HBBum Strawberry Dream II


Well-Known Member
Transplanted both to 3G bags. 1G went in the black drip pan, 2Gwent into the white.

Reorganized the space some and changed the fan back to the oscillating. I put the vortex fan in the dry box since it tends to move more air, but did not affect the temps as much as I had hoped sitting below the pots.

Was a friggin mess, soil just would not hold together even though I just watered yesterday and the soil was still pretty moist. I tossed out the little clone, decided I just do not want to be keeping both cabinets going, its more than I need, the cab is noisy and I still have all those seeds I purchased that I will eventually want to grow. After these two I will likely be taking a break and maybe build out a 2' x 4' space for a little more room, though that is still up in the air.


Well-Known Member
They're looking sweet mate, be good to compare the pics in 1 weeks time and see how much the bigger pots and brighter light kicks them into overdrive :D


Well-Known Member
The next week they may spend below the soil filling out, Not pushing for too much top growth since this is my first run with multiple plants in this small space.


Well-Known Member
Ahh yeah, good point about the space, i forgot your grow space is similar to mine :)
I don't know wether to try 2 in my room or just do 1 x 16 head mainline and see how that works out.


Well-Known Member
Just harvested mom, got 5zips dried from the little space.
Hell yeah lets par-tay,,that's agreat harvest HB.,wen growin more than one plant always make sure yure venting more constantly to keep mold and other pathogens crankin up,plants lookin top,peace.


hey bum have you ever cloned during flowering stage? Since both my clones died I was wondering if I can still take off two middle branches that aren't as large as the five main ones and try to clone those. You've seen my grow so far would I be able to clone that plant or too late?


Well-Known Member
The two I got now I took right after flipping lights. It can be done, just will take longer if they are already starting to flower since they will need to re-veg. I do not have much experience beyond that.


Well-Known Member
5 days since the transplant. Things looking good, I have a tea a brewing that they will likely get tomorrow.

G1 is still ahead of G2, but its closer. The stem is very stout.


hey bum have you ever cloned during flowering stage? Since both my clones died I was wondering if I can still take off two middle branches that aren't as large as the five main ones and try to clone those. You've seen my grow so far would I be able to clone that plant or too late?
..Ive cut clones from a mama up to 2 wks into flowering. they do take longer to root and I wouldnt go past that 2 week window


Well-Known Member
..Ive cut clones from a mama up to 2 wks into flowering. they do take longer to root and I wouldnt go past that 2 week window

I have taken clones all through flower. It is possible to clone a bud if you want to. However.... there is a price. Once the clone roots and goes back into reveg lighting schedule it will take a longer time than usual to show new growth and regenerate to veg. The other down side is that the revegged plant and any clones you take from her will not stretch as much when they go to flower... This can be good and bad. This is just my personal experience and thought I would throw my 2cents in. :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks Pin.

I fed the tea and they are looking good, picked up some mexican bat guano for a little extra N this time and some organic cal-mag to see if that works better for keeping them green. Also spent a little time this morning cleaning up the space some.



Well-Known Member
Nice slick stealth setup mate :) you've probably already said but are those holes in the bottom used as a passive air intake?


Well-Known Member
Yes, the holes in the bottom go to a raised platform, the platform has channels that form an S pattern to prevent light from leaking in. On the side of the cabinet are 6x2" passive intakes with a carbon filter to prevent anything from getting in, or smell from leaking out in the event the exhaust fan is shut off. In theory I could also run water in from an external res, but that has not happened yet. I am considering breaking it down and building a proper closet in about the same space, but it would be 2x4 so I could run a couple more plants.