Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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consistent with other studies, though in much greater detail, Espenshade and Radford show the substantial admissions boost, particularly at the private colleges in their study, which Hispanic students get over whites, and the enormous advantage over whites given to blacks. They also show how Asians must do substantially better than whites in order to reap the same probabilities of acceptance to these same highly competitive private colleges. On an "other things equal basis," where adjustments are made for a variety of background factors, being Hispanic conferred an admissions boost over being white (for those who applied in 1997) equivalent to 130 SAT points (out of 1600), while being black rather than white conferred a 310 SAT point advantage. Asians, however, suffered an admissions penalty compared to whites equivalent to 140 SAT points. - See more at: http://www.mindingthecampus.com/originals/2010/07/how_diversity_punishes_asians.html#sthash.DEfWEDUp.dpu

No I am not asian you racist.
The studies all clearly show how asians and whites are discriminated against by universities though.

hmm, okay, my apologies for assuming you were an angry Asian mad at the the Black man for bogus reasons.

at the same time in token, i can easily flip the table that will shoot your point right down. give me a sec, i'll post it in a few.
haha, i think you know better than that. anyone knows me, knows that i fuck with everybody and don't care what you are or where you came from. however, i find it funny that there's a topic on black people, with the same people, that can't fact from fiction telling the story.

if it wasn't for people like Uncle Buck (and a few others i forget atm) stopping them in their tracks, there would be much more threads on the same topic than there are now.
i also found your posts, along with many others, to be a lil incredulous and absurd due to the fact that it had nothing to do with the topic at hand. tbh, it seemed like you saw your chance to take a shot at black people knowing that it didn't or wouldn't answer the question that was asked by the op.
Fresh 2 [email said:
De@th;9690501]http://www.finaid.org/scholarships/20110902racescholarships.pdf[/email]... Yes whites receive more MERIT based scholarships
than blacks the key word being merit based.

http://topconservativenews.com/2012...ferential-treatment-when-starting-a-business/ Yes this shows that whites are discriminated against- "The Federally Funded Department promotes non-whites and only non-whites. Does this sound fair to you"?

You have debunked nothing and since blacks get a 300 plus point testing
advantage you wont be able to "debunk" anything.

i'll dig the rest up later.

what rapes, burglary and other profit driven crimes?
yeah, youre reading comprehension is pretty abysmal. Rape is not a profit driven crime, and despite making up less than 12% of the male population black men commit 32.9% of forcible rapes...

think about it... less than 12 % of the male population committing nearly 40% of rapes... do the math...

the profit motivated property crimes (not vandalism, arson etc) are predominated by black perps.

the rest of your spastic diatribe was irrelevant ad hominems and demands for proof.

well here it is dingdong.


each category has YOUR 12% of the population vastly overrepresented, while the astute observer notes that Chicanos are not even present.

the reason theres no Chicano category?

they were folded into the "white" category

thats right they had to re-brand Chicanos as "whites" just to make the black numbers look less shocking.
hahaha, you're too funny. i take it you only read what you wanted to read and left the rest out. it kind of remind me of the rant you posted in the Bodhi thread.

oh just to give you a heads up, the only reason why i even gave you a like on your post was due to the fact that you spoke your mind (unlike the rest) against one of the most recognizable and transparent breeders in the game. you made no sense, but you tried (just like now)at least. you're lame to say the least.
yeah, youre reading comprehension is pretty abysmal. Rape is not a profit driven crime, and despite making up less than 12% of the male population black men commit 32.9% of forcible rapes...

think about it... less than 12 % of the male population committing nearly 40% of rapes... do the math...

the profit motivated property crimes (not vandalism, arson etc) are predominated by black perps.

the rest of your spastic diatribe was irrelevant ad hominems and demands for proof.

well here it is dingdong.


each category has YOUR 12% of the population vastly overrepresented, while the astute observer notes that Chicanos are not even present.

the reason theres no Chicano category?

they were folded into the "white" category

thats right they had to re-brand Chicanos as "whites" just to make the black numbers look less shocking.
looking at the chart, it's clear that you're the one with the reading comprehension.
other than murder, whites by far leads the pack in all other categories, stupid.
and whether you want to believe it or not (i can't believe that you're that stupid, but i've been proven wrong before) never has a Chicano been branded or rebranded as a white. nice try, but try again.

Fraud, Embezzlement , Forgery and Counterfeiting are consider and known as (wait for it) White Collared Crimes dummy. even law enforcement recognize and distinguish them to be White Collared Crimes. i think you need to take the dr off of that title, because it's clear that you are not a doctor of any kind.
haha, i think you know better than that. anyone knows me, knows that i fuck with everybody and don't care what you are or where you came from. however, i find it funny that there's a topic on black people, with the same people, that can't fact from fiction telling the story.

if it wasn't for people like Uncle Buck (and a few others i forget atm) stopping them in their tracks, there would be much more threads on the same topic than there are now.
i also found your posts, along with many others, to be a lil incredulous and absurd due to the fact that it had nothing to do with the topic at hand. tbh, it seemed like you saw your chance to take a shot at black people knowing that it didn't or wouldn't answer the question that was asked by the op.

I actually enjoyed this thread in part because I knew how it would bother UB.
Bucky is in fact a racist he has been brainwashed to the extent that Whites can never be
discriminated against. His thinking is blacks can do know wrong. On a daily basis he alleges racism by whites and very often falsely. Not once will he or most liberals point out racism perpetrated by a black. So in conclusion I think this thread and many of the non politically correct facts maybe beneficial to a racist like Uncle Ben.

Racism infests all communities including the black community
yeah, youre reading comprehension is pretty abysmal. Rape is not a profit driven crime, and despite making up less than 12% of the male population black men commit 32.9% of forcible rapes...

think about it... less than 12 % of the male population committing nearly 40% of rapes... do the math...

the profit motivated property crimes (not vandalism, arson etc) are predominated by black perps.

the rest of your spastic diatribe was irrelevant ad hominems and demands for proof.

well here it is dingdong.


each category has YOUR 12% of the population vastly overrepresented, while the astute observer notes that Chicanos are not even present.

the reason theres no Chicano category?

they were folded into the "white" category

thats right they had to re-brand Chicanos as "whites" just to make the black numbers look less shocking.

*40% of reported rapes.

Rape statistics are so fucking error riddled, and lacking accurate information it's virtually impossible to extrapolate any useful information from them.
I actually enjoyed this thread in part because I knew how it would bother UB.
Bucky is in fact a racist he has been brainwashed to the extent that Whites can never be
discriminated against. His thinking is blacks can do know wrong. On a daily basis he alleges racism by whites and very often falsely. Not once will he or most liberals point out racism perpetrated by a black. So in conclusion I think this thread and many of the non politically correct facts maybe beneficial to a racist like Uncle Ben.

Racism infests all communities including the black community
i would beg to differ. i would say it's more that he has made himself aware of history as it happened rather than accepting what he was taught.
the point i think he is trying to convey to his fellow white folk, is that Blacks didn't arrive in this state of mind on own, there surely was a lot of help from the Whites. also i believe that whatever he was taught, he seen enough to know that Blacks aren't the people that they were made out to be.

on another note, i do agree that people (not all) of all races have issues with racism. i also agree that people from all backgrounds have dirt in their history, whether it be of recent or past events.
You agree with Republicans on the issue of legitimate rape?

There is no 'legitimate' rape. Rape is rape.

Lots of women just don't report rapes to the police. They 'soldier on', because of the stigmas associated with being a victim, and various other causes.

JMHO, but 'Cindy' the white chick from work is more likely to report 'Jamal' for sexual assault than "Geoffry", her boss, who also happens to be white.
looking at the chart, it's clear that you're the one with the reading comprehension.
other than murder, whites by far leads the pack in all other categories, stupid.
and whether you want to believe it or not (i can't believe that you're that stupid, but i've been proven wrong before) never has a Chicano been branded or rebranded as a white. nice try, but try again.

Fraud, Embezzlement , Forgery and Counterfeiting are consider and known as (wait for it) White Collared Crimes dummy. even law enforcement recognize and distinguish them to be White Collared Crimes. i think you need to take the dr off of that title, because it's clear that you are not a doctor of any kind.

12% of the population, nearly 40% of the rapes.

that says it all right there.

one category, no bullshit.

the correlation between balck men and rape is nearly as startling as the correlation between gay men and interior design.

sure theres lots of gay men who arent interior designers, but if you hire a man to decorate your house, he is almost certainly gay.

sorry dude. thems the facts.

the raw number of any given category of crime is clearly presented as a % of the criminal activity by race. in every category, blacks are far overrepresented.

if you doubt that chicanos are considered "white" for the purposes of crime statistics, where are they?

dont strain your brain. heres what the FBI says about the missing Chicanos:

"In response to a directive by the U.S. Government’s Office of Management and Budget, the national UCR Program has expanded its data collection categories for race from four (White, Black, American Indian or Alaska Native, and Asian or Other Pacific Islander) to five (White, Black, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander). Also, the ethnicity categories have changed from “Hispanic” to “Hispanic or Latino Origin” and from “Non-Hispanic” to “Not of Hispanic or Latino Origin.” These changes will be reflected in data presented for 2013."

im sure that cleared it all up.
yes, im afraid youre wong again, chicanos are considered "White" for crime statistics purposes.

your tantrum about "white collar crimes" is ridiculous.

even in fraud and embezzlement blacks score ~32% of the total crimes, and still only make up LESS THAN TWELVE PERCENT OF THE POPULATION.

thats the part you are pretending doesnt exist. less than 12% of the populace is vastly overrepresented in crime, because they commit MORE CRIMES.
and im only talking about "Real Crimes" not smoking dope or vagrancy etc. that is bullshit.
Careful of those facts Dr you may be labeled a racist.
The use of facts if not politically correct is deemed racism by many of the dim witted libs.
12% of the population, nearly 40% of the rapes.

that says it all right there.

one category, no bullshit.

the correlation between balck men and rape is nearly as startling as the correlation between gay men and interior design.

sure theres lots of gay men who arent interior designers, but if you hire a man to decorate your house, he is almost certainly gay.

sorry dude. thems the facts.

the raw number of any given category of crime is clearly presented as a % of the criminal activity by race. in every category, blacks are far overrepresented.

if you doubt that chicanos are considered "white" for the purposes of crime statistics, where are they?

dont strain your brain. heres what the FBI says about the missing Chicanos:

"In response to a directive by the U.S. Government’s Office of Management and Budget, the national UCR Program has expanded its data collection categories for race from four (White, Black, American Indian or Alaska Native, and Asian or Other Pacific Islander) to five (White, Black, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander). Also, the ethnicity categories have changed from “Hispanic” to “Hispanic or Latino Origin” and from “Non-Hispanic” to “Not of Hispanic or Latino Origin.” These changes will be reflected in data presented for 2013."

im sure that cleared it all up.
yes, im afraid youre wong again, chicanos are considered "White" for crime statistics purposes.

your tantrum about "white collar crimes" is ridiculous.

even in fraud and embezzlement blacks score ~32% of the total crimes, and still only make up LESS THAN TWELVE PERCENT OF THE POPULATION.

thats the part you are pretending doesnt exist. less than 12% of the populace is vastly overrepresented in crime, because they commit MORE CRIMES.
and im only talking about "Real Crimes" not smoking dope or vagrancy etc. that is bullshit.
once again, you failed again. the changes didn't go into effect until 2013 (when exactly isn't stated) and those stats are from 2011. so once again, you sound good to the uninformed, but anyone that reads what you post and look at actual facts, knows that you talk a good one but don't deliver.
i know your going to try to obviate and obfuscate the obvious in your post, but shit, it will be hard to miss the contradictions in your post. nice try.

here's last years consensus 14.2%
Careful of those facts Dr you may be labeled a racist.
The use of facts if not politically correct is deemed racist by many of the dim witted libs.
yeah you right, someone with common sense could easily decipher his futile attempt at trying to manipulate the facts.
*40% of reported rapes.

Rape statistics are so fucking error riddled, and lacking accurate information it's virtually impossible to extrapolate any useful information from them.

this report is JUST ABOUT ARRESTS.

lets talk about robbery then...

12% of the population, 55.6% of robbery arrests.

yeah thats not even better.

i chose Rape as the stat du jour, as it is not profit motivated, and thus not subject to the whimpering about "socio-economic status".
rape is the perfect illustration of the problem. being poor doesnt make you a rapist, being underprivileged doesnt make you a rapist, shitty schools dont make you a rapist, being a fucking rapist makes you a rapist.

when you dig into the reported crime stats, shit gets even wierder.

in nearly every category of crime, when the race of the perp is known, blacks get an even bigger statistical edge over the "white/chicano" category.
due to the govt shutdown i cannot provide these reports, so i will table that for now.
Refusing to understand why some black people lead the lifestyles they do in a higher percentage than other races is just ignorance.

My parents hounded the living shit out of me to get good grades. Just like their parents hounded them, and so on and so on.

Go back far enough and black people couldn't even go to school. How is the idea that education is important supposed to trickle down through the generations when it was completely inaccessible to black peoples ancestors? Ideas don't just start in full force they gain momentum through time, and white people have been attending Universities and Colleges since BCE. You can't take an entire group of people from their own societies, erase their culture, tell them they're to be subordinate, beat them until they comply; then magically set them free and expect them to start up at the same level of education, and ENTHUSIASM for education that white people have. Never mind the fact that even after black people were emancipated they were still treated like dirt for over 100 years.... many still are, are many still lack the family and community support required to get a proper education. The groundwork to achieve respected roles in society are much easier to attain if you're white. That's to say, you're ability to access skills and education is higher. Does that mean it's impossible if you're black? No, but unless you have the same level of family and community support that white people have, you need to work MUCH, MUCH harder to achieve the same results.

It's normal to want something better than your parents, but if you don't have a legitimate means of attaining it, where are you going to look?

Want to know why minorities need special scholarships? They are disproportionately poor.
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