Sector 5 Moderator
That's how Heath Robinson plays drums. I'm really banking on someone here knowing who HR is.
OMG, I was going to post that my first thought when I saw that was Heath Robinsons grow op, LOL!!!
That's how Heath Robinson plays drums. I'm really banking on someone here knowing who HR is.
Never fails I make my bed and my dogs come in and have a wrestling match on it afterwards![]()
Yea they are! But having to make my bed ten times a day sucks. They both have fires lit under their butts today, hyper little buggers lol.
Hehehe, his dogs wrestle once a month...
So, my weed man stops in, which is good, cuz I'm outta weed. Fat crusty nugs. I asked if he knew growers, he laughs, say "Of course. I know everyone." Fair enough. Then, he says "Hey, dude, you're kinda white. You want some acid?" I said Um (shaking head yes) "No?" I can't afford it.. No worries, here, this other white dude gave it to me last night, and I don't fuck with Acid, just shrooms.
Score! (If the boss lady lets me dose.)
lmfao! I didn't get that at first! I'm actually soooo picky on my bed type stuff, has to made the second I'm not in it, and sheets have to be clean. I'm picky like that! Plus the dogs get it smelling last thing I want is to smell dog as I'm trying to go to sleep.
Dose up bro, today is a good day to be out of sorts!
Hehehe, his dogs wrestle once a month...
So, my weed man stops in, which is good, cuz I'm outta weed. Fat crusty nugs. I asked if he knew growers, he laughs, say "Of course. I know everyone." Fair enough. Then, he says "Hey, dude, you're kinda white. You want some acid?" I said Um (shaking head yes) "No?" I can't afford it.. No worries, here, this other white dude gave it to me last night, and I don't fuck with Acid, just shrooms.
Score! (If the boss lady lets me dose.)
I have to wander when uncle Cid comes calling, the last time I went tripping it was during the winter and fresh snow was everywhere and it gave the illusion of walking on the moon {as if I knew what that was like lol}. It was about 2-3am and I walked the entire length of my city and returned home only to do it once more. I shoveled every driveway on the street and still had the energy to get in a game of shinny, only to slump into my chair and waste the daylight hours watching M*A*S*H reruns...She didn't sound happy about it, when we just Skyped. LoL. I'm certain that if I day trip tomorrow, she'll be fine with it. I can dose after I give her a kiss goodbye, chill, smoke a couple fatties, and just jam all fuckin' day. Relax, trip, make an adventure outta' it. It's been 21 years since I last used LSD. I tried, about 10 years ago, but no one had any, after a month, I gave up the search.
I have to wander when uncle Cid comes calling, the last time I went tripping it was during the winter and fresh snow was everywhere and it gave the illusion of walking on the moon {as if I knew what that was like lol}. It was about 2-3am and I walked the entire length of my city and returned home only to do it once more. I shoveled every driveway on the street and still had the energy to get in a game of shinny, only to slump into my chair and waste the daylight hours watching M*A*S*H reruns...
Wasted days of my youth and yet on some level I've retained most of those memories in sharp vivid detail.
She's a Girl Scout about 2 more weeks and I'm gonna do more than that!!Don't take this the wrong way, sir, but, I'd like to touch your girl.