Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Ursus marijanus
Do you have gyro problems, specifically vertical, after imbibing? I almost went horizontal the first time. Then I got blue and purple on the edges of my vision! Reminded me of the old sativa's without the supra ventricular tachycardia! I even got some verapamil in case I had to convert LOL! Although I must admit I'm not shy about a precordial thump or three.
Maybe that is a big part of my issue. I don't think about thumping until things are cordial.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Maybe that is a big part of my issue. I don't think about thumping until things are cordial.
Could be. I can't tell you how many times the first time I met someone I slugged 'em in the chest. But I'm friendly like that.

I used to quite often gave up the root of the cause and I do have to take Vasotech x 20mg daily but hopefully some day I'll be off those too!!
Matter fact I haven't taken them for 4 days oops....
Oh geez! ACE inhibitors, I don't have high b/p but when my pain was really severe I was labile. So a friend of mine talked me into trying an ace inhibitor. Thought it was hysterically funny I spent 24 hours literally standing on my head in my recliner so I'd have some approximation of blood pressure. Still howls with laughter when I bring up it. Usually in response to trying to palm some other new drug off on me! LOL

On the rare occasion my b/p is up I swallow some inderal LOL!

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
I love how it kick starts you day. :cool:

Definitely can't say that for everyone.. make's my ass slouchy the rest of the day.
4:20 in the after noon is a good time.. then a nice beer around 5 when cotton mouth starts to set in.
All i want in life. Oh.. and of course for my organs to hold up.


Well-Known Member
Monday morning fala la la la la...sunbiz gets to go bake his ass watering in the heat again...la la la la.


Happy day all!

match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. That GSC is some damn good smoke. I have to see my lung Dr. Today I know he is not going to be happy that I started to smoke cigs again. Oh well my coffee is ready and my pipe is full. You all have a great day.


Well-Known Member
Good morning bakers the fires are lit, so it's time take you higher

match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. Haven't started the coffee or smoked yet. I was reading about Sunnis flood. That sucks not something I would want to deal with.
im having coffee and some agent orange but I'm thinking about that mess she has to deal with today. I would come over and help but your too far away. Damn well maybe every one else have a great day.


Well-Known Member
Mornin' all,

-The trees are drawing me near, and I know why...they are dry. So I stumble through the woods, and fumble for a joint.

B/C in this heat, I've got to stay high!

Happy Tuesday!!



Well-Known Member

This is the song that just came on, as I'm re-chilling. I'm on a normal schedule, now! I go to bed at a reasonable time, and get up with the boss lady. Neighbor had drama, I let him crash on the couch, he called his ex from my phone, to tell her to drop his stuff at the upstairs neighbors (drama, yeah.) She kept calling back, and I had to use my angry voice. Going to be a shaky day now, adrenaline doesn't like to stop flowing, once it starts.


Well-Known Member
Good day bakers...don't you just hate/love subdivisions

match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. Is going to be a hot day here. Most likely the last hot day oh it will be warm but not hot. 91 today out of my comfort zone. Hot coffee and some hash plant to start the day. I hope Sunni is getting her place cleaned up. I'm thinking about ya kiddo wish I could help. Have a great day or as great a day as ya can.