Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

mr west

Well-Known Member
just you wait jiggy my lad this is just the start of it. Least she didnt draw pretty pics with it all over the cot and give herself a fecal face mask lmao. Makes for much to laugh about in the future but I aint that cruel as to take pics lol.


Well-Known Member
OH what fun to look forward to:shock: hehe. I think I am with Thundercat, straight in the bath for a hose down...either that or a quick spin cycle in the machine:shock just kidding!

mr west

Well-Known Member
Being a pet owner helped loads as did being a care assistant. You dont mind if the shit is from your own lol.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree that being a pet owner has helped. Got used to getting nasty poop on my hands, stepping in throwup. Tasting something only to figure out it's cat pee (that's fun). Plus cat shit stinks to high heaven, so baby's poop isn't so bad. It still doesn't really smell. I guess that's when she starts eating food instead of milk. What good times :)

Wife shopping with babe. First extended time I've had at home since we brought Hannah home. Too bad I have to be working outside for the time. It's cold too. I am having fun though, no complaints. Getting the cat little box out-house finished up and putting up the end walls. I fianally figured out how I can do it by myself. Cut the big panels in half. I'll have an extra seem, but it's much easier to work with a 2'x5' board vs a 4'x5' board... up 12 feet on a ladder.... in the wind... on a hill.... by myself... with no shoes on.... in the snow... with one eye.... backwards.... drunk.

Ok... I got carried away. PEACE>>>>>>>>>>

Oh, had to laugh at something. My father in law asked if I had been smoking a lot lately. SHe asked why. He said "He's been posting funny things on Facebook lately"

What post are you referring too, wife asked.

"He made a post that said 'I love you, yeah you' "

Both me and my wife find it odd that he associates that post with smoking pot. I just fucking love you guys, that is all. High or not. And yes, I have been smoking a lot lately. :joint:


Well-Known Member
And since when is loving someone "funny"?
Cant have all these potheads wondering around society loving everyone, its just not normal.

And what the hell are you doing in the snow barefoot lol you must be high!

mr west

Well-Known Member
I wanted to reply to that post on that site with "I love you too man" but thought better of it lol, just as well me thinks too lol.


Well-Known Member
Only pot smoking hippies love each other! lol Just goes to show you that everything is just perception, pure optics.

I love you guys too, man!


Well-Known Member
Probably stick with dutch master. Still have veg nutes left over from my first grow. Guess I didn't need a gallon on each a and b. Lol. I've had nothing but success really and don't see a reason to change.

I use their a and b base nutes, Silica and zone which is a tank conditioner. 4 bottles... 6 I guess for flower nutes. 6 bottles ain't too bad. For got ph down. 7 bottles.


Well-Known Member
Thought I already posted this... But I'm a big fan of the love fest in here tonight. You all are the best. Its nice to have such good friends.


Well-Known Member
WTF!!! First official Blowout. ie Shit blowing out the diaper from all directions. Dude seriously, what the fuck is that. How the hell you get shit all over your tummy and back and everything. Only peeps with kids would understand. I tried to imagine before this and my imagination failed miserably.

HAHAHAHA.... poopy little baby.

I took a pic, but I'll spare you guys.
Whoa whoa whoa, you JUST had your first blowout? Oh man... you've gotten off easy. You're barely in the game, son! Wait until she starts eating solids. :shock: She's cute as button btw, Jig.

Really enjoyed reading over the past few pages. Miss being on here... things have just been too crazy at my house lately, and with work, it's been hard. I'll be back at it soon enough... peace.
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Well-Known Member
I had to hang some cupboard doors the other oh my was I cursing at those things like a cursing mofo. Sheesh, they were about to get ripped off and sent back when I decided to have a look at the instructions to see how I could sort that 1 inch gap between the doors, and funnily enough it took a few turns of a screwdriver and it was golden. N.B to self, read fukkin instructions you knit twit!:)
Hope the sides of the house went up ok mate...ffs, yer a better bob the builder than I'll ever be!
I have to agree that being a pet owner has helped. Got used to getting nasty poop on my hands, stepping in throwup. Tasting something only to figure out it's cat pee (that's fun). Plus cat shit stinks to high heaven, so baby's poop isn't so bad. It still doesn't really smell. I guess that's when she starts eating food instead of milk. What good times :)

Wife shopping with babe. First extended time I've had at home since we brought Hannah home. Too bad I have to be working outside for the time. It's cold too. I am having fun though, no complaints. Getting the cat little box out-house finished up and putting up the end walls. I fianally figured out how I can do it by myself. Cut the big panels in half. I'll have an extra seem, but it's much easier to work with a 2'x5' board vs a 4'x5' board... up 12 feet on a ladder.... in the wind... on a hill.... by myself... with no shoes on.... in the snow... with one eye.... backwards.... drunk.

Ok... I got carried away. PEACE>>>>>>>>>>

Oh, had to laugh at something. My father in law asked if I had been smoking a lot lately. SHe asked why. He said "He's been posting funny things on Facebook lately"

What post are you referring too, wife asked.

"He made a post that said 'I love you, yeah you' "

Both me and my wife find it odd that he associates that post with smoking pot. I just fucking love you guys, that is all. High or not. And yes, I have been smoking a lot lately. :joint:


Well-Known Member
I had to post this feel good jam here :eyesmoke: felt proper.
