First Annual Halloween Pot-oberfest Saturday 12th October

Pepe le skunk

Well-Known Member

First annual Halloween Pot-Oberfest Party saturday October 12th 2013.
Harvest cup competition with prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Bring your entry with you.
Free prizes for the first 30 people in costume.
Food and drink provided. BYOB

Anytime after 1pm

Freebies from Hotsauce genetics, Colorado Cozmic candies and Blue Mountains Colorado

PM for details and directions
Please be kind to each other.


Active Member
Tried to send you a PM but RIU is bring lame and I'm not sure if it was sent or not...

Just a heads up if it didn't send, I will be there and am still planning on bringing the Tri Tip to help feed the masses. I wont be able to enter the Cup this year as all my samples were chopped the other day and are still drying... then it still need a cure before it will be "Cup" worthy :twisted:

Let me know if you want me to bring some fresh crosses I made, I took two "IBL's" and crossed them to make a (hopefully) stable F1 generation (I plan to IBL them in the not so near future)... I breed for pain killing and appetite stimulation.

I made: Skunky Lights (early 2000 stock Sam the Skunkman: Skunk #1 ~7 week pheno) and 2 types of "Sour DeLight"; I had a full on Lemon Pledge pheno and also a Lemon Skunk pheno of Sour Diesels (both 12 week phenos), they all got dusted with a "NLx IBL" male (Northern Lights #5 x 'Black' Widow {F5}).

Pepe le skunk

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear chewy. Maybe next year. Azhden got the pm and replied. Thanks again for the tri tip. Chef, Stop over during the day until before the start of the bout. smokajoe, it's not the party cup but feel free to enter yours if you want. It's all in fun. There is only 3 judges so not much needs to be sampled. Somebody's hopefully got something good. Most never get to a chance to enter a cup so it's just for fun. Three categories in the judging. Flavor/taste, smell, effect.


Well-Known Member
How long do you guys plan on running? I might be able to get off early and get up there on the bike.


Well-Known Member
I'll try to be there.

Mine aren't ready to be chopped down yet. Maybe, but won't be ready for any contests :(


Well-Known Member
I pulled a few strings at work and it looks like I'll be able to make it after all. I'll just be a little late (3 or 4 ish) Dont kick off the comp without me!

Pepe le skunk

Well-Known Member
Very cool of you Rae. Have a few treats as well. Fun times.


These are called Scotcheroos, Drizzled with Chocolate and Butterscotch. Really turned out good this time. That chocolate melt point is a pain.

I won't be able to be there brother man.
You will be missed Chef.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I'd love to be there and meet some of you folks.



Well-Known Member
I had a great time meeting everyone, seriously was a blast, next time I wont be an asshole and will be able to stay for longer we barely even smoked :P