Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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Define "American Culture".

Budweiser, Big Macs and fat people?

Innovation, declining individualism, declining industriousness, i.e. almost as big a bunch of pussies as you Europeans. We have all the culture of Europe, and Asia, and the middle east because the country is filled with all those sorts of people and they brought their culture with them.
Stupid question to start with.
They have SHAPED, and CREATED much of todays culture.
Miley is Twerkin on live television, think about it.
Do you watch Basketball, or Football?
They have, and are totally "assimilated" into as well as an active part of our culture.

Read that question again to yourself out loud and think about how stupid it was...

If you want to ask why the statistics show that they are incarcerated at far higher rates than "whites" it would be a valid question which could start a productive dialouge which would touch on things like the link between poverty, and crime.

If you really meant to ask the question why dark Skinned people haven't assimilated into "our" culture and you are really coming from a mindset where you REALLY BELIEVE that they haven't...
Well, you're just retarded.

Just my .02


So you understood what I was asking in the OP and still decided to post your reply completely hostile?
So you understood what I was asking in the OP and still decided to post your reply completely hostile?

no, he did not understand the question, or the premise, and he has nothing to add but more mindless regurgitation of the played out "My SES Made Me Do It" excuses.

He (like most people who talk about "starting a dialogue" in the middle of a conversation) wants to reframe the conversation in a manner that allows him to make his flawed assertions and declare victory without ever examining the hard to swallow facts of "Black Culture" in America.

the simple truth is, most urban blacks have NOT integrated into american society because they have been told that this is "Selling Out" and it makes them into "House Niggers".

they are then encouraged to strive to become "Real Niggers" and engage in street crime while asserting that their "Socio-Economic Status" made them into criminals, when in fact they made the concious choice to reject reality at the urging of the leftists who need a victim class to advance their agenda.

most ironically, their "Victims" are generally described as "Perps" by anyone not using the "Reverse-Correct Info-Speak" of the left.
Your "question" is stupid, racist, and arrogant.

You are simply ignorant of the situation if you believe that. You don't know me, to accuse someone you don't know of being racist is the height of stupidity.

no, he did not understand the question, or the premise, and he has nothing to add but more mindless regurgitation of the played out "My SES Made Me Do It" excuses.

He (like most people who talk about "starting a dialogue" in the middle of a conversation) wants to reframe the conversation in a manner that allows him to make his flawed assertions and declare victory without ever examining the hard to swallow facts of "Black Culture" in America.

the simple truth is, most urban blacks have NOT integrated into american society because they have been told that this is "Selling Out" and it makes them into "House Niggers".

they are then encouraged to strive to become "Real Niggers" and engage in street crime while asserting that their "Socio-Economic Status" made them into criminals, when in fact they made the concious choice to reject reality at the urging of the leftists who need a victim class to advance their agenda.

most ironically, their "Victims" are generally described as "Perps" by anyone not using the "Reverse-Correct Info-Speak" of the left.

the simple truth is, most urban blacks have NOT integrated into american society because they have been told that this is "Selling Out" and it makes them into "House Niggers".

they are then encouraged to strive to become "Real Niggers" and engage in street crime while asserting that their "Socio-Economic Status" made them into criminals, when in fact they made the concious choice to reject reality at the urging of the leftists who need a victim class to advance their agenda.

most ironically, their "Victims" are generally described as "Perps" by anyone not using the "Reverse-Correct Info-Speak" of the left.

I've got to hand it to ya. That's one HELL of a perspective.
the simple truth is, most urban blacks have NOT integrated into american society because they have been told that this is "Selling Out" and it makes them into "House Niggers".*

they are then encouraged to strive to become "Real Niggers" and engage in street crime while asserting that their "Socio-Economic Status" made them into criminals, when in fact they made the concious choice to reject reality at the urging of the leftists who need a victim class to advance their agenda.*

budding white supremacist + mean streets of vallejo = this type of retarded tripe
budding white supremacist + mean streets of vallejo = this type of retarded tripe

bucky doesnt know shit about Vallejo Calif.

Bucky, on the real. how many times have you been shot in portland?

how many times have you been shot at?

how many times have you been robbed at gunpoint?

how many times have you been jumped by 3 or more guys?

how many times have you witnessed a stabbing?

how many times have you witnessed an armed robbery (excluding the ones where you were the robbee)

how many mutilated human corpses have you discovered in the alley behind your place of work?

if your answer to any of thess questions is a numerical value less than 2 (yes thats the LOW BALL) then you have no idea what "Mean Streets" really look like.

Watts was more peaceful than Vallejo. and yes i lived in Watts for a few months (Compton for a few weeks too, but then i moved on up to Riverside)
Does the commute across the river decrease yours?

I do not understand this question. No, my coming to the US does not decrease my property value. It increases if anything. We will open another restaurant. I will grow cannabis. We will do very well.

The only thing I do not like is the price of the rent in the US. We will be paying almost 6000 dollars per month in your money and this seems a little much to pay. I believe we must buy property if we must pay this much.
bucky doesnt know shit about Vallejo Calif.

Bucky, on the real. how many times have you been shot in portland?

how many times have you been shot at?

how many times have you been robbed at gunpoint?

how many times have you been jumped by 3 or more guys?

how many times have you witnessed a stabbing?

how many times have you witnessed an armed robbery (excluding the ones where you were the robbee)

how many mutilated human corpses have you discovered in the alley behind your place of work?

if your answer to any of thess questions is a numerical value less than 2 (yes thats the LOW BALL) then you have no idea what "Mean Streets" really look like.

Watts was more peaceful than Vallejo. and yes i lived in Watts for a few months (Compton for a few weeks too, but then i moved on up to Riverside)

where i'm living now has a much higher population, population density, higher percentage of those scary blacks that you are so fearful of, lower percentage of whites, and no six flags amusement center.

i imagine things must have gotten pretty rough when the cotton candy machine ran low or the rollercoaster was down for maintenance.

you poor thing.

and no one believes that you found any mutilated bodies after crawling in through the window in the dark.

you have been known to bullshit, lie, and just plain invent scarier details to black up stories all the time.
I do not understand this question. No, my coming to the US does not decrease my property value. It increases if anything. We will open another restaurant. I will grow cannabis. We will do very well.

The only thing I do not like is the price of the rent in the US. We will be paying almost 6000 dollars per month in your money and this seems a little much to pay. I believe we must buy property if we must pay this much.

I hope when your visiting you can find a good goat to take back.
With the 6 grand you received for your sister you and the other family members may find a decent place. I would recommend Juarez or Tijuana you will fit in nicely in either. Just remember to try not to talk much because they will see how stupid you are and know your a Colombian. Mexico tends to kill off the illegals
I hope when your visiting you can find a good goat to take back.
With the 6 grand you received for your sister you and the other family members may find a decent place. I would recommend Juarez or Tijuana you will fit in nicely in either. Just remember to try not to talk much because they will see how stupid you are and know your a Colombian. Mexico tends to kill off the illegals

This makes no sense to me.

just gonna put this here and see what happens.
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