Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

i turned my pm off....can you email me the info mate? cheerz.
Hey guys. We got a good night sleep last night. It was great. I feel like a normal person today. Hope you guys are well and ready for the weekend.

I started a new blog about raising my little one. If you want the address shoot me a PM.
The other set of inlaws are arriving tomorrow. That's my wife's Dad and Step mom. We are super stoked for her step mom because she has some drama with her son's wife. She has a son who she gets along with, he gets along with her. They like each other from everything everyone can tell. Well on his new wives first visit to the states (she's from Vienna) the mom said something that wife took the wrong way. Since then the wife has a crazy vendetta against her. My step mom in law travelled to Austria only to be told she was not allowed in the same room as her grandchild. She is not allowed to even see pictures. So we are excited for her because even though she has 3 grand kids of her own, she's only seen one picture of each of them snuck from another family member... who subsequently got ostracised for that action. FFS!

I say I'd punch the guy (her step brother) if I saw him. He seems too much a little bitch to punch. Maybe I'll just punch his wife. :) Good thing we don't cross paths.

Email sent bru.
There are easier ways to bruise a woman than with violence....just need to know their soft spots.
glad to hear it jiggy. didn't think you were.

and yeah agreed knowing the soft spots comes with time but same goes in return, my lass can punch my buttons just as easy lol.

admire your composure jig. i haven't thrown a punch in anger for a long time, not in a rush to do so lol
Wassap jig!
Sounds like alot of babies getting bread on the forum ! " nout much better mate " ill check your blog out when I get comp. Bk. Up running. No internet with moving ect..
Hope alls good bru
Thanks for stopping in guys.

Damn, was gonna make tea yesterday and forgot. Today is the day. These gals are starving for something.

admire your composure jig.

I don't know if I have any composure, I'm just self aware enough to know I'm tiny and don't know how to fight. Sorta helps along the peace loving attitude hahahaha. Kinda self imposed.
no baby or plants on this page jig, i'm just saying.

how about an update lol.

hope everyone is good, have a nice weekend.
At the risk of getting in trouble, I will venture into the bedroom where wife is asleep to take a couple pics for you ghb. :) If she wakes up I'm blaming you.... cuz you know that will work, hahahaha.

Success!!! Not sure if any of the pics came out or not, but they were taken. Let's see...

Dammit. Those are baby pics. Would you like your baby burrito with a green or pink tortilla? - Cloth Daipers - Grandma Jig - Bow - Superman! (or woman)

Here's the plant pics. Not horrible for shooting blind.

So that's the J1 x gdp in the front, OG to the left 2 plants. The yellowing ones are the Grape Kush. The Psycho Killers are the short ones in the middle and right.
A nice shot of a leaf of the OG, and almost focused on the top of the j1 x gdp.
Thanks guys. Weekend was/ is going well. I got the house to myself for a few minutes after I woke from a nap to find everyone at the lake. My greedy neighbor tossed an idea by me to turn his entire house into a grow. The one right next door to me. While he was talking I was just thinking of how it would happen, upon further reflection I think I'd rather not live next to a grow house, especially when I'm not in charge of it. I have trust issues doing what we do, as I'm sure we all do.

I apoligize for losing some enthusiasm for my thread. That's the thing I think is missing that was here before... energy. I don't have a whole lot these days, which sounds lame to me. Whatever, just wanted you guys to know that I care for you all even as I've disappeared a bit.
One of the biggest sacrifices ive made since becoming a dad is my late nights sitting up till gone one smoking the erb. Most days im in bed b4 ten pm and up around 5.20. I dont miss it really. I would like a wee bit more nrg tho.