Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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A black senior citizen I know was beat by black kids on their way home from school.
Lotsa black on black crimes in the city.

again, with the qualifiers.

when a tweaker steals my clothes at the laundromat, is that "White on White Crime" ?

why do we need a special category for "Black on Black"?

criminals engage in crime, and their victims are usually prey of convenience, not targeted for any reason beyond being available for the criminal's use.

setting up special categories does not change the simple fact that blacks do more crime, and it doesnt mitigate that crime if the victims also tend to be black.
black people's lives persons and property are just as important to me as white people's. being the victim of a crime doesnt become more or less important if the victim is black white asian or chicano.

the only unimportant crimes are those committed against OccupyTards. those dinks are asking for it.
you are such an Internet Toughguy.

im quaking in my bunny slippers.

Your advanced age and footwear are not my problem gringo. Your insults mean nothing. When you die I want you to remember these words. Your white race is doomed to extinction. You are the weak and the brown man is the strong. You will be forgotten and no person will even know you existed.
Why do blacks get in to college with very low scores?
Why must People with a Asian heritage have much
higher score than blacks to be excepted to most good universities?

Why is there a much lower violent crime rate
amongst poor Asian or Irish Americans than blacks?

Why must liberals always make excuses?

Why are most Americans tired of these excuses and why are the race
baiters ...Jackson Sharpton etc etc now looked down upon by so many?
haha, you talk a good one, but could you please provide some facts. all i could gather from your poor examples of trying to outline how much you "asians" have it much worst than us "Blacks", is that you're just talking to fit in with the rest of the crowd that tend to start and/or mainly/mostly participate in these types of topics.

could you please provide us with these schools that you're referring to, that's allowing a low performing "Black" over a "well educated, high scoring asian".
and please define violent crime, because i think you're confused or like most, believe what America tells you in their history books or through the media. also, sex crimes, kidnapping and human trafficking (according to the asians) isn't considered a violent crime, but here in the good USA we do.
so let's see how the asians really stack up when one factors in sex crimes, kidnapping and human trafficking (which they're notoriously known for).
here's something that was posted by the Korea Herald
i am pretty sure these 2 links would suffice for now, if not, i am more than willing to provide more.

i am not sure if you're familiar with the show on Spike tv called gang land, but if you are, i am pretty sure you've seen the episode with the asians. if not, i suggest you look for it and take a look at it. you'll be surprised how the asians really do, nothing but violence that never gets reported for fear of their life, as the oppressed asians tells it.
here's a couple vids for you, i'll post more if need be.

so i got to ask, with all the bs you posted throughout this thread about Blacks, what was you're point again.
again, with the qualifiers.

when a tweaker steals my clothes at the laundromat, is that "White on White Crime" ?

why do we need a special category for "Black on Black"?

criminals engage in crime, and their victims are usually prey of convenience, not targeted for any reason beyond being available for the criminal's use.

setting up special categories does not change the simple fact that blacks do more crime, and it doesnt mitigate that crime if the victims also tend to be black.
black people's lives persons and property are just as important to me as white people's. being the victim of a crime doesnt become more or less important if the victim is black white asian or chicano.

the only unimportant crimes are those committed against OccupyTards. those dinks are asking for it.

I think we're more comfortable committing crimes against your own race.
The "..." signify a clause.. so don't get so uptightly racist yet..

Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture... as well as American Italians or American Irish, American English, American Spanish, etc..?

Why is it that African Americans seem to be the only exception? By exception I mean why are more African Americans in jail than their counterparts? Why the higher crime rate, the higher teen pregnancy rate, the higher fatherless households rate?

By no means is this thread meant to be against African Americans, rather, it's meant to be about the injustices they, as a race, face in America, and WHY?

IMO, it has a lot to do with the drug culture. Ever since the beginning, illegal drugs have been linked to minorities. I would like to examine this further, and I would like to hear any inputs from the board, any first hand accounts or personal experiences.

In your opinion, what do you think are the main factors holding assimilation into the culture back with African Americans?

Well let's see..
For years blacks weren't allowed to vote..
For years they couldn't go to any other school but a school for Blacks..
For years they couldn't get business loans..
For years the only place they were allowed to live was on the wrong side of the tracks..
Let's see, I'm sure I'm leaving many things out, but it's a start ..
RB, basically summed it up. however, i would like to piggyback off of what he contributed to this thread.
Blacks, along with many other ethnicity, assimilated to america and its' culture. however, Blacks was never allowed to thrive in america and its' culture.
here's a link disproving all that swears up and down that Blacks never assimilated or never recouped from the 400 yrs of slaverly. for those that's into facts more than what you've heard, feel free to check it out. also, if you want to dig deeper, look up Marcus Garvey, Malcom X and other black leaders that implemented the same way of thinking; that was either assassinated, jailed or force to flee the country for their life from white america.
here was a community that thrived without any intervention from white people, but rather destroyed by the same white people that told history that Blacks was nothing but backwards, dumb niggers and their only purpose for living was to kill each other and to be forever enslaved by the white man.

What world are you living in? Mexicans I work with have at least two social security numbers each. One to legally work, and the other to collect welfare benefits. Claiming 5 or more dependents will have minimal tax deductions (since they don't plan to file taxes anyway) They laugh and joke about it at work all the time. The government only cares about money and votes, not virtue and sovereignty. Until things change in Washington, you're just going to have to learn to deal with it.
what world are you living in, because it's a well known fact that there are a lot more (by a very large margin) illegal Mexicans in the USA than legal Mexicans. i guess you just put that out there to sound good to the others that doesn't know any better. is that what you were doing? guess what? you failed.
i am pretty sure you remember not too long ago where the white's clamored in the media about them sneaking into the usa, populating there space and taking up most of the available jobs.
again, with the qualifiers.

when a tweaker steals my clothes at the laundromat, is that "White on White Crime" ?

why do we need a special category for "Black on Black"?

criminals engage in crime, and their victims are usually prey of convenience, not targeted for any reason beyond being available for the criminal's use.

setting up special categories does not change the simple fact that blacks do more crime, and it doesnt mitigate that crime if the victims also tend to be black.
black people's lives persons and property are just as important to me as white people's. being the victim of a crime doesnt become more or less important if the victim is black white asian or chicano.

the only unimportant crimes are those committed against OccupyTards. those dinks are asking for it.
haha, after some research, i came across some pretty interesting facts. from my research, it seems that you may have a very valid point, well at least the FBI data base seems to agree with you.

it seems that there's more white on white crime (homicide) than black on black crime (homicide). i assume being that the media doesn't boastfully broadcast it, most are aware of actual facts. it's a shame, because with all the links a lot of these jokers be posting to support their claims, you would swear they would at least get simple facts right before actually posting anything at all.
haha, after some research, i came across some pretty interesting facts. from my research, it seems that you may have a very valid point, well at least the FBI data base seems to agree with you.

it seems that there's more white on white crime (homicide) than black on black crime (homicide). i assume being that the media doesn't boastfully broadcast it, most are aware of actual facts. it's a shame, because with all the links a lot of these jokers be posting to support their claims, you would swear they would at least get simple facts right before actually posting anything at all.
Per capita, black people kill far more black people than people of other races.

Its not racist, it's a statistical fact.
Per capita, black people kill far more black people than people of other races.

Its not racist, it's a statistical fact.
says who, you?
oh you must be thinking the stats that the media purports and not the ones that the fail to report.

i think you better look at the chart again. oh i get it, being that you weren't aware of those facts, the FBI files false and what you've been told is actually correct.

i am pretty sure if you were to use common sense, you could easily determine the point that you try to make was complete bullshit. once again, a little bit of research, dealing with facts, could have easily disprove these (media)facts that you claim to be 100% truth.
says who, you?
oh you must be thinking the stats that the media purports and not the ones that the fail to report.

i think you better look at the chart again. oh i get it, being that you weren't aware of those facts, the FBI files false and what you've been told is actually correct.

i am pretty sure if you were to use common sense, you could easily determine the point that you try to make was complete bullshit. once again, a little bit of research, dealing with facts, could have easily disprove these (media)facts that you claim to be 100% truth.

you are frgetting that black people represent less than 12% of the population but commit more than 50% of the homicides every year.

and when you get down to car theft, burglary, robbery and other profit driven crimes, the numbers get even worse.

they even commit a disproportionate number of rapes compared to their representation in the population, there is a problem in black society, and it needs addressing, but this wont come from liberalism. liberalism, has been hiding from the truth of their own complicity in the erosion of black people's self-respect for decades.
says who, you?
oh you must be thinking the stats that the media purports and not the ones that the fail to report.

i think you better look at the chart again. oh i get it, being that you weren't aware of those facts, the FBI files false and what you've been told is actually correct.

i am pretty sure if you were to use common sense, you could easily determine the point that you try to make was complete bullshit. once again, a little bit of research, dealing with facts, could have easily disprove these (media)facts that you claim to be 100% truth.
You fail at statistics.
you are frgetting that black people represent less than 12% of the population but commit more than 50% of the homicides every year.

the rate of poverty among blacks is about triple of what it is among whites, but you always forget to mention that. or you purposely omit it because it does not fit your racist agenda of trying to drive fear and hate into people.

you constantly attempt to ascribe the problem to skin color rather than circumstance, and you never make any mention of the historical factors that have led to the imbalance.

instead of recognizing the real issues, you make cheap, racially-charged references such as telling blacks that they need to "de-ghettoify" or else we should wall up the "inner cities". about as subtle as you are well paid.

just disgusting.
you are frgetting that black people represent less than 12% of the population but commit more than 50% of the homicides every year.

and when you get down to car theft, burglary, robbery and other profit driven crimes, the numbers get even worse.

they even commit a disproportionate number of rapes compared to their representation in the population, there is a problem in black society, and it needs addressing, but this wont come from liberalism. liberalism, has been hiding from the truth of their own complicity in the erosion of black people's self-respect for decades.
what rapes, burglary and other profit driven crimes? hit me with some facts, because i don't believe you.
fact, most rapist and serial rapist are White Men; which tend to get swept under the rug for some reason with programs that ultimately gets offenses dropped upon completion.
theft and profit driven crimes/white collared crimes are committed more by black people than white people? hmm, like i said, so far i am not convinced. all you provided, along with the others, are media based facts (you know the ones that tend to only/mostly air blacks and their crimes for 50 min, while only spending 2 mins reporting white people committing crimes and 8 minutes of commercials).
people who studies or are into actual facts (you know the ones that tend to get buried and have to research for) knows you're full of shit and just another one that just like to talk because you can.
you are frgetting that black people represent less than 12% of the population but commit more than 50% of the homicides every year.

and when you get down to car theft, burglary, robbery and other profit driven crimes, the numbers get even worse.

they even commit a disproportionate number of rapes compared to their representation in the population, there is a problem in black society, and it needs addressing, but this wont come from liberalism. liberalism, has been hiding from the truth of their own complicity in the erosion of black people's self-respect for decades.

He's just pissed he can't join in any reindeer games. In real life very few make a living with a red nose and don't end up in jail. That's true of any "race."
most rapist and serial rapist are White Men; which tend to get swept under the rug for some reason with programs that ultimately gets offenses dropped upon completion.

To stupid for reply!
To stupid for reply!
i agree, i don't even know why you even bothered to join in on such topic, because every post by you shows how stupid you are. i guess you came from the stupid asian gene pool.

ok, due to the government shut, i couldn't access certain specific info; however, due to the fact that it's public info ,i would assume that it's safe to say that wiki has got this one right.

Harrekin, i will concede that you were right when you said per capita Blacks do lead the race when it comes to murder, but not on the rest.

Dr K. you were wrong, in 2012, blacks made up 14.2% of the population. you also were dead wrong in assuming that blacks led the crime rate in all categories other than murder (which has showed a steady decline in recent years).
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