Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
Crazy neighbors are never good to get involved with...LOL

The enthusiasm will come back in time. At least your still at it. There is a lot on both of your plates right now. I wouldn't sweat the journal. :)

I am wrestling with having enough umph to get things done so I can get back on auto-pilot with the grow.

Im at work this morning and on pins and needles.... Shit... Like all the time when I'm not at home with her. At least my wife is chill... and I have weed... lol


Well-Known Member
I apoligize for losing some enthusiasm for my thread. That's the thing I think is missing that was here before... energy. I don't have a whole lot these days, which sounds lame to me. Whatever, just wanted you guys to know that I care for you all even as I've disappeared a bit.
First things first Papa.



Well-Known Member
yea^^^what java says.we all know you are still around.....have you had the cat around your baby?how are they takeing it?not that I care that much for cats,just asking....(as I sit here and pet my(kids) cat)..I do like watching her kill flys with the precision of a laser guided missile.


Well-Known Member
Hey fam what's going on? My girls are lookin good but I hate flowering different breeds. My dj short blue moonshine smells and looks good as fuck but its only been 2 weeks in well 4 weeks not counting the 2 week streach.the other girls are grapefruit diesel og ghost train haze supper sour diesel and sleetstack.out of all them I love the shin. I'll post picks when they get bigger.oh by the way the food is extrem line.and gh as a base


Well-Known Member
yea^^^what java says.we all know you are still around.....have you had the cat around your baby?how are they takeing it?not that I care that much for cats,just asking....(as I sit here and pet my(kids) cat)..I do like watching her kill flys with the precision of a laser guided missile.
The cats are funny around her. A few are a bit freaked out by her. A few are indifferent, and there are 3 that really love her. Here's a pic... If I can upload from the phone that is.


Well-Known Member
Yessir. We got to visit her in the nicu. I got to hold her for the first time. I was so scared I would hurt her or something. She's so little... and she's a bigger baby... still camt believe how tiny her fingers are. A bit disappointed she looks basically completely like her mom. Guess there will never be a kid out there that looks like me. All good though. She still got my charm hahaha.

Oh... and my plants all might be dead by the time I make it home. :(
Man I am so sorry I havent been on in a long time!!
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad Hannah is healthy!!!!!!!!!!
I have 2 kids one looks like me and one looks like mom, but they can and do look different as they grow, and some of your features might make their way to the surface still.
Anyway I think my kids are better off with moms features than mine lol


Well-Known Member
What up bassman. I swear I typed a response already, but I guess it didn't make it up. Better late than never bro. Things aren't the same without you around here. Been missing you bud. Thanks for all the support throughout the pregnancy, it really helped. And thanks to your girl too. :) Funny about the looks... I think little girl will do better looking like mom as well. haha

Indicantonio, I think about you often cuz the brand of my baby carrier is Infantino. Reminds me of your screen name. Hope you stayed pretty cool during the recent heat. Glad it's finally cooled off a bit. :) Thanks for stopping in.

About things here I feel a bit like a normal person. Hannah is sleeping pretty good through out the nights (annoying my computer doesn't autocorrect my misspelled words like my phone does .... phone > computer). She makes a little noise to say feed me, she eats, and passes back out. It's nice.

Plants are putting along. 3 weeks and a little on 12/12. I made tea yesterday and am gonna feed it to them today. I used 5 gal water, 1/2 cup High N Bat guano, 1/2 cup PSG, a tablespoon of kelp meal, 5 tablespoons of molasses and I went a little nuts and put like 1/2 gallon of worm castings. I just dumped the bag in and it all fell out. Oops. I think I through some Ancient Forrest in too. It looks lovely this morning. I'll snap a pic. I'll get some of the plants too.

Really stoked tomorrow I'm going to meet a RIU'r for the first time. Hopefully get to smoke some of each others gear. The families will be along so not sure how much boy time we'll get. Should be a blast either way.


Well-Known Member
That's awesome, never thought you would be in soil much less making tea. High five!
I'm jelly, someday I would love to meet you guys. Maybe one day soon legality will be nationwide and there won't be privacy issues anymore. Dare to dream!


Well-Known Member
Awesome man glad she's sleeping better now for sure! Looking forward to seeing the plants as always I'm sure they will dig the tea love :). Have fun tomorrow as well, getting to do the same this year was one of my favorite experiances. I really wish sometimes we had got to do our road trip, but I'm also really happy with the new house so its a toss up. Sadly I have no clue when we'll get to do any traveling but some day I guess.


Well-Known Member
That's awesome, never thought you would be in soil much less making tea. High five!
I'm jelly, someday I would love to meet you guys. Maybe one day soon legality will be nationwide and there won't be privacy issues anymore. Dare to dream!
I am thinking I'll go back to hydro next run. It's so much more work to do soil. I'm tired of working on the plants so much. Would be great if all the laws were the way they should be, we could have a big Camping trip or something.

Awesome man glad she's sleeping better now for sure! Looking forward to seeing the plants as always I'm sure they will dig the tea love :). Have fun tomorrow as well, getting to do the same this year was one of my favorite experiances. I really wish sometimes we had got to do our road trip, but I'm also really happy with the new house so its a toss up. Sadly I have no clue when we'll get to do any traveling but some day I guess.
You gotta plan another trip... even if it's in 5 years, start planning and saving. Totally worth it. Traveling is great.

Here's a couple pics. Ah FFS... I took pics of the plants, but the memory card wasn't in the camera at the time. Will be back.

View attachment 2817211View attachment 2817212


Well-Known Member
All sounds good Jig :-) Have a good meet and greet! Sounds like the mix has quite a bit of N for 3+ weeks into 12/12, should all be fine though,,, just nit picking sorry.



Well-Known Member
Well I just figured my plants could use it. They are yellowing and dropping leaves like crazy.

Oh, and I think I could have gotten away with making 2 gallons of tea instead of 5. Oops again.

Here's pics:

J1 x GDP
OG Kush
Grape Kush
Psycho killer
Plushberry X purp k x gsog
Psycho killer (i think)
All hanging out around the bedroom


Well-Known Member
IMG_20130912_203132.jpg ok fam we at week 3 starting and I'm seeing fan leaves turning yellow so I did a rez change jumped up the nitro .its the og ghost train haze .I think this girl can eat more smh.hey jigs when is the meet& great ? I'll have a lot of driving to do inorder to get there


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2817467 ok fam we at week 3 starting and I'm seeing fan leaves turning yellow so I did a rez change jumped up the nitro .its the og ghost train haze .I think this girl can eat more smh.hey jigs when is the meet& great ? I'll have a lot of driving to do inorder to get there
Nice bush jojo! :lol:

@jig Really, you feel like it's more work? Hmn!
It should be fun for you no matter what your approach, if not move on ya!
puff, puff, pass....


Well-Known Member
Ok I figured out why my plants are turning start, I put a top on my 4x4 table with 16 girls all in net pots the idea was to let the roots grow where they want.Now the problem. The table is full of a thick black slim on the table and roots.plan of attack. 1 break the trellis and pull it out.2 pull out each plant clean the roots wash by hand.3 pull out table and rez then clean very well 4.put table and rez back in tent5. Pull off all dead leaves on each plant then put them back in tent.6. Hope for the best.
P.s. I'm starting week 3 and I have no help smh.
Lesson learned