Those look like normal ,average ,everyday spheres to me. Simple, uncomplicated and containing four right angles. Boring, predictable, susceptible to gravitational pull and unable to shift it`s weight !i
In your world spheres contain right angles!! Can you tell me what your trigonometry looks like? Oh wait is this an integration by approximation argument? Whatchya smokin? I'm looking for the mythical smoke yourself blind bud. I am thinking you might be onto something here, give, please? LOL (I'm not to proud to beg when genetics are in play).
Is that a x-ray of child with earwigs in his head?
I say child because of the molars and the skull isn't fully formed...great medical jargon there huh
Cursory glance makes me think pediatric, decidious teeth etc... though I was more focused on the 'wigs. You're probably right.