Golden teacher growkit going wild!

that looks so pretty. What do they usually dry out to? Half weight, or quarter? Is it more potent to eat fresh shrooms? I bet they taste a whole lot better fresh than dry.....

Mushrooms are about 91 percent water.
that looks so pretty. What do they usually dry out to? Half weight, or quarter? Is it more potent to eat fresh shrooms? I bet they taste a whole lot better fresh than dry.....

Yes it is way more potent to eat fresh mushrooms because they still contain psylocin.
An they are made of 90% water.. so If dryed properly to cracker dry.. they will be 1/10th the wet weight.

Wait a minute - a flush is a particular growth of mushrooms. When they get just barely open, you pick them all - don't leave any to continue to grow. then you continue your regemen and the next flush should be along shortly. So I don't know what you mean by "flushing" them.
Hmmm... The thing is I don't pick them all because there are many of them very small, way too small to be picked, then I wait for them to grow (probably 5 or 10 times the weight), but when I pick those, there are new little ones just going out of the substrate, so I keep waiting and harvesting as they pop-up and grow! I thought they would come in "waves" and I would have to flush them (12h water, then rinse) for another yield... but this is more a continuous process (???)
Hmmm... The thing is I don't pick them all because there are many of them very small, way too small to be picked, then I wait for them to grow (probably 5 or 10 times the weight), but when I pick those, there are new little ones just going out of the substrate, so I keep waiting and harvesting as they pop-up and grow! I thought they would come in "waves" and I would have to flush them (12h water, then rinse) for another yield... but this is more a continuous process (???)

I have never seen any cubes do this. Could be a good thing.
'Good morning mr voyager,I see you're doing well!'...nice work bro! continue your method of 'flushing'..seems to be the ticket.
Thanks for the encouraging messages mates :)
A friend will be the test pilot of these beautiful Golden Teachers on Saturday :D
I'd test myself, but there's a fresh truffle I need to try ASAP, or I won't be able to call it fresh next time...
BTW, it'a 10g Mothers Finest from Sclerotia, any feedback on it ?
Good night folks!
Your fresh mushrooms will last a week if wrapped in a damp paper towel, placed in a baggie and that baggie in your crisper.
Hey guyz! A quick update: shrooms stopped growing so I harvested the last ones and flushed the kit. Couple days later, a new generation was born! They are more than a few and growing fast :D I'll leave a photo for you soon. Cheers!!
Harvest day! From 2nd flush, I did not expect them to grow so fast and so many at the same time... Slightly above 120g, I think I'll reach the announced yield anytime now and it seems to keep going like on the first day.
I also made my first print, happy to have tried, I'll keep it! :)
Also got some pics for you guyz ;)