Is it just me.....

May I point you to the original question and reflection about how these threads turn to crap....and here you are doing just that.
May I point you to the original question and reflection about how these threads turn to crap....and here you are doing just that.

Because the thread does not go in the direction you want or provide information you value why does that mean it's crap? That's the beauty and beast of a community. No one is really in control here. We are a fairly plastic society that is constantly in flux. Take what you find valuable and leave the rest is about the best one can do.
The right angles were pointed out, then someone spiked it, so before we drop it, we need to turn it upside down and lay it on it`s side so it wont roll away !i
The right angles were pointed out, then someone spiked it, so before we drop it, we need to turn it upside down and lay it on it`s side so it wont roll away !i

Well the nice thing about a ball is, no matter how you turn it, you'll get just what you expect! x² + y² + z² = 1 to the rescue!!
You should always put 10 instead of 1 because 1 and 10 are the same thing !i.....had to re-type that,...can I blame it on the weed ? It`s now correct !i
You should always put 1 instead of 10 because 1 and 10 are the same thing !i

If you say so, OddBall10th!

But I gave you the perfect out! The sphere formula contains nowt but squares, and there are your right angles!! Praise everybody for the brain-lubricating qualities of India Pale Ale!!!
May I point you to the original question and reflection about how these threads turn to crap....and here you are doing just that.

Maybe I should just shut this bitch thread down; that was the original intent, just to bitch right? Threads get jacked all the time and the flux of it is a beautiful thing. Just go with it.
My flux capasitor needs 21 gigawatts of power, now do I round up to cancel the remainders left in my equation?
Rounding always left me flat :)
this thread got really scary for me as i kept reading im going back to the rap thread and is this a female threads..where i feel comfortable! !!!