addative advice


Well-Known Member
im using general hydro flora bloom/micro (lucas formula) with cal-mag and pk13-14 for mid flower

what could i use to compliment this schedule????


Well-Known Member
Dark energy and super nova is one of the easiest ways I've found to get most of your additives in as few bottles as possible. Maybe yet yourself a can of great white too.


Well-Known Member
im using general hydro flora bloom/micro (lucas formula) with cal-mag and pk13-14 for mid flower

what could i use to compliment this schedule????
It seems like you have all your nutritional staples covered. I would gradient flush the last 3 days for taste.
IDK what your medium is but an air stone or two never hurts.


Well-Known Member
I usually like to add some sort of bio catalyst like Nirvana, Liquid Karma or Floralicious plus. Theyre not absolutely necessary but its just a little extra that help the plants flourish without messing with ppms too much.


Well-Known Member
Well within the next run im gunna be experimenting with coco mixes. Something cheapish. Im planning on not using coco nutes and just stay with the lucas f. I dunno lol