what are you running now ?

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
For sure. Just had to toss a critical jack herer out for being a runt. It was healthy but just a runt literally. Was taking much needed space/light/air from the rest so she had to go.

Hate to kill a healthy girl but some times it is for the greater good.
At this point I'm thinking the bitch just has an eating disorder. Her brother was in the same soil and needed nutes and was healthy and fine. Fortunately there's several other plants going and I don't need her. I may kill her for the space if she keeps being such a difficult girl. My space is limited so there's really no room for finicky plants.
Survival of the fittest! Sometimes WE have to take nature's role far as natural selection goes.


Well-Known Member
Got 1 Bodhi-White Lotus and 1 Dr Underground Painkiller(fem) in flower now.Painkiller is awsome with fatty leaves.
Im almost positive the White Lotus is a male. It is a very short nicely uniformed plant though.
I will pollen chuck with the painkiller for seed. Might make a good match for extra seed.
Also Have 1 more White Lotus just popped up along with 1 Devils Harvest Shoreline.I will make a journal of this grow i think.
Here are some half ass pics of the White lotus(left) and Painkiller.plant pics 018.jpgplant pics 019.jpgplant pics 027.jpgplant pics 028.jpg


Well-Known Member
was over my flower limit but not my total plant limit so i traded a flowering plant and a clone for 2 new strain clones.
So now i got a nice 5 strain variety which is fitting in my 5x5 tent lol

NOrthern Lights X Big Bud Auto
GSC (auto i guess) thought was photo but started flowering in 19/5 light.
Hollywood kush ( SFV OG x Tahoe Alien Og)


2 Beautiful looking clones.
Blue Dream
Cotton candy

The pic is a new group shot from yesterday.
also switched to 12/12

Keep it green peeps



Well-Known Member
i was under my total limit by 5 plants and over my flowering limit by 2 plants.

now im under my limit 6 plants and under my flowering limit 1 plant lol


Well-Known Member
F*** the legal limit. They're never coming to your house to check. Even if they did they will only tell you to get rid of extras. They're not gonna haul you away for an extra plant or two, nor will they take your med card away.

Hell think of how many people break the law everyday in regards to drinking and driving. I mean they let people drive to bars, and then just turn a blind eye to the fact that all those cars are going to leave the parking lot with drunk people driving them.

Not trying to play devil's advocate but no need to stress yourself about something "they" are really not concerned with. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
good point^^...i was curious was the actual legal limit was for mass. i asked a few people and no definitive answer, from card holders lol


Well-Known Member
I think he meant mass as on Massachusetts you weird metric system snob! We say weight here in merica!


Well-Known Member
My buddy from England is always busting me chops for bad use of grammar and social etiquette.

Once at a Chinese food buffet style restaurant, I picked up a fried chicken wing with my hands to eat it. My English buddy lowered his fork and dropped his jaw exclaiming; " Man, please tell me you're not going shove that in your mouth like that. You know there is a fork and knife right there, mate".

Needless to say I felt like a slob. We American's can be a bit to unrefined, sometimes. lol.


Well-Known Member
America is the land that time flew by. Some one hit fast forward. We've shortened the language down to near cave talk and now were are doing even more so with text messaging. If our food takes more then 47 seconds to cook we dont want it. We got shit to watch blow up man! and blondes boobs to see in the new movie coming out, we ain't got time for a fork!

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
My buddy from England is always busting me chops for bad use of grammar and social etiquette.

Once at a Chinese food buffet style restaurant, I picked up a fried chicken wing with my hands to eat it. My English buddy lowered his fork and dropped his jaw exclaiming; " Man, please tell me you're not going shove that in your mouth like that. You know there is a fork and knife right there, mate".

Needless to say I felt like a slob. We American's can be a bit to unrefined, sometimes. lol.
Well then you sure haven't been to a London squat party... Or met my mate John 'The Ambassador Of The Morning' Sausage LOL. And I think South Africa only switched to metric in 1964 after gaining independence, we were like 'OK, so the UK uses Imperial, well screw that lets go another route. What do the Germans and French use? Metric? Right on. From now on we use metric. While we're at it lets start a culture of even worse oppression and rob/shoot the tourists. Das vould be good, ja.'

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
America is the land that time flew by. Some one hit fast forward. We've shortened the language down to near cave talk and now were are doing even more so with text messaging. If our food takes more then 47 seconds to cook we dont want it. We got shit to watch blow up man! and blondes boobs to see in the new movie coming out, we ain't got time for a fork!
OK well seriously, the USA is a leader in science, health care, all the good music is from there, and I've only met well educated and intelligent people that call it home. Its fun to take the piss but to be honest I can't wait to visit.


Well-Known Member
OK well seriously, the USA is a leader in science, health care, all the good music is from there, and I've only met well educated and intelligent people that call it home. Its fun to take the piss but to be honest I can't wait to visit.
You need to come to flint some time. Or take a trip to Detroit. Buffalo. Pittsburgh. Philly. Saginaw. Atlanta. Jacksonville. Tampa. Orlando. Yes even mickeys doorstep is covered in crackheads.

Inbetween religious/rich zombies and people who fail at life yes there is a small medium of great folks that are trying to hold on. Everyday our minority of creatives and hard workers gets smaller and smaller tho I'm afraid.

America has hope but that's only if it decides to give some scholarships to its own kids and build our own generation of intelligent people. America has entire graduate classes in major university's being attended by only foreigners here on student visa. Now I'm not saying that's a bad thing but its made it about impossible to get into some schools for Joe smith from Nebraska unless he's a wizz kid. Alot of kids don't even go to school because they see an entire generation in its early to mid twenties right now severely in debt from school and they can't get a job flipping burgers.

If we ever finally wrangle in the banking industry even just a little it will open alot more doors. But i doubt that's gonna happen. America 2020 needs alot of uneducated workers too. By then we should be on the upswing of a new technology bubble. That's the next big wave to ride. Power grids built into roads. New fiber optic Internet cable. New water and gas infrastructure.

Can't get people to go ride a ditch witch all day unless they got alot of red print in there books. Debt is the jail cell we all work from.

...... Kk I'm done... Anyone else wanna use the soap box? Lol


Well-Known Member
Godberry sounds good as a mofo. How did that critical + turn out for you.

Dinafem's power kush was legit.
Is not quite dry yet..day 5/6? But I been tasting and it gets gets better every day (of course lol) but ahh it's good, I'm happy..nice big flowers, skunk flavor in there..potency is good/increasing....