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Heres a secret you may not know yet jig... Babies wake up alot cuz they want to eat, moms success with breast feeding might be helping that. BUT you get to a point where its not enough. Thats when I would take the baby bottles and cut the nipple hole bigger and start mixing cereal into the milk. The bigger hole allows the cereal to pull through. The little fuckers sleep twice as long after that LOL! I just dont remember what age we started doing it.

I would get hungry baby milk rather than cereals. Over the pond we got told NO cereal as if baby isn't being weaned then they might kick of allergies. Sorry but that's just my 2 cents lol
this is exactly what my Mum was saying, lol. She use to get a darning needles heat it up and melt a bigger hole in the teet (sp). Then she would add Sister Laura's into my milk which was basically like a runny porridge. I use to lap that down, she said watching the bottle was like watching a water dispenser at work glugging itself empty. Mid wife told her that she would have an obese baby in no time, lol....I was always skinny as a rake! I just wanted more than some milk I guess. And yes, I slept like a trooper!

it's amazing how in different countries they recommend and tell you different things.

Heres a secret you may not know yet jig... Babies wake up alot cuz they want to eat, moms success with breast feeding might be helping that. BUT you get to a point where its not enough. Thats when I would take the baby bottles and cut the nipple hole bigger and start mixing cereal into the milk. The bigger hole allows the cereal to pull through. The little fuckers sleep twice as long after that LOL! I just dont remember what age we started doing it.
So glad everything is wonderful for you Jig. Honestly its getting rough with all these babies around, and us not being able. So beautiful and sad at the same time, im a mess. The doctor made a mistake by giving my girl the hpv vacine. It is dangerous to continue treatment now. So we have to wait 6months. My girl took a dive for a couple days and started smoking again. You might find me not posting to much. And im sorry, you were the one that kept me on riu, but i get to where i cant see letters from tears. And its so strange i feel very Very happy for you. But then out of nowhere it just hits me. :sad::cry:
Just now i wish you all the best in the family adventure.
Ps. I will clean the window next time i send you flowers :)
Nothing like a bad joke to "recover". Still gotta blow my nose very bad :)
So sorry to hear your woes. I know a bit what it's like as we couldn't get pregnant for almost 2 years after losing our second kid. It truly was a miracle to have this little one.

I wanted to on the 600, but I'll say it here. I love movies as well... they take me away to another place and me being someone with little to no imagination, movies are my ticket to somewhere else. I guess it's why I like drugs too... but really movies are where it's at. You can go anywhere you want to and be involved in some story or adventure. I'm sure a lot of people feel that way about books, and I love where books take me, but really movies are what I love.

When my wife called to cancel our TV they told us we could pay 30% our old bill plus get all the movie channels free for 3 months. I'm really enjoying all the channels.

Take care of yourself my friend. And good luck.

I don't think my vote counts, but you have my vote in the picture competition. That was so awesome. I'm honored to have been a guest in your back garden. Just a shame I don't remember much about the night lol.
Thanks alot. No doubt you deserve Hannah. And i feel kinda small thinking bout what you have been through.
My sister called me for a face to face. She got a son 1½years old. She was crying like mad and it took her 10 minutes to get out that she was pregnant again and was having an abortion. She tried to keep it secret but it was eating at her. Just a very emotional day. I love my sis.

I here you bout the movies. Get away for a couple hours. Thats just awesome. I do have a problem though, very big one. I hate seeing the same movie more than once. Unless it is darn good!
I watched Kick ass 2 in a not so good quality and i will be seeing it again in good quality :) Another thing about movies that drives my girl crazy is i dont like Danish movies, lol. They are so slow and dark. People act like its another decade. So annoyingly unreal. Danish comedy is great! A bunch of new comedy series just started so thats awesome.
My dad is a book man. He can spend an hour on the toilet :)
Dont wanna step on toes here. But i got "pirat tv". Got 900+ channels and i dont even watch that much tv. I download it lol. That must make me twice as bad :D

Hahaha, i bet you dont remember! Now you know i pull out all the gods for a fine company. That happens when you mix cannabis with mdma and bathsalt :P
I appreciate your vote even though it doesnt count ;) Haha.
Thanks mate. Ill go rest in peace now :) Take care. Thanks
Edit: No bed. This just came out: Ooops :) World war z without link to my account :lol:
Seems like you should just adopt your sis' kid. But what do I know. :) I bet you adopt a kid, you get pregnant the next month. haha always how it works.

Feeling like I am finally coming up for air. The mother in law left and my parents left and we are all alone with our little girl. It's nice. I should be around more often.

EDIT: Oh and mate, I forgot to mention. Me, the wife and kid are gonna be going to Sweden next summer for a wedding. Planning on making a little trip of it. Maybe we can meet up somewhere. I really should visit my cousin in Aarhus.
How cool is that going to a weeding in a different country. Must be some gathering.

Wow that could be awesome :) Yeah you really should visit your cousin! ;)
Movie time. See ya :)
Awesome you guys have the house to your selves again!!

Also I'm VERY jealous your going to a wedding in sweden, I've always wanted to go to europe, but its never been even remotely feasible with life or money.
Travel is about the only reason I've found in life to chase money. I want to see everything... and often. We are hoping to stop in a bunch of countries on the trip. England, Iceland, Greece, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden. WOOT. Baby is gonna have a full passport by the time she's 5.

And for real bro... you HAVE to travel somewhere far. Europe, Asia, whatevs. It's a life changer. Even a few days, just to see how the rest of the world gets on. Puts the whole life thing in perspective. We all work, need food, seek love and entertainment, and try to be happy. Same shit, different accents and different food. Different clothes, etc. But yeah... it's a small world. A big rock... and we're just ants running around thinking we're important.

I told you guys about the journal in Italy I think. That thing calls my name almost every day. And Iceland is like sirens singing... it almost hurts to think about the place too much. As I miss it so. I kinda don't want to travel to any new spots, and I keep falling in love with places and people.
It might not work for everyone, but the wife and I tried for nearly 18 months before she got pregnant. However, after only 5 weeks of taking "Etos Zwanger worden" pills, bingo, job was a good in. Have a look into the HydroGp. If you want I am happy to go and get some for you and your girl. These are known as the Miracle Pills in Holland, there are whole blogs and websites created about them.........

How cool is that going to a weeding in a different country. Must be some gathering.

Wow that could be awesome :) Yeah you really should visit your cousin! ;)
Movie time. See ya :)
DST, is it too late to change your mind on this kid thing lol. Might want to turn back now while you have the chance. FFS this shit is hard. Me and the wife were pondering why it's seeming so hard to us. Maybe because we are both only children with no cousins close, so we were never around other kids being raise at all, no babies. That or we have both had really easy lives and this is one of the only challenges we've faced. I don't know, but this shit is tough... like really really tough. It's every moment. I'm jealous as anything the wife gets to work for 4 hours tomorrow. I wish I had a job to go back to. Ok, not really. But damn I'm looking forward to this kid getting a little older. I'm pretty convinced my "Shut the fuck up" will work as soon as she knows what I'm saying. But it sure don't work now. :)

I swear I treat her well, don't want you guys to only think I yell at her or something. To be honest part of me thinks that's why it's seeming so hard is that we are trying so hard and so much. I can only imagine doing this again... we'd probably just wear earplugs a lot. hahaha
I also forgot to mention something of great note (to some at least). While Grandma & Grandpa Jig were in town, and while we were actually a tiny bit rested, me and the mrs took little H to her first service of church. It was beyond moving. Sitting there between my Mom, my Wife, and my Little Girl in a house of God. I finally lost it. For the first time since her birth I in no way could control my emotions. Words could not do justice the wonderful feeling I had yesterday morning.
We got to lift the "Empathy bag" yesterday at class. Basically a bag with a baby in it (not live, but a life like toy, lol), various bottles of water and juice representin additional blood and fluids the women have to carry around, as well as fat, etc, etc....was quite a heavy shopping bag I must say.
By all accounts NL has one of the lowest C-section rates in the world at around 14% this year. We learned about 2nd and 3rd stage labour as well as the foreceps and various other tools that can be brought in when the delivery is not going 100% to plan. Hence the reason for the empathy bag at the end of class. All woen got a pat on the back, including the small Japanese women in the class that is having god I am surprised she can actually move without falling over.
In the class we have, us (UK and South Africa), there are Swedish, Russian, Isreali, Turkish, and also the Japanese couple....quite a mixed wee group really.
And no turning round now! especially not the baby since it's in a nice position! There is no way I would ever want to turn back on this. Every time I put my ear up to the wifes belly and talk I get a response, just makes it all worth it. I am relying on my son being like me as a child, chilled the fuk ooot I was.