HBBum Strawberry Dream II


Well-Known Member
you done agood job on that ducting and light setup,ns new home for the girls,the more plants more weed HB.


Well-Known Member
Same room I just harvested mom from. I hung her up in a U-Haul wardrobe box with some fans in it. I probably need to get some more fresh airflow in the box though come to think of it. For now I will just keep the top open, it is in a dark room anyway.


Well-Known Member
That's a lot of smoke off that one,that should hold yu till next harvest,,do you not use a light fan to help dry it?
There is a small Lasko oscillating fan in the bottom circulating air, but I should probably cut some vent holes in the bottom to let fresh air in. You think it will be ok without the vents in the bottom? I was hoping the cardboard would help keep humidity down, it is supposed to be over 80% tomorrow

Like this:

Way more than enough to last me. Of the 186g I got last harvest, I only kept about 50 and I still have half of that left. I am a pretty light smoker.

ahh idk why but i pictured a rentable space you can put your clothes in for moving or somethin idk haha
Lol, its nice because it has a metal bar on the top for hangers, easy to hang the entire plant


Well-Known Member
There is a small Lasko oscillating fan in the bottom circulating air, but I should probably cut some vent holes in the bottom to let fresh air in. You think it will be ok without the vents in the bottom? I was hoping the cardboard would help keep humidity down, it is supposed to be over 80% tomorrow.

as long as yure airing it out some should be ok.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am keeping the top open for now. Will just keep a close eye on it. I didn't come this far to get mold while drying.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am keeping the top open for now. Will just keep a close eye on it. I didn't come this far to get mold while drying.
For sure brother, keep it well ventilated, it would be heart breaking to see your crop with mould.


i cure the first week or so in 50% ambient humidity to avoid over-drying (until stems are basically breakable); do not exceed the 50%. i also hang the plant as a whole. i then trim and store in jars (switching from sealed to partially sealed each day until no longer spongy). after that i bag for 1 month. *each stage is cool dark environment* ..try to follow those guidelines and you should have properly cured bud. some people bag for much longer than that, but i usually cant wait that long.


Well-Known Member
Well, to low humidity is not a problem. Supposed to get up to 93% RH here today so I will struggle to keep it @ 70%, at least for today.

Right now I have it in the dry box with an oscillating fan at the bottom, no blowing directly at the buds just circulating. I will wait until stems are about to snap and then do my final trim and put them in paper bags for a couple days until I have a pretty consistent 65% RH in the bags. Then into Mason jars with Boveda 62% humidipacks for curing.


Active Member
paper bags (in my experience) decrease the flavor slightly but if thats what you have to do to keep rh down then more power to ya =P


Well-Known Member
Though I was hoping for slower growth, i am not sure it was that much slower than 18-6. I gotta say, I am actually pretty happy with 12-1 as far as the growth I got while waiting to move into the MH. I certainly wouldn't want to cycle my HID that much, but for LED it worked fine and the plants seem fine, thrived even.

1-2 weeks in the MH, we will see the difference, or course this is 400W vs what ever that cheapy 90w LED UFO puts out. Not sure how big I can let these go since they will be sharing what I usually put only 1 plant into.


Well-Known Member
They are loving the new space. Not even done with their second full cycle with the 400W MH and already a noticable difference (I think). Going to up-pot today to 3G
