Things I have learned from democrats this week....Part II


Well-Known Member
Ahh Ha!!! You caught another one. Man you just find them all over the place. Great argument btw.

All republicans are racists. Dem's can do no harm they are glory please bow before the almighty party.

Do you think when the bible talks about the chosen people it really meant democrats? bahahaha
nitroharley has advocated suspending first amendment rights for american citizens (only if they are muslim though).

might want to get up to date before making a fool of yourself.

i know, that's a tough task for you.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
nitroharley has advocated suspending first amendment rights for american citizens (only if they are muslim though).

might want to get up to date before making a fool of yourself.

i know, that's a tough task for you.
You are making your self look like a fool...You can't back up that piece of shit you voted for so you throw muslim or black or latino race bait crap on the wall..Is it possible for you to leave race out of politics?..It makes you look like an idiot..just so you know..


Well-Known Member
nitroharley has advocated suspending first amendment rights for american citizens (only if they are muslim though).

might want to get up to date before making a fool of yourself.

i know, that's a tough task for you.

Abe Lincoln freed the slaves and he was a Democrat. True or False

Good ol' Honest Abe was a Racist in disguise. Freeing the slaves and helping to create equality among men was all part of his evil master scheme.

FYI - If you're still trying to figure out the answer it is false. He was a republican.


Well-Known Member
You are making your self look like a fool...You can't back up that piece of shit you voted for so you throw muslim or black or latino race bait crap on the wall..Is it possible for you to leave race out of politics?..It makes you look like an idiot..just so you know..
i'm not the one who says first amendment rights should be suspended for muslims. that's you.

i am simply here to point out what a bigot you are to others (like ytkiddo) who remain ignorant of your hateful, biased, unamerican ways.


Well-Known Member
Abe Lincoln freed the slaves and he was a Democrat. True or False

Good ol' Honest Abe was a Racist in disguise. Freeing the slaves and helping to create equality among men was all part of his evil master scheme.

FYI - If you're still trying to figure out the answer it is false. He was a republican.

Lol the only thing modern day republicans have in common with lincoln-era republicans is the name... completely and 100% different besides that.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
i'm not the one who says first amendment rights should be suspended for muslims. that's you.

i am simply here to point out what a bigot you are to others (like ytkiddo) who remain ignorant of your hateful, biased, unamerican ways.
You're simply here to troll.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
i'm not the one who says first amendment rights should be suspended for muslims. that's you.

i am simply here to point out what a bigot you are to others (like ytkiddo) who remain ignorant of your hateful, biased, unamerican ways.
Show me where I said I wanted there first amendment rights suspended...You are making that shit up...I think I said they could of picked a different day...And then you make up all this hate shit...I am thinking the OTHERS are thinking you are a racist idiot...just so you know..

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Lol the only thing modern day republicans have in common with lincoln-era republicans is the name... completely and 100% different besides that.
let me guess, because in 1968, the democrats and republicans had a Chinese Fire Drill and all the racsit shitbagfs who used to be D'd became R's and all the "good people" who used to wear R's slapped on D's in unison.

do try to be less gullible.

examine the platforms of the republicans since lincoln's day through today and you'll find they are quite consistent, while democrats remain populist wafflers who lean which ever direction political expedience takes them.


Well-Known Member
let me guess, because in 1968, the democrats and republicans had a Chinese Fire Drill and all the racsit shitbagfs who used to be D'd became R's and all the "good people" who used to wear R's slapped on D's in unison.

do try to be less gullible.

examine the platforms of the republicans since lincoln's day through today and you'll find they are quite consistent, while democrats remain populist wafflers who lean which ever direction political expedience takes them.

Gullible? I base what I say on history books and the teachings of professors who have devoted their entire professional lives to studying the civil war. Gullible would be taking your word with nothing to back it up. I'm not favoring democrats or republicans but the republican platform is vastly different today than what it was in Lincoln's day, idk how you can dispute that.

Lincoln era republicans focused on expansion of federal power, and most of these expansions were opposed fiercely by democrats. You think that is consistent with today's politics?


Well-Known Member
Gullible? I base what I say on history books and the teachings of professors who have devoted their entire professional lives to studying the civil war. Gullible would be taking your word with nothing to back it up. I'm not favoring democrats or republicans but the republican platform is vastly different today than what it was in Lincoln's day, idk how you can dispute that.
The pubs who stand on the principles the party was founded on are now seen as anti-american right wing terrorists.

If you want some history on the shift in the Republican party, compare Prescott Bush and Barry Goldwater. Bush begat the Nixon type, the Bush/Bush/McCain/Romneys of the world. Give me those terrorists like Cruz and Paul anyday. IF anything, the liberal arm of the republican party killed the two party system. They became almost indistinguishable.

You also need to realize those profs you think so highly of, are of the system, by the system and for the system. They deal in theory, interpretation of history to fight ideology (war on slavery anyone?) and generally have no real world experience outside of academia. Their entire lively hood depends on government subsidies.


Well-Known Member
The pubs who stand on the principles the party was founded on are now seen as anti-american right wing terrorists.

If you want some history on the shift in the Republican party, compare Prescott Bush and Barry Goldwater. Bush begat the Nixon type, the Bush/Bush/McCain/Romneys of the world. Give me those terrorists like Cruz and Paul anyday. IF anything, the liberal arm of the republican party killed the two party system. They became almost indistinguishable.

You also need to realize those profs you think so highly of, are of the system, by the system and for the system. They deal in theory, interpretation of history to fight ideology (war on slavery anyone?) and generally have no real world experience outside of academia. Their entire lively hood depends on government subsidies.
You mean Bring back the David Duke wing of he Republican party?


Well-Known Member
You mean Bring back the David Duke wing of he Republican party?
Or the David Duke wing of the democratic party.... both are just as ignorant and hateful.

You can't be real.

If an idiot assumes that someone preaching personal responsibility and individual freedom for all means to an idiot they are against blacks, then it's obvious what that idiots opinion of blacks is. The truly tasty morsel is the idiot doesn't even realize what they are saying.

I can't believe I let you suck me in to a head banging against the wall convo. I really do know better. Either you think you are funny and miss that mark by a mile or you really are "special". I'm wasting time.


Well-Known Member
Or the David Duke wing of the democratic party.... both are just as ignorant and hateful.

You can't be real.

If an idiot assumes that someone preaching personal responsibility and individual freedom for all means to an idiot they are against blacks, then it's obvious what that idiots opinion of blacks is. The truly tasty morsel is the idiot doesn't even realize what they are saying.
it's more about when they knowingly hire white supremacists (several times) and then defend them, or when they preach against civil rights, or when they coordinate with white supremacists from A3PO that means they are against blacks.

you have some fancy dance moves, but they won't dance you around those facts.


Well-Known Member
The pubs who stand on the principles the party was founded on are now seen as anti-american right wing terrorists.

If you want some history on the shift in the Republican party, compare Prescott Bush and Barry Goldwater. Bush begat the Nixon type, the Bush/Bush/McCain/Romneys of the world. Give me those terrorists like Cruz and Paul anyday. IF anything, the liberal arm of the republican party killed the two party system. They became almost indistinguishable.

You also need to realize those profs you think so highly of, are of the system, by the system and for the system. They deal in theory, interpretation of history to fight ideology (war on slavery anyone?) and generally have no real world experience outside of academia. Their entire lively hood depends on government subsidies.
I'm not sure how to respond. Are you saying my professors lied to me for some hidden agenda, or that history books are inaccurate? Or both? Or maybe that the republican party didn't focus on expanding federal power during Lincoln's day?

And no real world experience outside academia, what are you basing that on? Like any other people, professors are free to experience life as they choose when they are not at work. My aunt is a professor, so according to you she has no life experience besides academia... yet she's had enough experiences outside of teaching for two lifetimes. I believe she's going skydiving next week.

I was only trying to make one point. Someone said Lincoln was a republican as if it was relevant to the republicans of today. I pointed out that the goals of the party during his time in politics were pretty much a 180 from their platform today.


Well-Known Member
i think it's funny how eager ginwilly is to call me and cheesy racists, but when we had half a dozen actual white supremacists on this board, he barely made a peep about it.

i even had to plead with him in PM just to admit that they really were racist, which he did admit, but he never said a word about it to them.

in fact, i can't think of one right winger on this board who took objection to the white supremacists. many of them joined their white supremacist group (twice no less!).

i do recall red1966 speaking out against them, but only for the anti-semitism part of the equation.

that's some pretty damning stuff.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Gullible? I base what I say on history books and the teachings of professors who have devoted their entire professional lives to studying the civil war. Gullible would be taking your word with nothing to back it up. I'm not favoring democrats or republicans but the republican platform is vastly different today than what it was in Lincoln's day, idk how you can dispute that.

Lincoln era republicans focused on expansion of federal power, and most of these expansions were opposed fiercely by democrats. You think that is consistent with today's politics?
yes. yes it is.

both parties are heavily invested in expanding government power and the strength of bureaucracy

but in not a Republican Party republican im a Republic Republican (google Theodore Roosevelt) and both major parties are a serious disappointment.

the republican party has always been the party of fairness, equal opportunity without special giveaways or oppression for racial groups.

the democrats are the ones who wanted to oppress minorities and when the minorities became powerful group Bloc Voting groups needed for their political putsch, they scream for more special handouts.

the Republican Party is consistent, the Democrat Party is based entirely on appeasement and bribery.

read the platforms yourself.