Medieval peasants got a lot more vacation time than you

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
My interpretation of voluntaryism is from Rothbard and Lysander Spooner and I have read it (all from both), so don't even start if you haven't read them jerkface.
name calling?


so tell me again, who's jimmies are rustled?

you have re-interpreted voluntary, voluntaryism, liberty and freedom through your own twisted prism, and declared them evil, while simultaneously proving that you cannot even comprehend the basics of Feudalism.

why would anyone treat your opinions as anything but the mad ravings of an ignorant internet troll?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
UB calls you a klan member and you never cry about it.

You're the one who insists that serfs are chattel.

If serfs were chattel, then the US founding fathers were feudalists.
yes, they were. but they were trying to be better than that.

thats what all your wailing and crying fails to recognize.
america may not always reach it's ideals, in fact it usually falls short, but we are TRYING to be better than we were yesterday.
your constant insistence that anything short of ideological perfection is pure evil and we should abandon everything we have and accept your sublime benevolent dictatorship and "anarcho-__________ism" is nonsense.
nobody believes your crap.

Edit: bucky calls everyone a Klan member, he uses ad hominems to defend every one of his positions (and fails) as well as his first last and ONLY line of attack against the positions of others.
why should i care if a pathetic failure of a troll calls me names?
his name calling is only marginally less useful than his primary assertions. he is entirely irrelevant.
unlike arguing with you, bucky is entirely un-stimulating, and NEVER leads to anything interesting. it always ends up with accusations of racism, anti-semitism and pointless ad-hominems, usually before any substantive argument has even begun.


Well-Known Member
bucky calls everyone a Klan member
Actually, he has never even been rude to me. I have sent some thorny criticism his way too, but since he has never even been rude, I never lob any un-called for word bombs. You may not like his ad-homs, but you are consistently illogical and demonstrate disdain for reason so I can understand why someone would rush to such an impasse.


Well-Known Member
A serf is a type of slave.

It's voluntary though.

Kind of like wage slavery.

Kinda like this:

View attachment 2807983
So you want to sit around and drink juiceboxes while someone else works? That comic needs some work.

If you can't leave without risking death; it's not really voluntary. If you have no real human rights; it's not voluntary. Even the US, which is the epitome of wage slavery in your book (Last I checked, but it's been a while.), has a means for you to leave without you getting your ass shot off. Now that would be a choice; it's non-aggressive even.


Well-Known Member
If you can't leave without risking death; it's not really voluntary.
Whoa, I think you're reading me the wrong way, your taking my sarcastic criticism of a philosophy as if it were mine.

However by definition, this quote is incorrect. You would be consenting to stay.


Well-Known Member

subsidized corn, wheat, and soybeans is the vast majority of the farming that goes on in the US.

a small handful of farms account for nearly 3/4 of production and sales.

the days of the old family farm are gone.

What newsletter did you get that tidbit from? Are you talking about corporate farms? I wish I could get some of that government money every one thinks farmers get.

There are laws in many states that limit the amount of farm land a corporation can own.
I would love to buy more farm land but I can't, as laws prevent it. My corporation is run by my family which includes Ma and Pa.

We incorporated ourselves to protect ourselves, it was the only option. It is a private corporation, so the only shareholders we have to answer to is ourselves.

We grow corn and soybeans because the land is suited to it and that is where the best money is. We are not an evil corporation run by jack booted thugs trying to subvert the American way. We are farmers, trying to make a living.
Don't hate the players, hate the game.

We don't run our farms the way farms were run 100 years ago. 100 years ago many farms still used labor. A small town in Colorado used to have a population of 100,000 a 100 years ago. Now it has a population of 10,000.

We use many technologically advanced machines on our farms. We have a computer/gps system that helps us apply more fertilizer to areas that need it and less to areas that do not need it. This takes the guess work out of it, increasing yields and decreasing fertilizer use. It is really cool (if you care about such things). It is like a dot matrix printer for spraying fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
Whoa, I think you're reading me the wrong way, your taking my sarcastic criticism of a philosophy as if it were mine.

However by definition, this quote is incorrect. You would be consenting to stay.
That makes no sense. By that logic, black slaves 200 years ago were not slaves, because they had the option of leaving and dying? They were consenting to stay!!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
That makes no sense. By that logic, black slaves 200 years ago were not slaves, because they had the option of leaving and dying? They were consenting to stay!!
ssshhh ssssshhh sssshh... dont ry to figure it out, just Go With It.

it will all be over soon and he will begin a new nonsensical rant on another completely idiotic topic.

im betting he works in "Malthusian" again for his next rambling incoherent exercise in Word Torture


Well-Known Member
What newsletter did you get that tidbit from? Are you talking about corporate farms? I wish I could get some of that government money every one thinks farmers get.

There are laws in many states that limit the amount of farm land a corporation can own.
I would love to buy more farm land but I can't, as laws prevent it. My corporation is run by my family which includes Ma and Pa.

We incorporated ourselves to protect ourselves, it was the only option. It is a private corporation, so the only shareholders we have to answer to is ourselves.

We grow corn and soybeans because the land is suited to it and that is where the best money is. We are not an evil corporation run by jack booted thugs trying to subvert the American way. We are farmers, trying to make a living.
Don't hate the players, hate the game.

We don't run our farms the way farms were run 100 years ago. 100 years ago many farms still used labor. A small town in Colorado used to have a population of 100,000 a 100 years ago. Now it has a population of 10,000.

We use many technologically advanced machines on our farms. We have a computer/gps system that helps us apply more fertilizer to areas that need it and less to areas that do not need it. This takes the guess work out of it, increasing yields and decreasing fertilizer use. It is really cool (if you care about such things). It is like a dot matrix printer for spraying fertilizer.
whoa now.

never said you guys were evil, and i do my part to hate on the game, although it does hurt you, the player.

but your game is pretty much inescapable, those soybeans and corn find their way into just about everything on the supermarket shelves.

and yes, the technology nowadays on large scale farms is fucking amazing. many people here probably don't know how much i've studied up on all different kinds of farming in preparation to eventually make a living as some type of farmer.

i'm thinking alpacas right now.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
They were chattel, not serfs.
serfs were not chattel only by the unusual vagaries of that word's construction.

a Roman slave bound to serve a structure or temple was also not "chattel" despite being 100% a SLAVE

a dog is chattel, but if you nail a dog to the front porch, it too is no longer chattel.

trees on your property are not chattel, but potted plants are.

a house is NOT chattel but a Mobile home is.

you have chosen an obscure word with a highly specific meaning, and used it as a blunt instrument to bludgeon serfdom into the form that suits your narrative.

Chattel status is NOT exclusive to, or exclusive of slavery, or freedom. your dichotomy is FALSE.

naturally you will pretend you cannot see or comprehend these facts. they reamin 100% true, while your argument remains 100% false.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
ssshhh ssssshhh sssshh... dont ry to figure it out, just Go With It.

it will all be over soon and he will begin a new nonsensical rant on another completely idiotic topic.

im betting he works in "Malthusian" again for his next rambling incoherent exercise in Word Torture
I almost forgot about that, now you had to remind him. The blame is on you if he brings that shit up again.