Note to self thread


Well-Known Member
As an objective witness to all this its clear to me that all this started, and is being perpetuated by one person. 2rollingstoned you have a way with language that really doesn't work with people here. You tell people sorry and give it a test but you yourself cant let it go.

let it go. You. Stop. Quit. Don't apologize again, don't explain yourself to me... Just stop.

and lol at your passive aggressive last post. And don't explain how it wasn't passive aggressive. I'm reading that way and that's how I will continue to read it.

nts: check thread in another week to see if its fun again.


Ursus marijanus
Annie give it a rest. I fail to see where anyone is "defending" you but if that is how you view it then ok. I don't have the heart to pick on a disabled person. Just not my nature.

Take care.
You might want to check your balls (or the feminine equivalent) instead of your heart. Taking on this particular disabled person is not a recommended sport even for healthy apex predators. In this instance I see you provoking, and Annie trying to smooth things. Why are you refusing an obvious olive branch, esp. when that is the path to survival?


Ursus marijanus
I was an admin at a huge world wide forum for several years and left it because of the excessive trolling and nobody would do anything about it. It ruined the place and less people post there now than ever. I flew across the world and met several of these folks at real Toke and Talks at coffeeshops. I am more than familiar with forum communities and see what a toll trolling takes on the place.

What I don't understand here is why its ok for some to troll and then tell others you are reported for spam and trolling. Trolling is trolling. Period. Do as I say not as I do. I see trollers telling other trolls they are going to be banned for the same shit they are doing on a daily basis.

I just stopped reading all that garbage cause all I take away from it is another place for people to bitch, argue and stir the shit. If that's people's thought of a good time then have at it. I don't get it but to each their own. At this point I really don't give a shit, I asked, he answered we moved on.

Note to self: Go smoke another joint and listen to some tunes.
To the bolded: I am confused. Isn't effective trollherding in an admin's job description, like page 1?


Well-Known Member
Troll is trolling. You are a horrible person.
Pot. meet Kettle. Etc.

You guys can start in with your pack and attack mentality like middle school. You know, gather the wagons around and begin the attack as a group. :twisted:

As of now, you are on ignore and life goes on.

Note to self: Enjoy this nice fall day.

To answer your moderator question: The mod controls only worked in the section we were assigned to. They didn't even show up if chatting in other sections. Only the admin had control of the entire board.

Hope that clears it up for you dear.


Well-Known Member
Pot. meet Kettle. Etc.

You guys can start in with your pack and attack mentality like middle school. You know, gather the wagons around and begin the attack as a group. :twisted:

As of now, you are on ignore and life goes on.

Note to self: Enjoy this nice fall day.

To answer your moderator question: The mod controls only worked in the section we were assigned to. They didn't even show up if chatting in other sections. Only the admin had control of the entire board.

Hope that clears it up for you dear.
"Pot meet Kettle" was my point exactly. You went all over this forum to complain about "troll threads", and became one yourself. It's called projection.

Momma always said, "everyone else can't be wrong". When "the pack and attack mentality" is directed at you, you should take notice. Again, you are new here. You entered a party and decided you would make the rules on how everyone should act. Calling us middles schoolers is ANOTHER passive aggressive attack BY YOU. We have been nice. Ignore all you want, you will soon find yourself wondering why nobody is posting here.

Clearly you were run out of whatever place you were a mod. Don't unpack all of your bags just yet.


Well-Known Member
Now, can we get back to regularly scheduled programming?

Note to self:

Do NOT try to adjust your my car seat while speeding off in a hurry. I had to go yesterday and while accelerating full throttle, I noticed my face was in the windshield because my wife drove my car prior. When I hit the release lever, I shot into the back seat about the time I had to shift into second. When I hit the clutch, my face went back into the windshield, and as I kept my foot smashed down I shot back into the backseat. This went on throught the first four gears until I could find my "tooth". I never took my foot off the gas. Rodeo! Good times.


Well-Known Member
dirtsurfr i saw you staring at me today.. yes that was me in my 97 F350 getting GAS. i know you liked it. you took the turn in a work truck with your buddy.. we locked eyes. i said youre dirtsurfr and you acknowledge my telepathy.



Ursus marijanus
Now, can we get back to regularly scheduled programming?

Note to self:

Do NOT try to adjust your my car seat while speeding off in a hurry. I had to go yesterday and while accelerating full throttle, I noticed my face was in the windshield because my wife drove my car prior. When I hit the release lever, I shot into the back seat about the time I had to shift into second. When I hit the clutch, my face went back into the windshield, and as I kept my foot smashed down I shot back into the backseat. This went on throught the first four gears until I could find my "tooth". I never took my foot off the gas. Rodeo! Good times.
When I was young, dumb and full of vitality, the car on which I learned to operate a manual transmission was dad's Toyota Corolla 1200. That first winter, it snowed on a day when I had uncontested and (more crucially) unobserved access to that chariot of righteousness. So I took to the streets for a slow sidewise plow in the realm of low coefficient. On the way home, i overcooked the last corner and planted the front left wheel in the dip by the storm drain. I put the car into gear and spent the next minute desperately trying to break free of my gravity trap. I became worried when the car filled with the rich redolence of phenolics rubbed past their thermal tolerance envelope. The clutch was beginning to register a dissenting opinion to my technique.

At that moment I checked the gearshift. I had selected the wrong R, y'know, the one labeled 1.

So I very quickly (before the gods might take note) snicked it into the alpha and not the numeric, bopped out of the trap on the starting blocks I'd kicked up in my thrashings, and demurely parked the car in its proper place on the east side of the driveway. It was to my great relief that the hot-clutch stink subsided into background over the next hours. The bit of snow through the open window was a mild price to pay.


Sector 5 Moderator
When I was young, dumb and full of vitality, the car on which I learned to operate a manual transmission was dad's Toyota Corolla 1200. That first winter, it snowed on a day when I had uncontested and (more crucially) unobserved access to that chariot of righteousness. So I took to the streets for a slow sidewise plow in the realm of low coefficient. On the way home, i overcooked the last corner and planted the front left wheel in the dip by the storm drain. I put the car into gear and spent the next minute desperately trying to break free of my gravity trap. I became worried when the car filled with the rich redolence of phenolics rubbed past their thermal tolerance envelope. The clutch was beginning to register a dissenting opinion to my technique.

At that moment I checked the gearshift. I had selected the wrong R, y'know, the one labeled 1.

So I very quickly (before the gods might take note) snicked it into the alpha and not the numeric, bopped out of the trap on the starting blocks I'd kicked up in my thrashings, and demurely parked the car in its proper place on the east side of the driveway. It was to my great relief that the hot-clutch stink subsided into background over the next hours. The bit of snow through the open window was a mild price to pay.
Translation: Years ago, as he was learning to drive, he "borrowed" his dad's Toyota for a job ride in the snow. The forward inertia of the vehicle quickly overcame the lateral resistance of the tires on the snow and he got stuck off the road. After getting the car in the proper gear he was able to get the car out and back to his driveway surreptitiously and safely with only a mild residual of fleur de clutch.


Ursus marijanus
Earlier today i came to a road construction site. A guy in an orange vest was walking one of these across the road, but with a narrower-gauge auger. it looked like Wall-E with a wood-E. Wanna screw?



Well-Known Member
When conifers and elms start looking like they are buds for a giant bong, you're spending entirely too much time with your harvest.


Well-Known Member
Translation: Years ago, as he was learning to drive, he "borrowed" his dad's Toyota for a job ride in the snow. The forward inertia of the vehicle quickly overcame the lateral resistance of the tires on the snow and he got stuck off the road. After getting the car in the proper gear he was able to get the car out and back to his driveway surreptitiously and safely with only a mild residual of fleur de clutch.
I understood cn much better lol :-P