doublejj Carport Greenhouse discussion thread


Well-Known Member
Just do it. You could do a early spring outdoor light dep grow, before you planted the summer plants.......that's what I plan to do......good luck.....
I have two in a carport right now. Mine has metal covering it at the moment but next year will get white roofing on it. It doesn't get warm here until darn near July so a June start would work. Heck.. I had to light dep just to try and get done by the big freeze at the end of this month!! It's day 44.. 34 degrees this morning. I don't think I am going to make it :wall:

Man I miss Cali weather some times!!!



Well-Known Member
Todays winds are a good example of why having good internal support is vital. These are 8' remesh wire cages, to support those big branches in this kind of wind. Pray with me..............................Amen.........


Well-Known Member
Had to sub this thread. I'm seriously thinking about buying a carport, chopping it in half vertically, and mounting it to the side of my house as a lean-to low-pro greenhouse. And I'll probably find a good spot to mount the other half somewhere else on the house, or hook up a friend, whichever.

I'm going to make it to the next BBQ btw, no BS this time! No BS BBQ :D


Well-Known Member
If I'm lucky finding a frame on craigslist. I'm looking for carport to be given away at the BBQ!.......


Well-Known Member
How the clear greenhouse cover compare to the green mesh cover they selling on eBay?have anyone use one of them?


Well-Known Member
Every time I go to visit my parents, I pass an uncovered carport frame...and since joining and posting here in outdoors, I think of doublejj and his carport when I pass it. I wonder if the people who own it want to sell...


Well-Known Member
I saw a carport in the hood without a cover, pulled over knocked on the door and asked if he was interested in getting rid of it. Nice guy said he'd been thinking about trashing it and he would break it down and put it in the driveway for me to pick up. I gave him my number and he just called and said it's ready. Thanks JJ.
That is how it's done, socal.......good luck.......