Things I have learned from democrats this week....Part II

nitro harley

Well-Known Member

fun fact: obama has lowered taxes for 95% of americans.

not so fun fact: you're an idiot.

After they get there added monthly health care bill that will come in the mail, I believe there tax's will all go attention..Oh and PAY UP SUCKERS.....


Well-Known Member do you figure that? Details, please.
i'm starting to think that when you say you attended a "top national university", that is just your way of saying that you passed walmart's employee training program.

check the legislation he has signed into law, including the ARRA, payroll tax cut, and others.


Well-Known Member
i'm starting to think that when you say you attended a "top national university", that is just your way of saying that you passed walmart's employee training program.

check the legislation he has signed into law, including the ARRA, payroll tax cut, and others.
So you're telling me you're not going to prove your claim, then. Why not? Because you know it's false?

We already went over the ARRA in detail. The only tax cut that everyone got was several years ago, and it was just $400; the other cuts in the package were tiny (going to a small handful of people), temporary (lasting for a year or a couple years), or went to people who don't pay taxes. Likewise, the payroll tax cut expired.

So how are taxes lower for 95% of Americans?

Edit: I would also point out that a lot of those temporary ARRA tax cuts, like the home buyer credit, the new car credit, the energy credit, etc., only benefited people who had money sitting around to blow, not the poor and middle class people Obama is supposedly championing.


Well-Known Member
So you're telling me you're not going to prove your claim, then. Why not? Because you know it's false?

We already went over the ARRA in detail. The only tax cut that everyone got was several years ago, and it was just $400; the other cuts in the package were tiny (going to a small handful of people), temporary (lasting for a year or a couple years), or went to people who don't pay taxes. Likewise, the payroll tax cut expired.

So how are taxes lower for 95% of Americans?

Edit: I would also point out that a lot of those temporary ARRA tax cuts, like the home buyer credit, the new car credit, the energy credit, etc., only benefited people who had money sitting around to blow, not the poor and middle class people Obama is supposedly championing.

what a douche.

when did i make the claim in bold?

now i am certain that "graduated from a top national university" is just fancy speak for "passed walmart's employee training program", because your reading comprehension is for shit, kiddo.

stay in school.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I think Buck forgot about the SUCKERS THAT HAVE TO PAY UP....I think that comes to around 100% of america is going to pay more tax's....So..PAY UP SUCKERS..


Well-Known Member
what a douche.

when did i make the claim in bold?

now i am certain that "graduated from a top national university" is just fancy speak for "passed walmart's employee training program", because your reading comprehension is for shit, kiddo.

stay in school.
See your post, Buck. "fun fact: obama has lowered taxes for 95% of americans.."

Third person singular present tense.


Well-Known Member
See your post, Buck. "fun fact: obama has lowered taxes for 95% of americans.."

Third person singular present tense.
oh, so now you think you are competent with verb tenses? because last time we went over verb tenses, you were struggling mightily with the conditional.


Well-Known Member
oh, so now you think you are competent with verb tenses? because last time we went over verb tenses, you were struggling mightily with the conditional.
Yeah, I was drunk. But you are an English Nazi, constantly ripping into people for even minor errors and imperfections. It is inexcusable for you to make such an error and then deny it when you behave that way. "First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

Your claim, as presented, is indisputably a lie. There is zero support for it. You located it in the present even though it belonged in the past. And yes, I'm only saying this in reference to exactly the same incident, otherwise I wouldn't.

Obama has not lowered taxes for 95% of Americans. Which Obama tax cuts are actually in place today?


Well-Known Member
so you don't work?

because every american who works received tax cuts from obama, you simpleton.

your tax return doesn't lie, but you certainly do.
You must be retarded... :shock: Perhaps.... hrrmmmm, yes this is the only explanation. Or maybe you don't comprehend the English language.

I will repeat just in case.

I have made more money every year for the last 4 years. This past tax season, which was in the beginning of the year 2013, I paid taxes for the first time and wound up with the same amount of income I received 3 years prior.

I can try writing it slower or more spaced out. But there is a huge hole in your theory, which in this case is theory not fact (unless I am truly in that 5% you're talking about).


Well-Known Member
Your claim, as presented, is indisputably a lie. There is zero support for it. You located it in the present even though it belonged in the past. And yes, I'm only saying this in reference to exactly the same incident, otherwise I wouldn't.

Obama has not lowered taxes for 95% of Americans. Which Obama tax cuts are actually in place today?
unclebuck has trimmed 20 pounds of cannabis.

unclebuck is not currently trimming 20 pounds of weed. currently, unclebuck is getting high and watching the golf channel while procrastinating the task of washing and sterilizing two dozen 5 gallon buckets.

it's too bad walmart doesn't help with understanding basic english.


Well-Known Member
You must be retarded... :shock: Perhaps.... hrrmmmm, yes this is the only explanation. Or maybe you don't comprehend the English language.

I will repeat just in case.

I have made more money every year for the last 4 years. This past tax season, which was in the beginning of the year 2013, I paid taxes for the first time and wound up with the same amount of income I received 3 years prior.

I can try writing it slower or more spaced out. But there is a huge hole in your theory, which in this case is theory not fact (unless I am truly in that 5% you're talking about).
so you've worked the last 4 years?

in that case, you have received hundreds if not thousands of dollars in tax cuts thanks to obama and the democrats.

making work pay, payroll tax cut, and others add up to thousands.

derp dee der.


Well-Known Member
are you sure? old are you and what was your adjusted gross income (AGI) for 2012 if you don't mind saying?..i may be able to help:smile:
25 yrs old
I'm in the 40k - 80k bracket
0 Dependents

I was literally told by my accountant that i make to much money and need to buy a house or something that can become a write off.


Well-Known Member
25 yrs old
I'm in the 40k - 80k bracket
0 Dependents

I was literally told by my accountant that i make to much money and need to buy a house or something that can become a write off.
in that case, obama's payrol tax cut saved you at least $1600, as much as $3200.

add the making work pay tax credit and you saved another $800.

so obama has lowered your taxes by about $2400-$4000.

you're welcome.


Well-Known Member
unclebuck has trimmed 20 pounds of cannabis.

unclebuck is not currently trimming 20 pounds of weed. currently, unclebuck is getting high and watching the golf channel while procrastinating the task of washing and sterilizing two dozen 5 gallon buckets.

it's too bad walmart doesn't help with understanding basic english.
If you're talking about something you did three years ago, it wouldn't make sense to say "has trimmed." You use the present tense to locate an event in present time; so long as that's what you do, it's appropriate. Locating a past event in present time is incorrect.

Your second example is appropriate because it reflects present time. You are not presently trimming 20 pounds of weed.

Don't be an English Nazi if you're going to make mistakes, Buck. It will erode your credibility in future English blitzkrieg.


Well-Known Member
so you've worked the last 4 years?

in that case, you have received hundreds if not thousands of dollars in tax cuts thanks to obama and the democrats.

making work pay, payroll tax cut, and others add up to thousands.

derp dee der.
There's no talking to to you, man.

The numbers don't lie.

I work for 4 months for the government. If not more.

It really is a simple equation.

Money earned/ Money stolen by the GOV = Me Being punished for making a decent living


Well-Known Member
in that case, obama's payrol tax cut saved you at least $1600, as much as $3200.

add the making work pay tax credit and you saved another $800.

so obama has lowered your taxes by about $2400-$4000.

you're welcome.
This is a joke, right?

Tell me there isn't someone so stupid out there. Maybe you are arguing for the sake of arguing???


Well-Known Member
There's no talking to to you, man.

The numbers don't lie.

I work for 4 months for the government. If not more.

It really is a simple equation.

Money earned/ Money stolen by the GOV = Me Being punished for making a decent living
You did receive a payroll tax cut and one time credits in the past. They're expired now.


Well-Known Member
What is the argument here?

The conversation is that I am now making more money and keeping less than 3 - 4 years ago.
You're letting Buck trick you up with these tense games. I understand that your point was about how much you are presently paying, which is why I objected to his saying Obama has lowered taxes for 95% of Americans. That's not true and was only true years ago.

Today, in the present, you do not qualify for any tax break Obama has created. That's exactly what you said initially (you used the present tense--it was clear you weren't talking about the past, which Buck is trying to make this about), and that is true.