Is it just me.....

Those look like normal ,average ,everyday spheres to me. Simple, uncomplicated and containing four right angles. Boring, predictable, susceptible to gravitational pull and unable to shift it`s weight !i

In your world spheres contain right angles!! Can you tell me what your trigonometry looks like? Oh wait is this an integration by approximation argument? Whatchya smokin? I'm looking for the mythical smoke yourself blind bud. I am thinking you might be onto something here, give, please? LOL (I'm not to proud to beg when genetics are in play).

Is that a x-ray of child with earwigs in his head?

I say child because of the molars and the skull isn't fully formed...great medical jargon there huh

Cursory glance makes me think pediatric, decidious teeth etc... though I was more focused on the 'wigs. You're probably right.
youre trying wwwwaayyy too hard to use "big words" and sounds smart to impress people. I understood it, no doubt... but seriously?? we know that you know your shit, but that was too much IMO.

No actually it's the fault of vocab. gen II. After banging my head on a b pillar then slamming the opposite side into the glass and dash. It pretty much blew out my brain, c-spine, and l-spine. Everything you hear is what has come back after I got off the stryker frame and had to learn to walk, talk and feed myself again. There are times when I have to describe a comb to the hub because my aphasia kicks in arbitrarily.

You are absolutely right it is painful to read and I am sorry but only by use will I improve. So just put me on ignore hun. Sorry I was only attempting to play with you. I won't bug you anymore. But I must keep practicing now and this is a good place for it.
In your world spheres contain right angles!! Can you tell me what your trigonometry looks like? Oh wait is this an integration by approximation argument? Whatchya smokin? I'm looking for the mythical smoke yourself blind bud. I am thinking you might be onto something here, give, please? LOL (I'm not to proud to beg when genetics are in play).

Cursory glance makes me think pediatric, decidious teeth etc... though I was more focused on the 'wigs. You're probably right.
12, 3, 6 and 9 o:clock are at right angles to it`s center. Put a + in the circle to view them. .....These are not the droids you`re looking for,.....WE may go about our business.... !i
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to curious2garden again."

And your reply to vacpurge was gracious beyond words. He don't know what he don't know.
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to curious2garden again."

And your reply to vacpurge was gracious beyond words. He don't know what he don't know.

Ahh! My GA boy :) and you think you did not teach me anything ha!
Thank you, hugs,
And your reply to vacpurge was gracious beyond words.

you are definitely right about that.. a very unfortunate accident it sounds like and im sorry to hear that. what you have done is very impressive and I dont wish that on anyone (except failspammy). I meant no offence and being the extremely intelligent individual that you are, I hope you can see where I am coming from when I said that. it was definitely an arrogant show off post haha.

I mean.. I like showing off at times too.. but at least ill admit it! haha.

carry on, and dont take my posts (the ones like that at least)/words seriously or offensively.

Ok ok I'll explain why. First the graphical representation so you can visualize it as we discuss.

View attachment 2809294
Failspammy has a gravity well of ignorance, bravado and delusion that is impenetrable to science as we know it. Worse anyone who approaches this 'well' immediately puts their own cognition in danger of being torn apart, once past the event horizon. Now if we could map the well and fix the location of the event horizon we could begin to look at weaponizing to save ourselves. Unfortunately the failspammy effect is intermittent and as such defies our current cartographers (UB can speak on this eloquently).

Our only hope with a failspammy well is time and distance as we have not yet found sufficient shielding. Putatively ignore works but you have to keep working it and never EVER allow yourself to get curious as to other's responses upon coming upon his troll well or you can get dragged in by the heavy gravitation exhibited at the periphery combined with the changing location of his event horizon.

Never EVER make the mistake of tossing in bit coins either directly OR indirectly (ie never touch one of his links). That makes the event horizon expand exponentially and places ALL our lives in immediate, imminent, danger.

Heavens protect us from a naked Fingularity.
you are definitely right about that.. a very unfortunate accident it sounds like and im sorry to hear that. what you have done is very impressive and I dont wish that on anyone (except failspammy). I meant no offence and being the extremely intelligent individual that you are, I hope you can see where I am coming from when I said that. it was definitely an arrogant show off post haha.

I mean.. I like showing off at times too.. but at least ill admit it! haha.

carry on, and dont take my posts (the ones like that at least)/words seriously or offensively.


IDK wtf anybody is talking about anymore.I think its latin:-P
just read over your MG journal. good read man. can you detail me on which MG to get? I may give this a shot. especially if that means i don't have to mix my own water only soil in the future, and dont have to worry about nute burn. curious though. what did the seedlings start in? MG soil as well?

I prefer MG with moisture control and (depending on the strain) will use MG bloom booster or all purpose fertilizer in late stages of flower. If you want something that is not as strong, go with seed starter, organic, or their African Violet soil.
I prefer MG with moisture control and (depending on the strain) will use MG bloom booster or all purpose fertilizer in late stages of flower. If you want something that is not as strong, go with seed starter, organic, or their African Violet soil.

A friend of mine used the moisture control MG and had problems with it turning into mud and staying that way. Maybe it was a bad bag. Thanks for the heads-up on using their bloom booster (I like Jack's classic though). So far the only time I've used MG was with clones that started n Jiffy Pots full of Happy Frog or Ocean Forest. I can always tell when the roots find the MG though....the plants take off like they're on steroids.
Actually I have the solution for that. It's a new sideline I'm starting up to assist posters with clean up after a failspammy close encounter. I'll let you have them cheap, cheap cheap :) they are only slighty used, by a lil' ole lady from Pasadena, who only used them occasionally after church on Sundays, go grannie...... Oops sorry got a little carried away there.
View attachment 2809355

I think it has possibilities, you? It certainly has legs LOL.
I am reminded of these nasty customers.

.......snip....... I hope you can see where I am coming from when I said that. it was definitely an arrogant show off post haha.


My first reply was gracious. You really felt the need to spike the ball, did you?

Ok, let me explain about arrogance. Arrogance does not occur in a vacuum. It requires both a sender and receiver. What is arrogant to you is fun and accessible to CN or minne. Unpacking left as exercise for student.

I like you too vacpurge so let's end it here. Otherwise I'm going to say things we will both regret. Things such as approved lexicon, memes etc.... This is an ugly path let's not tread it, ok?

Ball in your court....
Ok, let me explain about arrogance. Arrogance does not occur in a vacuum. It requires both a sender and receiver. What is arrogant to you is fun and accessible to CN or minne. Unpacking left as exercise for student.

I useta tell myself that I enjoy watching the really skilled players play. Guess what. I found out that I was jealous. I've been believing my own bullshit that i am not a jealous sort, which had the unexpected side effect of placing no floor under my viciousness wrapped in denial.
So I sometimes work to put myself into the shoes of those who view me as a high-level player.
But not very hard.
The simple pleasure of playing well with the other athletes is just too much fun. I'm not renouncing this delight.
My first reply was gracious. You really felt the need to spike the ball, did you?

Ok, let me explain about arrogance. Arrogance does not occur in a vacuum. It requires both a sender and receiver. What is arrogant to you is fun and accessible to CN or minne. Unpacking left as exercise for student.

I like you too vacpurge so let's end it here. Otherwise I'm going to say things we will both regret. Things such as approved lexicon, memes etc.... This is an ugly path let's not tread it, ok?

Ball in your court....

Holy shit VP, you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo outgunned. Surrender now; you can run but you'll only die tired.
I useta tell myself that I enjoy watching the really skilled players play. Guess what. I found out that I was jealous. I've been believing my own bullshit that i am not a jealous sort, which had the unexpected side effect on placing no floor under my viciousness wrapped in denial.
So I sometimes work to put myself into the shoes of those who view me as a high-level player.
But not very hard.
The simple pleasure of playing well with the other athletes is just too much fun. I'm not renouncing this delight.

Exactly! I thought about it. It's so much worse when you are female because of the distribution of intelligence within the species. Female outliers without emotion are extremely frightening, particularly to all the men who say they want a logical and smart female right until the moment they meet one, ha!

But I am sick and tired of hiding. I try to be kind and accessible but if someone insists on getting onto the playing field who am I to dissuade them? When I can, I pull my punches, but if you lead with your chin, what's a scorpion to do? It's our nature.
Exactly! I thought about it. It's so much worse when you are female because of the distribution of intelligence within the species. Female outliers without emotion are extremely frightening, particularly to all the men who say they want a logical and smart female right until the moment they meet one, ha!

But I am sick and tired of hiding. I try to be kind and accessible but if someone insists on getting onto the playing field who am I to dissuade them? When I can, I pull my punches, but if you lead with your chin, what's a scorpion to do? It's our nature.

I think Spock was one of the few to get it. As he said to and about his freshly unbetrothed:

Stonn, she is yours. After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true. (Star Trek TOS, Amok Time)