gear you've purchase is only to make something that's already old and shit; not as shitty... Join the real world no one use RGBHV anymore, we run it over cat6 baluns/IPLink - MUCH CHEAPER without any degradation in quality or gain... Only people that make decent scan convertors are the pro AV companies such as extron and even then they come standard in seamless switchers now. And don't forget - there's no content available so it's an expensive exercise in futility...

So you suggest throwing away my equipment that lasted over 13 years for a real throw away digital? All that you list was available 13 years ago?
So you suggest throwing away my equipment that lasted over 13 years for a real throw away digital? All that you list was available 13 years ago?

If I knew nothing i'd have your setup... SXGA was available a decade or so ago, scan convertors and crash switchers were available and HD ready TVs were in prototype stages aided with STB... Throw away digital does not apply to high end items, which is the home theatre market I assume you're in...
If I knew nothing i'd have your setup... SXGA was available a decade or so ago, scan convertors and crash switchers were available and HD ready TVs were in prototype stages aided with STB... Throw away digital does not apply to high end items, which is the home theatre market I assume you're in...

Yeah and back then a 1080i like mine was top of the line. I could've bought a Sony G90, but you know how loud they are. My Dwin is less than 5 db. I have to put my ear to the chassis to hear it or know it's on. On a fade to black people think it died for a second. I'd get the new Sony VW 1100 ES 4K if it had a laser light source which allowed light to shut down as fast as CRT. I know what I'm doing and wouldn't be happy with any setup you suggested, even if it cost millions.