Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

Is the valium for us or the baby?

And Hydra I wanted to thank you for the reminder on the match. I had forgotten till I saw your post. Appreciate it. (i think lol... turned it on to see arsenal score)

Amazing how much I love Hannah in the morning. And how much I question ever having a child at night. :)
Yeah. I'm not too happy bout it. I'm also not happy that even with all the signings spurs made over the summer, we still lost v the scum. Takes time to gel I suppose.

At least the odds will drop a little... make me some more money lol.
Man I've had those exact same feelings so many times. They just won't stop and it kills you. You want to help , but you also want to just say STFU! I can honestly say when she was going crazy I was glad many times when I had to go to work.
Today is my first day at work. Of being stay at home dad. Wife went back to work part time today, so here I am alone with the yin. She's sleeping atm... we are having a real good time. Crazy that this is the first job I've had in a few years, and pretty soon I'll be going full time. That will be the first full time job I've ever had. Don't get me wrong I've worked many 70+ hour weeks, just never had something that was consistently 40+ hours a week. I'm glad I can still kinda do what I want a little. I think later this week, me and Hannah will take a trip to Ikea for flooring for the building.

I'm stoked about my plants, although I need to feed them with something. THey are getting a bit yellow. Buds are starting up nicely. I really got to get a bigger light going.

Hope things are good for you TC.
glad you are getting into the groove of things. I am sure the wife likes getting back to things a little bit. My wife is dying to work but we both still want her home for most of the 1st year....soooo.... single income are we for a


More N for the plants especially in early flower. :) Bigger light? What you running? I got a bit of spare gear. Check out my journal man. I am almost finished with my super cabinet. Took clones and moved all the plants in the veg area last night. The upper chamber is running a dimmable 600w ballast. So I can run 250, 400, 600w.
I'm pretty good man. My little one spent last night and tonight with grandma and grampa, so we've been relaxing, and doing house work with out distractions! I spent a couple hours in my room tonight fixing a ph issue with the new nutes. The res is fixed, I still gotta figure out total plan for them though. I'm thinking you'll like this stay at home dad thing man. If my wife gets a job I might get to try it too. I can say the last year being off work has been pretty cool to spend with my daughter.

Glad to hear your plants are budding up nicely, if Whodat was here he'd say they need tea!
Hey fam.went to the park today after work and a cop pulled up and said the park was closed so I told him I will leave.I didn't know my DL's were supended so 2 hours went by and the cop knocked on the door and gave the ticket to my wife.can they do tjat
Mate, you got no idea. :)

I find there are two types of parents out there at the minute. My friends, who just keep repeating the fact that I am clueless about what is going to happen, endless laughing and jibes being thrown my way. And the other mates who tell me to ignore what other people say and that it will be all good. Now, how do I analyse these two different opinions? Pretty similar to how Jig anaylses and puts into practice peoples grow advise! I ignore them all, mwahahahahaha. :)
Me and mrs princess, went to the hossy for the dating scan today and our purple friend came round to baby sit the apple of my eye. It was the very first time we have been somewhere without the Hatt. It was strange but it was so fine too lol. we are 14 weeks and 2 days putting the due date at the 2nd of march 2014. My plants are being planty, got some headband and hb x db coming out next, gotta love that earthy petunia smell. Shb (sleepy healthy baby)
Now, how do I analyse these two different opinions? Pretty similar to how Jig anaylses and puts into practice peoples grow advise! I ignore them all, mwahahahahaha. :)

Now you're getting it. :) The funniest thing about all this baby stuff is after every bit of advice spoken or written is a disclaimer *each baby is different so this may or may not apply in any way.

It's nice to have a date west. Mine's the 6 of March. Some good people born around then if I do say so myself.

Day 2 on the job today. We might go out on the town... we'll see.

Some Guy, I'm running a 250 MH at the moment. I need to fire up the 1000w HPS I have. those are the only two ballasts I have. I am looking at getting a digi like you. It goes from 600 to 400 to 250, or it is the 75% 50% kind? If the guy from the LED company comes through I'll be using those at some point, but I'm not holding my breath. I once ran a 400 and a 250 at the same time. Seemed about perfect for my space.
Ahh. They look good for a 250w mh man. :-). 1000 is pretty big. I have 3 400w hps ballast collecting dust. Along with some hoods and fans. The ballast i have in the cabinet i will have to look at to make sure. But i think it is settings for lamps wattages. Cant wait to run a 600w lamp in my 3x3x2 space. Lol
i am waiting as well.

about baby... i take it all back. she slept all night and most of the day. it was lovely and so is she. i think maybe the hard part of raising kids is over. ok that last part was a joke, but honestly today has been a blessing, and if this is a sign of things to come, i'm quite excited.

we're nearly 6 hours into this track:


party time at jigs.... or should i say nap time.
Originally Posted by DST
Now, how do I analyse these two different opinions? Pretty similar to how Jig anaylses and puts into practice peoples grow advise! I ignore them all, mwahahahahaha.

Now you're getting it. :) The funniest thing about all this baby stuff is after every bit of advice spoken or written is a disclaimer *each baby is different so this may or may not apply in any way.

It's like Dad always said, opinions are like ass holes...... they all stink and you shouldn't be so proud to share! hahahah :lol:
puff, puff, pass.....
Hey guys. We got a good night sleep last night. It was great. I feel like a normal person today. Hope you guys are well and ready for the weekend.

I started a new blog about raising my little one. If you want the address shoot me a PM.
Glad you slept well man. My day is going good, just hanging out doing stuff around the house. You got any plans for the weekend?