church kicks out boyscouts over policy on gays..

Animals don't go on trial and end up in jail. We have a supposed justice system. But my country wasn't founded by convicts, so I won't judge what you guys do.

Call dick wolfe you might have a new idea for Law and Order: The Animals Court... And we won't judge for Joseph Patterson
Call dick wolfe you might have a new idea for Law and Order: The Animals Court... And we won't judge for Joseph Patterson

I suggest you look up allusion and literary irony. Unless your troll roleplay is retarded dingo ate my baby meth whore, then well played.
While all the animal species have yet to be found, only a small percentage of species engage in homosexual activity.

There are over a million species of animals. Only about 1000 engage in homosexual activity.

BTW, bonobo monkeys fuck for more than reproduction. They fuck when they're scared, worried, and happy. It's their thing. They like fucking.
Sounds like you "write" out the specials of the week for a supermarket brochure... Do you get extra food stamps for it?

I trade my food stamps for AV equipment. Cause trailer trash can calibrate with a Lumagen and set up a CRT projector. That no ring processing is important to us hillbillies.
I trade my food stamps for AV equipment. Cause trailer trash can calibrate with a Lumagen and set up a CRT projector. That no ring processing is important to us hillbillies.

And this is why you stay poor and stupid... Money to piss away on useless AV gear but you go running to the government to feed your family... I don't need fancy gear to calibrate a CRT, I learnt to do that visually many years ago... You must enjoy that superior picture quality (sorry that makes me laugh) not to mention all the readily available 4K content...
And this is why you stay poor and stupid... Money to piss away on useless AV gear but you go running to the government to feed your family... I don't need fancy gear to calibrate a CRT, I learnt to do that visually many years ago... You must enjoy that superior picture quality (sorry that makes me laugh) not to mention all the readily available 4K content...

Damn you know nothing. All CRTs from my Dwin HD 700 to a Barco Cine9 only accept RGBHV BNC. You need a scan converter otherwise the negative sync, overscan without 2500 total horizontal pixels with a custom porch to 1080i72.93 (effectively 24p) and a DHCP stripper so I can use HDMI. I also installed special color corrected and filtered lenses, and replaced the 70 ohm input wires with proper 75 ohm to improve signal quality. I'm one industrious hillbilly. But I doubt you have any clue what I'm talking about.
Do I have to write on the same grade level as the elementary kids I used to teach, to you and dingo boy? They didn't understand the difference between literal and figurative speech either.

I am looking for a working, general definition of "natural law" so that I might accept or reject the premise. Your figurations are not helping.