RAND PAUL: The devastating collateral damage of an insidious drug-war weapon

“I’ve never argued against any technology being used when you have an imminent threat, an active crime going on. If someone comes out of a liquor store with a weapon and fifty dollars in cash, I don’t care if a drone kills him or a policeman kills him.” ~ Rand Paul
but patricia, if the supreme court is infallible, how can a later court overturn their Perfect Rulings?


Tldr; states are obliged to obey the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 and accept any asshole's word that any black person they see is their "escaped property"...

when did i say they were infallible?*

so funny that the south, so concerned about states' rights, used the scotus to achieve the biggest federal power grab up to that point in history.

when did i say they were infallible?*

so funny that the south, so concerned about states' rights, used the scotus to achieve the biggest federal power grab up to that point in history.


well i guess that settles it, sorry black dude, Bucky says we have to return to "Sustainable Carbon Neutral Agriculture"...

That implies there are no longer any National Socialists.

I am unaware of any effective NS organizations. There will be individuals (heck; there are still individuals who style themselves priest-avatars of Gozer), but no organization ... no political leverage. Jmo.
God damn socialists.

They weren't "socialists" in the way you think of socialists. Socialism is built on the ability to unionize and control one's work. Hitler made it his mission to destroy the labor movement, killed marxists, socialists, communists, and other leftists. You should read more.
There is no Gozer, only Zu.

Zul is the Gatekeeper of Gozur

Zul serves Gozur by seeking out Vinz Klorthos the Keymaster to open the way for the coming of Gozur the Traveller! Gozur The Destroyer!

do you WANT to be roasted in the depths of the Slorr?

is it odd that i remembered all that without benefit of Googles?
They weren't "socialists" in the way you think of socialists. Socialism is built on the ability to unionize and control one's work. Hitler made it his mission to destroy the labor movement, killed marxists, socialists, communists, and other leftists. You should read more.

Fascists ARE nationalist socialists, adopting the middle road of the Marxist plan.

if you knew anything about Marxism, and how it encompasses Socialism, Communism, Bolshevism, and indeed Fascism, you would look like less of a fool.
I am unaware of any effective NS organizations. There will be individuals (heck; there are still individuals who style themselves priest-avatars of Gozer), but no organization ... no political leverage. Jmo.

Italy's New Fascist Party are devout National Socialists, most of the left parties in europe adopt at least some of the platform of National Socialism, and yes, there are SEVERAL National Socialist Parties here in america...




and each one is modeled after the political ideological and racial policies of the Nazis, except these guys, who are traditional Mussolini style Fascists:

Zul is the Gatekeeper of Gozur

Zul serves Gozur by seeking out Vinz Klorthos the Keymaster to open the way for the coming of Gozur the Traveller! Gozur The Destroyer!

do you WANT to be roasted in the depths of the Slorr?

is it odd that i remembered all that without benefit of Googles?

Anzu also goes by Zu. I thought you knew that? Hollywood is warping your brain!