Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Mornin' peeps!

Looks like rain on the way, Yay!...day off!!.



Well-Known Member
Morning my fellow wake n bakers! Lets get this day a rolling eh!



Well-Known Member

Too much aggression and tension lately. Realized I haven't been to a sweat in almost 2 years. The boss lady hasn't smudged here. No wonder the dark place was creeping back in.

match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. Mojo that was great stuff. Minne there are some native flute makers around here the wood gives a warmer tone than silver and the sound of the water if that doesn't help you relax and float with some smoke nothing will.
its cooler this morning. I'll make some coffee after I hit the pipe. You all have a great day.


Well-Known Member
back in high school either my mom would make me breakfast before or after i smoked or i went to my boy's place and ate there then we blaze one, cept i had to where my hat low or sunglasses cause my friends pops detests budheads. the best part of waking up is weed smoke filling your lungs.


Well-Known Member
In high school before I had my license, I would have my pops drop me off wait till he left and walk across the street to my buddies and get the morning burn in. My first hour teacher was cool and would poke fun at me and tell the class I had glaucoma. It's funny how my parents were totally against reefer but now they love it. My how things have changed.


Well-Known Member
Good morning my friends as an insolent teenager this album crept inside my psyche and set up camp, eventually seeing the walls I myself had built...tearing them down I swore never to build such a thing again.

I've owned this album in many of it's varied forms over the years, seeing Pink Floyd twice and Roger Waters perform it live I suggest this selection for it's overall quality.


Well-Known Member
A measly .02 of rain yesterday...I dream of the day watering is over. Better than humping concrete though I suppose.:bigjoint:

Happy Day!



Well-Known Member
Good morning all, almost done with the concrete whoopers!!!!
Coffee is so good this am! Starting the day with some Green crack.


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube_share;eq6X7hLhsmo]http://youtu.be/eq6X7hLhsmo[/video] Starting the morning with dark roast fair trade south American Arabica!~ My first puff is some bubble hash I made with a 1/2 oz of bubba kush nugs! Feeling the groove thia am here all and me likes!


Well-Known Member
Happy Friday!

Today's menu consists of Steely Dan and caramel candy kush...have a good one all!

