Golden teacher growkit going wild!


New Member
Hey there! First time growing mushrooms, I got a box at the Headshop in Amsterdam a couple weeks ago.
I activated the kit and I had the expected results, so I harvested. Once. Then again. And again! I've dried 5 harvests so far and when I thought I was close to flush for a 2nd yield, 20 new fruits were growing nonstop!
Wasn't it supposed to stop so I could flush ? There is no way I harvest those small new little ones, they are growing heavy and will probably weight 4 times more in a day or two...
In other words, I've been having a continious production that has provided over 200 grams so far and it's not looking as it will stop! Is this the way it is supposed to happen? I was expecting a decreasing growing activity leading to a new flush... (that I assume is done in the same way as the kit activation - that would be my 2nd question...). Please note this is NOT a complain ;)
Peace & light folks!
Pictures!!! pictures!! pictures!!! we love pictures at RIU...personally, I love them.
200gm wet or dry? start casing another tray and try to preserve this strain if its that robust...
plus rep for the pic! keep posting them! I brake for mushrooms <----------good bumper sticker
Wow!!! Impressive pic Nice Ol Bud!!! :D
rory420420: that would be 200g fresh of course, I guess it's within range, but I didn't expect it from the beginning...
canndo: does it mean I won't need to flush these kids?
that looks so pretty. What do they usually dry out to? Half weight, or quarter? Is it more potent to eat fresh shrooms? I bet they taste a whole lot better fresh than dry.....
Thanks for your message Nice Ol Bud :)
I hear you... I assume it is a matter of mass gain... sounds right. On the other side, I like to think that the mushroom will use some of its energy (??) to produce spores, that are not necessary for my purpose... who knows...
The thing would be to know at what point the spores are produced and if there is such energy thing...
Thanks Impman!!
They dry out to 10% of their weight, cause they are 90% water.
I've read that fresh mushrooms are stronger since the active substance degrades over drying...there are online dosage calculators that you can check. Msg me if you want the address.
Wow!!! Impressive pic Nice Ol Bud!!! :D
rory420420: that would be 200g fresh of course, I guess it's within range, but I didn't expect it from the beginning...
canndo: does it mean I won't need to flush these kids?
Wait a minute - a flush is a particular growth of mushrooms. When they get just barely open, you pick them all - don't leave any to continue to grow. then you continue your regemen and the next flush should be along shortly. So I don't know what you mean by "flushing" them.