Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
I agree with you on the way guys dress. Personally I came to a realization in about 5th grade that I wasn't gonna dress for ANYONE but me. At that point I stopped caring what others thought of my clothes, or style, and only wore things that I thought were comfy, or looked good inspite of any ridicule I may have later received.

Hope you guys have a nice weekend bud!


Well-Known Member
Cargos, tee shirts, and hoodies!
I personally don't want to wear a shlong shrink wrap even under clothes. I'm sure my lady would laugh at me if I did wear a "banana hammock" lol
Gawd, show off my spare tire and my saggy nutz too!? No thanks, no one wants to see that shit! hahahah


Well-Known Member
Yes very liberating!! When I came to that realization it literally felt like a weight was lifted from me.

As far as the speedo thing goes it certainly wouldn't be my first choice for swim wear, but I'd do it if that was the norm, like that water park. I'm not ashamed of my love handles, or my wang :).


Well-Known Member
If I was forced to wear a speedo like at that water park mentioned, I would let one of my balls out of each side of the shorts cuz quite frankly there isnt room for everything inside the package.


Well-Known Member
I dressed really ghetto when I met my girl all of 20 yrs ago.
I have also since decided I dont care what ppl think, and express this to my kids.
They are still stuck in the fashion tornado....

Anyway come to find out my girl wants me to dress preppy, ya know LeTigre shirts
I thought she liked my style, otherwise y did she pick me anyway?
Seems girls wanna change us.

I have a shirt like that I never wear, and one day I did and her and her sister were complementing me all day, and it was weird.
Its back in the closet now for another yr or so now

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Hahaha man the world isn't ready for me in Speedo's LOL. Not that I'm bothered I get nekkid at the drop of a hat. Its not a party unless there's been a kitchen crew naked shooting the shit. My gf usually complains but there's little to be done when I'm that state.

If only more girls would get in on it hahaha just kiddin.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i did it anyway. it was like when someone says don't press the big red button......

you know what. i actually quite like it haha. if they're comfy being big who gives a f@ck the black guy got swag man. and some hella bitch titties :shock: he's bringing it back 90's style i think I want a fat gold creole chain. reminds me of biggie smalls.

in days gone by those fat guys would have been the most affluent and sought out alpha's ;)


Well-Known Member
Ya, those folks are happy in their skin fo-sho. Wobblin those moobies with out shame!
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.... lol


Well-Known Member
IMG_20131013_105353.jpg I know this isn't the best picture with a hps but I'll take another one lights off.anyway what do you think about my save a crop run the smell is so good


Well-Known Member
Sorry I been absent guys. Those big guys are something else. I am not a fan of being mortally obese, but I am a fan of self confidence. And those guys were dripping with it. That's sexy, hahaha. But for real.

Chopping some sad plants in the next day or two. It's so sad in there. Even my mom yesterday said they looked 'sad'. Can't wait to get some good stuff going on. WOot.

Baby is growing and making herself more lovable all the time.

Jojo, the buds look alright, but like you said hard to tell in that light. I can see the trichs though... that's a good thing.

Not sure what else.... Dodgers are letting me down a bit. They are gonna need to step it up.

And if anyone is keeping track, my trip overseas is off. Gonna save up for another trip another time. :/

mr west

Well-Known Member
Bah! not good news on ya trip jiggy. The princess is having problems with any heavy lifting which includes hatty lol so we gonna have to sort something out for November.


Well-Known Member
So I need some help again.

I had some tops outside with bud-rot maybe from Caterpillars, maybe from rain related humidity??

Anyway when they were inside drying I didnt have enough exhaust and started to smell funky.
I put exhaust on high opened the area up and put a big fan in for circulation.
Anyway now they are dry, and smell good..
Problem is lots of the buds are like petrified firm, ans under the scope some have what looks like cotton fibers or webs.
Is that dry-rot and or mold?

If this is mold and the it all has it, can I make oil from it, or will it still be toxic?

After 3 hrs trimming my throat is hella burning too.


Well-Known Member
BHO or QWISO are gonna kill pretty much anything that might be going on there! I wouldnt be worried about it personally.


Well-Known Member
I think it's mold you are seeing. I've had buds like that where the mold wasn't visable a couple weeks later. Not sure if it's safe or not to do stuff with. I made dry ice hash with those buds and it was nice hash. Can't say for certain anything you do with it is safe, but I would feel ok making hash with it.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanx guys I am gonna buy the stuff to make BHO then I guess.
I have never done it b4
So heres what I think I need
Cans on butane, 2 Pyrex dishes (different sizes) and an extractor.

What else do I need?