Chronikool’z LED + Organic + SOG + Party cup perpetual ‘boxes of fun’ grow!™

Hahaha almost a 'real life grower' :)

Nah bruv.....that piece of joke is busy getting 10 x clones ready for the outdoor mission this week....gonna be a killer hike...i dont think it would cut the mustard in flower anyway.....

that remindz me does anybody know of a LED panel that actually cutz mustard.....? (that saying is just fucked....!) :D
Oatmeal creates fungi. I feed oatmeal to my worms every now and then. I also throw it in my compost teas.
Ripped up my 'Big Bang' mother and subsequent clones.....balls and thanks.....Will be germinating a 'Nebula' from Paradise Seeds to take over as a mother.

One of my floodlight drivers finally died....(1st one) so i am down to 4 floodlights in the flower driver ordered.

Day 35: - Playing around with the arranging of the flowers so that the bud sites get maximum light and shading is a minimum. It entails tucking leaves and wiring down branches. Hightech guff! :)

Pineapple Express: Before and after wiring down (with centre photo)

Purple Haze 1: Before and After

Purple Haze 2: Before and After

Day 21: Only 1 Purple Haze left as i pulled Big Bang
thats what i use: Steinernema feltiae nematodes

Steinernema feltiae
nematodes work by attacking the larval stage of the pest insect before they have a chance to become adults. Nematodes complete their lifecycle within the pest host and new generations are released, thereby maintaining a population in the soil of the plant to control new pests.

anytime i am starting to see thrips damage on some plants, I buy a pack of 5 millions
Steinernema feltiae nematodes... around 50$ with shipping. I can't get ladybugs anymore otherwise I would use them both together and not have to worry for months!!

Not sure this would work well for those of you that are growing with chems but chronikool's grow is organic.
With me being lazy (work in a few minutes) would they ship internationally? Might have to come up with a local solution.....My latest Mantis fucked off! :(
Neem should definitely work on Thrips.....add organic dish soap if you haven't already. If it still seems ineffective raise the concentration. Remember it only affects hatched insects and you will need to reapply. Heavy concentrations should be administerEd right before lights out or it will burn.

Good luck chroni
When I had them... I made a nice cocktail of: Neem OR Azamax, Dr Bronners Organic Hemp Soap, Few drops Rosemary essential oil, Few Drops Peppermin Essential Oil...
All are very diluted.

Then I sprayed the F out of them every 3 days. If you are in flowering, you can still do this... If you would like.

Basically you are just trying to suffocate the bugs with oil.. although some of the ingredients can do more than just that.
When the spray bottle goes near half... Fill it up with water again and shake =D.

You can then spray with just water to wash off the oils later on.

Make sure you have good airflow.

This is one of the great benefits of LEDs... you can raise the lights.. spray your plants.. and put the light right back down--without fear of burning your plants.
HPS would just cook up the oil/water you just applied and burn the plants hard lol.

I'm no expert.. but this has worked for the 2 bug breakouts I've had.(Spider mites, thripes)
..And I use it on my vegging plants as a preventative every now n then.
Thanks everyone. Yeah i already add dish soap to my neem (with water of course) Gave my 'veggings' and early flower a blast today.

I just have to remember to stick to my regime. Twice in veg. once in early flower. But yeah it was worse and most of the leaf damage is on older leaves.
YYWoofta just read this thread front to back, why have i never looked at your thread man?? Just curious what you ever did with your perlite ratios, also don't see it mentioned anywhere (not that you have had ph probs but your express you said got some mg def. if i remember correctly) but you ahould def throw some garden lime in that mix you got. then no ph probs, since you dont believe in meters lol and help with that mg, migt wanna cut back on the epsoms if you go this route. Really like what you have done up till now even though the updates have gotten less frequent (start a new thread?) actually making me think about diying a panel together when my panels kick the bucket, gotta tackle a broken driver i have in a flower panel first... keep it green man, looks dank