Well-Known Member
for Sunni
So much so he did all his own stunts and even plays the German biker in the chase {after he changes from the uniform @3:48-55}McQueen is the man
Fuck those fucking fuckers!Fuck mental illness. fuck the addictions. fuck the time lost to both. fuck having to take phone calls from my mother crying when she should be sleeping. fuck people that take their moms for granted. fuck judgmental bitches. fuck myself for not being in a better position to help. fuck family that is selfish. fuck not having my 80lb heavy bag. fucking fuckety fuck fuck fuck. ffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!
Same size?Omg I want this shirt(just realized I have that same bra in purple lol.. fun fact of the day)
Ive typed out several different things, then had to erase them realizing where I was.. lol.well hidden titties for an awesome surprise!