3 die from, "synthetic" marijuana



I guess I just don't understand why people bother with that here. In Colorado, you can just ask for weed on CL and get it... really. I found a bag marked, "Afghan Kush" with about 40 seeds on the ground here. It's everywhere.

I just kind of hold the perspective that I don't consume anything where I don't know for sure what substances I'm ingesting. I've read about the issue here and there and some people have identified certain unregulated psychoactives in this stuff. If you're going for that particular drug... then ok. Not for me but still one can never be certain what, and how much, is in that stuff.
"3 die in a house explosion where 3 people where manufacturing synthetic coffee. this is the 100th synthetic coffee lab that blew up this month!"

people would shit if they tried that.

not sure why we dont about the synth cannabis.

I guess I just don't understand why people bother with that here. In Colorado, you can just ask for weed on CL and get it... really. I found a bag marked, "Afghan Kush" with about 40 seeds on the ground here. It's everywhere.

I just kind of hold the perspective that I don't consume anything where I don't know for sure what substances I'm ingesting. I've read about the issue here and there and some people have identified certain unregulated psychoactives in this stuff. If you're going for that particular drug... then ok. Not for me but still one can never be certain what, and how much, is in that stuff.

I smoked it a few times and the high is very intense and very short (around 20 minutes) it is pretty damn expensive considering how much you have to smoke to stay high. It tastes and smells like shit (hell maybe it is shit).
Legalize weed and that shit will slowly go away.i never smoked it, but i know ppl that have cause they didnt want weed in there system.stupid cause you cant get a semi good job without piss test.just legalize it :)
Yeah I understand lol. People would edit the replies too just to troll.

it's like when people edit things you said in a post and or only use part of it out of context to make you look dumb or w/e..
one time someone was saying how much weed they smoked a day, and i jokingly was doing math out loud and came up with some crazy ass number as a joke of course, and at the end put, but seriously, blah blah blah blah.. and someone came in and took only my fake math part and made it their sig trying to insinuate i sucked at math i guess.. really pissed me off tbh, but the funny thing is i made friends with the person whose sig it was, and he still kept it.
every time i saw one of his posts, i cringed.. :(
Potpourri, spice, call it what you like. It's damiana leaf soaked in synthetic cannabinoid compounds. There are hundreds of them. I used to smoke it. High doesn't last long, and it's WAY more potent than any weed out there. What people dont understand is that it is NOT weed, so it should not be smoked AS IF it were. I can smoke a fucking ounce of bud straight to the dome, but any more than a bowl of that synthetic shit and I immediately feel dysphoric, and start puking. Panic attacks galore. One or two hits of it once in a while wont hurt anyone, but if you load that shit in a blunt, prepare for a heart attack.

Synthetic or not, they are still cannabinoids though. I myself will never smoke it again, but I did for a long while and as long as you set the bowl down when you are high, nothing bad will happen. The only people who ever end up in the hospital are the ones who smoke too much, thinking they can take it like a champ. It's not weed, kids.
Potpourri, spice, call it what you like. It's damiana leaf soaked in synthetic cannabinoid compounds. There are hundreds of them. I used to smoke it. High doesn't last long, and it's WAY more potent than any weed out there. What people dont understand is that it is NOT weed, so it should not be smoked AS IF it were. I can smoke a fucking ounce of bud straight to the dome, but any more than a bowl of that synthetic shit and I immediately feel dysphoric, and start puking. Panic attacks galore. One or two hits of it once in a while wont hurt anyone, but if you load that shit in a blunt, prepare for a heart attack.

Synthetic or not, they are still cannabinoids though. I myself will never smoke it again, but I did for a long while and as long as you set the bowl down when you are high, nothing bad will happen. The only people who ever end up in the hospital are the ones who smoke too much, thinking they can take it like a champ. It's not weed, kids.

It is because spice blocks the receptors that weed uses! If you quit smoking fake shit in about 1 week, weed will get you high again.
It is because spice blocks the receptors that weed uses! If you quit smoking fake shit in about 1 week, weed will get you high again.
You misunderstood me. I meant that I can smoke an unlimited amount of weed without adverse effects, but such is not the case with synthetic cannabinoids. They don't block cannabinoid receptors.. they are cannabinoids, and will increase your tolerance to other cannabinoids. Basically what I'm saying is that synthetic cannabinoids have a more easily achieveable LD50 than cannabis, and should be treated with caution.
Some off the stuff out their being sold as smokeing blends contain more than synthedic canaboniods

Their are literaly 10,000 + synthedic canabanoids and some off them are very physicaly addictive

I never got the whole spice / bath salts thing , if I wanted to do a RC I would just buy that RC so I would know exactly what im takeing and how much .
Not to mention it's a hell of a lot cheaper
they call synthetic cannabinoids that because most of the time thats what it is....synthetic cannabinoids...am-2201, ur44, jwh-18 and the entire JWH family...it is synthetic cannabinoids...but it is not the same thing as cannabinoids...they are very different and much more dangerous, but people call it that because thats exactly what it is...i hate the shit and dont agree with it at all...but to call it anything else would be misleading....it is very dangerous stuff yes. im unsure of the circumstances in which these people died but it most likley had todo with something they did while on this stuff rather than the stuff actually killing them. however, it is VERY easy to have a seizure when taking these chemicals, our cannabis receptors are not prepared to handle this type of stuff jwh and the like are usually 100x of times stronger than regular cannabinoids so when this shiit works on our cb1 and cb2 receptors it is very easy to fuck them up and in turn fuck you up. seriously...either way, this shit sucks, i wish it never happened, but people will always ingest what they want to, regardless of legality or any other fact. all people can do is be safe and never over do it...goodnight all

  • it's back now though btw..
