Tried to send you a PM but RIU is bring lame and I'm not sure if it was sent or not...
Just a heads up if it didn't send, I will be there and am still planning on bringing the Tri Tip to help feed the masses. I wont be able to enter the Cup this year as all my samples were chopped the other day and are still drying... then it still need a cure before it will be "Cup" worthy
Let me know if you want me to bring some fresh crosses I made, I took two "IBL's" and crossed them to make a (hopefully) stable F1 generation (I plan to IBL them in the not so near future)... I breed for pain killing and appetite stimulation.
I made: Skunky Lights (early 2000 stock Sam the Skunkman: Skunk #1 ~7 week pheno) and 2 types of "Sour DeLight"; I had a full on Lemon Pledge pheno and also a Lemon Skunk pheno of Sour Diesels (both 12 week phenos), they all got dusted with a "NLx IBL" male (Northern Lights #5 x 'Black' Widow {F5}).