'I got 50 ounces out of a 4x4 tent' guy


Well-Known Member
I don't know what is so hard to believe. I did five White Russian for my fourth grow in a 5X5 with a 1X1000w and got nearly 30 Zs.... so an experienced grower in a 5X7 with 2x600 better be getting waaaayyyy better than 40 or something is wrong.


Green yield,, what stran , 20 out of a six is hard core are you using a high number of plants in that small space?


Well-Known Member
Heath is a monster. Every grow he does he kills it!! Miss seeing his grows. His aero grow was eye opening. His vertical he got like 6 lbs of a few plants. Fucking legend


Well-Known Member
there was a guy here cant remember atm but grew in 45 gal trash can under 600 watt and the stalk was the size of a softball,but a very long veg .


Well-Known Member
When I got locked up I was in the bullpen with a guy who claimed he a had a hydro setup that finished in minutes I'm dead serious too


Well-Known Member
Vertical hang 2 1k hps with a stadium scrog - scrogging walls and floor you probably could but it seems like a lot work in veg.