Seed Shipping add Freezing.


Well-Known Member
As a Michigan growers, we understand that pot really doesnt think much more highly of our winter weather than most of us do. Personally, I loathe cold weather.

What about seeds though, specifically in shipping them during colder months? Wouldn't an order of seeds be dead after sitting in the cargo hold of an airplane at 20 below, or hanging out in my mailbox all day in February, wouldn't that kill the seeds with consistency?
I do. A Tropical annual gets planted up here in Michigan, grows a summer, and it's done.

And when its done it dies, and drops its seeds. Those seed sit on the ground all winter long, going through dozens of freeze and thaw cycles before Spring comes along and the seeds germinate.

Cannabis will grow naturally just fine in Michigan type climates.
Bull. I have been visiting the same places for 15 years, as I prefer the out doors more than being inside, and I have never seen mj seeds survive what you just described.

If that were true, new-b germination rates would be in the 90+% range.
I have always gotten 90%+ germ rates. Most breeders suggest keeping them in the fridge even.
I am pretty sure a seeds worst enemy in terms of longevity, is moisture and temp swings.
At Svalbard Global Seed Vault the storage temps are 0 F and if the facility has a mechanical issue the permafrost will still keep the stock frozen and secure . I do also know many breeders and preservation growers who store all seeds in the freezer . But with that said the general rule in the industry is freeze once only . All bets are off in they are refrozen .. I do not really believe this rule as Nature can and does subject seeds to random thaws many times during the changing seasons . I used to skip school and travel down into Indiana to collect ditch weed , good old industrial feral hemp and it still grows there regardless of our govts many attempts at eradication . While exploring we always left good seeds in the dirt in hopes of a random hybridization lol . As for beans being frozen in the mail , no worries as I usually just place them into my own freezer for long term storage when they arrive like so , or I thaw them out for a day before attempting to germinate .. Peace .PotSnob
Bull. I have been visiting the same places for 15 years, as I prefer the out doors more than being inside, and I have never seen mj seeds survive what you just described.

If that were true, new-b germination rates would be in the 90+% range.

T'is true. I have kept seeds in my freezer for months and they germinated just fine.
I've ordered seeds in various seasons. The winter beans pop just as good as the ones that came in the summer. It is very rare that I find a dud seed from the popular seed retailers.

My seeds go directly to a vacuum sealed jar in the fridge once I get them. If they were frozen on the way, I do not know but I won't freeze them again.
Bull. I have been visiting the same places for 15 years, as I prefer the out doors more than being inside, and I have never seen mj seeds survive what you just described.

If that were true, new-b germination rates would be in the 90+% range.

Believe whatever you want but I assure you that cannabis can, will and does grow wild in Michigan and other states with similar climate.
I have been told that old wild hemp can still be found growing wild in MI woods. An old crop from the shipping days and rope
There was a cool story out of Nevada a few years ago where LEO chopped down
a huge grow and it came back two year's later on it's own.
I know nothing about wild cannabis...ha
I don't think I ever got a seed shipped to me that didn't freeze first. I also have a storage vault below permafrost lines, many a plant once called it home.

Too cold however, can. I know my beans did not like neg 50, but good luck finding that down here.
I tossed out a bag of mexibrick seeds once while pheasant hunting
Returned hunting the next season and it was a sea of green, all seeded too
Forgot I even put em there :peace:
Anyone know if seeds have been weathering the windy city any better lately? I would like some more but they kept blowing away and never finding their home.
Sorta disproves my silly little theory now don't it? Hahahaaha
I made it to the point when they mentioned the ice age squirrel then I thought of dug and the movie UP lol .. Great article and a good post as we all have much to learn and the day we think we know it all is the day we become more lost than ever .........Peace ..........PotSnob