First autoflower grow box


Well-Known Member
This is my double stacked Rubbermaid inspired by bb61, I am gonna have 2 pineapple express autoflowers from barneys farm with just over 200 actual watts of CFL , I have 4 32 cfm fans for airflow 1 on the plants, 1 on the lights and 1 for intake and 1 exhaust, I'm thinking I might need another since my temps got upto 90 with 5 23w cfls but It was 27 degrees outside that day so maybe that had down thing to do with it, so I took out a CFL and put an oscillating fan outside the box with a little container of ice in the box and temps went down to 82. They sprouted on sept. 2nd making them 11 days old



Well-Known Member
hey buddy

i did a check on the strain the maximum height is like 20 inch .........what size soil container(how many gallons) how tall.............u might hit a issuse

your heat issuse look into a t5 bar or a double (can get for like 40 50 bucks home depot).........the only bad part has to be 24 inches (the 18 are ment for aqua plants cost more)

mr green uk

New Member
2 cheese. 6inch pots 2x 45w cfl bulbs. can control the heat but when the lights are of I need some sort of very small heater to keep the heat up. what is the bare minimum I can let the temp drop to when lights are off. its been goin down to 17deg.


Well-Known Member
ok u picked a fast strain

17c is 62f

your good those temps are nice ..............some plants will do color changes near that temp if not a little lower (those hues and colors in the buds)

the magic number u want avoid is 80f or 26.6c
thc in the weed decays faster when temps are at or above ............(when u harvest and cure it u want to keep out of light and temps in low 70s)

u are in soil ........the temps u want the roots is 77f or 25c.............hydro is 68f or 20c
next time u plant use a Jiffy Plug instead of rock wool

they have hormons and other goodies helps root and grow a very nice plant
soak them in warm water 25c for 20 mins squeeze 3 times so not full of water.........poke 1/4inch hole in the top and put the seed in (look at the seed close and find the BULB end and the POINTY end ..........when u put in the soil the bulb end is down and the point end is up......... very important) then take that put in the middle of your pot give it 1 cup of water around the area of the plug in the soil walk away and do nothing for 4 days u will see a 2 to 3 inch sprout


Active Member
Yeah I freaking love those Jiffy pellets. But from my few grows, I've worked within the 70f-85f range. 85f being mid day in summer.

I recommend having a small fan blow directly onto the plant.

This will help with:

Strength(of the stem)

Autos tend to be the most robust strains out there due to the Ruderalis in them.

Ruderalis can grow pretty much anywhere, so dont get so concerned about the grow box temperature as you are about the leaf temperature. In a stealth grow like that you could easily outgrow your setup and fry your plant on the light. I would recommend a screen to guarantee your plant won't grow into the light overnight.


Well-Known Member
hey buddy

i did a check on the strain the maximum height is like 20 inch .........what size soil container(how many gallons) how tall.............u might hit a issuse

your heat issuse look into a t5 bar or a double (can get for like 40 50 bucks home depot).........the only bad part has to be 24 inches (the 18 are ment for aqua plants cost more)
Both plants have been started in a 3 gallon pot, and I was planning on doing a scrog or some lst to control the height


Well-Known Member
So my plants are alive but don't seem to be growing very fast, the one has seemed to stop growing and has some type of discoloration on the leaf anyone know why?



Well-Known Member
natural light would help to see the cfl's throw the color of the leaves a bit in the pic
ive had problems in the past 100% of the time with rock wool
i have never had one plant make it using that junk

ok but back to the topic

hard to be certain but the crinkled leave on pic 1 makes me think the soil is to hot/rich
#2 no idea but from the way it looks bud i would say its trying to stunt out
which could be from your soil being too wet , root damage , over fertilization being preloaded in soil or added,
genetics, soil compaction
hard to say but i would guess over watering with a bit of over feeding


Well-Known Member
Ok I haven't fed any nutes yet should I stop watering for a day or so? I've just been spraying it with the water bottle for the lst week or so. And also I used organic soil that I got at thriftys and added perlite to it, is this too hot for autos?


Well-Known Member
Nice set up. I'm not qualified to speak on problems I never had but don't water too much. They're not too thirsty that little. Make them roots go out seeking the water. Check your ph of your water every watering and feeding. I buy water in a gallon jug for $1 and found one that's perfectly ph balanced. If you have problems of high heat 85-90f just do some home made co2. Good luck and enjoy


Ok I haven't fed any nutes yet should I stop watering for a day or so? I've just been spraying it with the water bottle for the lst week or so. And also I used organic soil that I got at thriftys and added perlite to it, is this too hot for autos?
Hold off on the nutrients until it loses its cotyledons.

If you really want to hit it with nutes, go with 1/5 strength and wait a week before feeding it again :)

The plant will tell you when it's hungry.