Thank you tea party patriots!

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I'd like to thank all you tea party supporters for doing something the democrats could not accomplish. Thanks for destroying the republican party. As a liberal socialist I can not thank you enough for all you've done for us. You've made the republican party the most nationally hated political party in modern times. You've brought the American people to their senses. They have lost all confidence in republicans and see the conservative agenda as something that belongs in an asylum.

So thank you for helping set America back on the path to being a secular socialist fagtopia. We really appreciate it.

Keep up the insanity!
... As a liberal socialist...

Lol - I can't even tell if your joking.

Might end up being a good thing - the parties basically make it so you can vote for big government, defense spending and social conservatism or big government, socialism, gun control and gay rights.

Be nice if the parties would become more of a big government / small government type dynamic, or at least if I could afford to leave the country in the next few years.
Be nice if the parties would become more of a big government / small government type dynamic, or at least if I could afford to leave the country in the next few years.

Totally. After the economy collapsed due to lack of government oversight, clearly what we need is less government.

Keep up the crazy! It's doing great things for the democratic party.
Explain socialism without government playing favorites. I'll go make popcorn.

Nothing I love more than seeing conservatives repeat the word socialism over and over again when clearly they have no idea what it means. Makes your arguments seem very credible. Keep up the good work!

Just curious - Do you not have google in Alabama? I don't understand how anyone can use a word so much without even becoming mildly curious about what they were saying.
And did you just say "As a Liberal Socialist" and then claim that conservatives are the ones throwing socialist around?? If you're labeling yourself a liberal socialist then please tell us what you think it means since no matter what anyone else says they'll probably be wrong in your eyes.
Don't even try explaining socialism to the teabaggers on here. In their minds its "big government".

Umm socialism is a way to organize society based upon a central controlling authority. Most people would refer to this authority as government and not "people".
Totally. After the economy collapsed due to lack of government oversight, clearly what we need is less government.

Keep up the crazy! It's doing great things for the democratic party.

Lack of oversight? Government changed the rules so the oversight was built into the system. Government did away with Glass-Steagal, not the banks. IF government had let the bad banks fail, the banks of today would not be engaged in such foolish endeavors, but alas nothing has changed because there is no longer any risk of banks going under no matter what they do or how illegally they do it. Banks and other financial centers will continue to deal in fraud and deceit and in fact will ratchet up the instances of theses happenings ever more since there is no punishment for doing it. The Attorney General has already publicly stated that the justice department will not pursue actions against any of the large financial companies.
Lol please explain a government that is socialist and small and isn't failed or failing or isn't being protected by US military.

Germany is loosely fits your description. Below average in government size, large health economy and would survive just fine without the US.

Want me to really make your head explode? There is a such thing as libertarian socialism.
clearly what we need is less government

In most areas I'd say that's exactly what we need.

Look at social security, a program that doesn't even sound bad on paper. If I work 30 years, I'll pay about $250,000 in (%12 tax between personal and employer side) If I saved that, I'd have about $500,000 to retire on in 30 years.

Thanks to Social Security, I'll have to work 40 years and get $1,511 ($1,000 less than the straight interest on 500k)

That's just one government program, and it cost me $500,000-$1,000,000 over my life! It's not even the worst government program -- I'll spend more than that on the military.

Government really only benefits the extremely rich and extremely lazy, and maybe kids. Not everything they do is bad, but it's always extremely expensive / inefficient. Problem is, people don't look at numbers -- they just see that they are getting a social security check every month.
Ok Folks.
Time to sit back and burn one and enjoy a song.


Doing that but I'm warming for 25 minutes my projector on a 12 foot wide screen to watch Eyes Wide Shut Blu-ray in 5.1 sound. Damn it sucks to be an Alabamian hill billy.
In most areas I'd say that's exactly what we need.

Then you're ignorant. The US has one of the smallest federal governments per capita and as percentage of the economy in the world.

Look at social security, a program that doesn't even sound bad on paper. If I work 30 years, I'll pay about $250,000 in (%12 tax between personal and employer side) If I saved that, I'd have about $500,000 to retire on in 30 years.

It's a social safety net, not Wall St gambling. It's an investment in society. Sorry if that doesn't fall into your "the earth revolves around me" worldview. We have this safety net because before it existed retirement for many seniors consisted of dying under a bridge because some Wall St banker mismanaged their money.

Thanks to Social Security, I'll have to work 40 years and get $1,511 ($1,000 less than the straight interest on 500k)

Still beats the hell out of living under a card board box right? Cause that was a possibility before, now it's not.

Government really only benefits the extremely rich and extremely lazy, and maybe kids. Not everything they do is bad, but it's always extremely expensive / inefficient. Problem is, people don't look at numbers -- they just see that they are getting a social security check every month.

And the solution to that? Make the economy worse by shutting down the government and refusing to raise the debt ceiling. Bravo. That's sheer genius.