Growing all year around


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to grow all year around if you had a green hhouse to protect against frost moisture or what have you?. Or would you have to veg them inside first? JJus curious was thinking about starting another
crop once this one is finished and try my luck at a greenhouse.


Well-Known Member
Well, yeah. In Cali, if you don't get a frost during the winter, or protect them some how, then you can grow year round. It's like growing 12/12 from seed when you plant in the winter, but you can still get a zip or two per plant with zero veg.


Well-Known Member
the main issue with growing in winter in a greenhouse in NorCal is heat. You'll have to add a heat source. A spring crop you can do in a greenhouse without heat.


Well-Known Member
Oh so I would need to add a heat source and I would be good! It doesn get to cold here idk what the lowest a mj plant can handle but it gets as low as 35-40


Well-Known Member
you could prob get away with some black barrels full of water inside the greenhouse. They collect heat all day & dissipate it all night.


Well-Known Member
Huh hill have to try that or I was also thinking about getting a
a strain that is ment for the cold I heard there are Alaskan strains ment to n able to grow in the cold?


Well-Known Member
Urhighness88, you can certainly grow year round in a greenhouse. as aforementioned, heat could be the biggest issue. the other consideration is that during the winter months, the lower angle of the sun means you won't have as intense a light as you do in summer. this theoretically means your plants may well grow a tad slower/yield less during winter months... there are ways around that though - you could mount a 1000watt lamp inside and run it when light levels are low because its overcast etc, and to extend the amount of daylight hours you're getting. it all depends on your budget and desires - TWS showed a very nice setup that looked very affordable. it wouldn't hurt to have a cold hardy strain in case circumstances keep you from being able to keep the gh warm for a day or two.


Well-Known Member
I was actually thinking about getting a strain that is spacifiacally for the colder climates but I was planning on building a 10x10x10 PVC green house I know hoop houses are eeasy but I want the same
amount of space in the whole green house. But I have a question to whoever has build a greenhouse. How to you attack the 6 mil plastic to the PVC? I was thinking Velcro.


Well-Known Member
Urhighness88, you can certainly grow year round in a greenhouse. as aforementioned, heat could be the biggest issue. the other consideration is that during the winter months, the lower angle of the sun means you won't have as intense a light as you do in summer. this theoretically means your plants may well grow a tad slower/yield less during winter months... there are ways around that though - you could mount a 1000watt lamp inside and run it when light levels are low because its overcast etc, and to extend the amount of daylight hours you're getting. it all depends on your budget and desires - TWS showed a very nice setup that looked very affordable. it wouldn't hurt to have a cold hardy strain in case circumstances keep you from being able to keep the gh warm for a day or two.
You are correct about the angle of the sun. It is less intense.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn care as long as they look half as good as yours TWS! Tht shit looks incredible what strain is that? And you think getting a strain ment for cold would work or should I get a regular strain an buy a Heater?


Well-Known Member
With the hoop house I don't attach the covering to the PVC. It is draped over and then held down with soil. Leave excess on the sides and cover with the soil, bricks or what have you. On the sides the back by the heatear has a vent or hole for fresh air pull and to keep condensation down, The front is closed at night but still not tight enough to let air flow thru. In the day the front is open because it gets really warm in there. The heater has a thermostat and only runs at night when the temp drops. This run this winter was really cold night and day temps. We had a solid month of nights below 32 and days only in the 50's.


Well-Known Member
Dude go find a carport frame & only build 1/2 of it = 10x10 greenhouse 10x stronger than pcv.....


Well-Known Member
Plants will get frost bit below 32 and get white leafs or die. At 50 it slows down the P intake. At night you just need to keep temps above 32 F. In the day figure out what methods will give you warmer daytime temps, IE door opened or closed or heat assist. On cold days in the 50's I could keep the hoop house between 70-80 with the front door closed and no heat assist. I don't smoke in my house, so when it's freezing at night my hoop house is a nice place to smoke.


Well-Known Member
We'll I jus figured I would try a PVC since I have half the PVC pipes and plastic all I really need are jjoints and I can build it I'm jus waiting cuz the PVC are being used to open up the small gazebo I'm using. Ill keep an eye out for a car port. But I was thinking something a little smaller till I kknow for sure it will be successful. Jus trying to start out small so I don't break the bank lol but ya I would be ecstatic if I could find one in my area but there are nnotto many.and TWS when you have the front and back wit plastic is that a separate piece Or is it al one but piece? And the soil hold down from gusts?