Hash and Oil Picture Thread

it still boggles my mind how the oil grows back out and he gets a second hit... I gotta get me one of those things. smoking oil is getting expensive!!!

(I am kidding ya fuckin idiot!!!!)

are you fucking kidding me, haha!! i hope this is a joke..
but then again, you are the video king that would upload GigaByte+ videos for one simple video :wall:

Sun Power! shatter combage :p
XJ-13 (again)

my beautiful health stone

are you fucking kidding me, haha!! i hope this is a joke..
but then again, you are the video king that would upload GigaByte+ videos for one simple video :wall:

lol still upset over that video eh.

first of all, its not my fault I can afford HD cams and lightning fast internet and you guys are stuck in the stone age haha. get with the times!

and second, you better get your eyes checked... especially since you even quoted it.. wow. "its better to be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt" kinda comes to mind in this one LOL. someone will eventually point and obvious and then youll feel realllll smart hahaha. :clap:

nice lookin stuff though... shatter comb?? thats cool. my wax is usually far from shatter.
ok, is your mind boggled by the the oil/wax being vaped on the bowl, then it GROWS back out, and he takes his 2nd hit?

.... ????????????????????????????????????

magical eh?
and the shatter comb heehee, is a well worked, low heat oil.. bubbles. (usual)

seriously, who is missing something here vacpurge? ive re re re rereerer checked. that video doesnt boggle me..
seriously, who is missing something here vacpurge? ive re re re rereerer checked. that video doesnt boggle me..

my god guzias... just stop lol.. I am embarrassed for you.

time will tell... and by time, I mean another, more intelligent, RIU member :p

haha just busting your ass. but seriously... youre fuckin blind lol.. and im starting to think blonde too..
dude serious though are you messing with him :blsmoke: or do you really think he got two hits and dont realize it was played backwards and re played :dunce: because thats whats happening lol
I cant believe the stupidity in this thread right now lol... or am I the one being trolled by you 2 now?!

ill give it more time. maybe you guys will figure out by the time I get off work...... fadedawg, help them lol!!!!
sarcasm can be hard to convey over the internet.....

*froghorn leghorn's voice* it was a joke son, ya see boy VP was just being smart ass.....

seriously?!?!!? 4 more members and still no one can see the white writing... holy fuck, now my mind is REALLY boggled and this time im not joking... wow you guys. that was painful. especially after being quoted.... and especially since that was basically my exact same response to the last time that video was posted.. white writing and all. :wall:

I seriously feel like youre all fucking with me now.

this was a pic I made yesterday and didnt post.... it should include all of your names!!!!! you guys are fucked haha.

Lol vac, I'm on my kindle. I had to hella mess with my settings to see it without zooming in looking for something. Don't worry I didn't think you were drinking the lsd kool-aid ;)
haha just busting your ass. but seriously... youre fuckin blind lol.. and im starting to think blonde too..

Ah. You know. I am actually blind as fuck .can't see 5 inches past my face with out glasses :/

Screw your tricks VP!!!

Damn. Finallyyyyyyy.
lmfao. being blind is no excuse for you lol, you quoted the damn thing!!!!!!!!!

but for everyone else, they get to claim not wearing their glasses hahahahahaah. too funny.

ps, heres your gigabyte video... 45 mins of 720p goodness. its exciting stuff so watch out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn2tRQt4MgE (also, look at all the other videos named gopro1285... haha thats funny. my gopros 1285th file ;)